I'm really enjoying going through it again with the improved controls, makes a world of difference in the enjoyability of the game. But it really could and should have been so much more. Can't help but think given how long it's been since the 360 version that they could have put some more time into ironing out the kinks and improving the framerate. I wasn't expecting 60 but I was certainly expecting a locked 30 and what we got was an unpleasant surprise. Master Key pick up screen ran at less than 5 FPS

Does look better in general though, but it really just puts into perspective how awful the 360 version looked. Biggest disappointment is the continued lack of any real AA(if any) though. Game still often looks like a jaggy mess, although it is better in general. Game is in 720P now. At least the menus run in 60 FPS, feels so bizarre going into them.
I don't regret buying it at all and once again the improved controls actually make it fun at times, which I can't say the 360 version ever was. Keep in mind I haven't played it since the game came out back in 2010(wow!), so the wait was long enough.
Question: Where is this phone listed in the OP? I can't find it anyway, was going to take a few screenshots with it and see how they turned out.
The difficulty only affected how much damage enemies took and how must you lost. They were really just bullet sponges, at the same time this is really too easy as I went into above. 2 headshots with the FBI 9MM kills all of the zombies.