So is the PSN version cancelled now? What's going on with it I wonder.
York's facial hair actually grows if you don't shave, I was quite impressed by that.God this game is fun,just love the story but what's the deal with shaving?
Shave or not to shave
Stealth-release on the 9th of may.So is the PSN version cancelled now? What's going on with it I wonder.
If you shave you get moneyGod this game is fun,just love the story but what's the deal with shaving?
Shave or not to shave
Ugh, side quest hell!Stupid map...I'm trying to do My Pot is Cold #4 and I can't get there fast enough!
Ugh, side quest hell!Stupid map...I'm trying to do My Pot is Cold #4 and I can't get there fast enough!
For the last two pot quests York's car is really helpful. For the 4th I used one of the Pre-Order cars that was already faster, for the 5th I think York's Car is even mandatory (because I was too slow even with the DLC-car).
Thanks for the tips!Wait untilCold Pot #5, getting from Harry's Mansion to Sigourney's house was impossible for me, fortunately she also appears near the Wood Path, which was doable. Each quest she appears in one of two possible locations (she appears in one during the day, and in the other one during the night), for #4 it's either in the Community Center or the Forest Keeper's Cabin, so give both a try.
Okay 100%'d this great game and have some questions that maybe you guys could fill that I'm not that clear on or if people could just share their own analysis opinions, so spoilers ahoy.
1.So York and Zach are one in the same. Like same person. But who is the original "person"? I got the feeling that in the epilogue that Francis "Zach" Morgan was the real Morgan and Francis "York" Morgan is his alternate persona. Or at some point at the end York became 100% Zach and York in turn became the alternate persona. Like when Emily died, York died to be with her leaving only Zach left to take over. This is the impression I got.
Not sure about all your questions but:Okay 100%'d this great game and have some questions that maybe you guys could fill that I'm not that clear on or if people could just share their own analysis opinions, so spoilers ahoy.
1.So York and Zach are one in the same. Like same person. But who is the original "person"? I got the feeling that in the epilogue that Francis "Zach" Morgan was the real Morgan and Francis "York" Morgan is his alternate persona. Or at some point at the end York became 100% Zach and York in turn became the alternate persona. Like when Emily died, York died to be with her leaving only Zach left to take over. This is the impression I got.
2.Just what are the zombies creatures? The card says they are lost souls seeking vengeance or something like that. I had initially thought that all of the Otherworld happenings and zombies where all in York's head but then when we play as Emily she can see them too. I never got the feeling it was being caused by the purple mist.
3.How does Kaysen know about Zach? When York transforms into Zach at the end Kaysen says "You!? How did you get out of the red room" isn't all that stuff in York's head? How does he know about that?
4.What was Kaysen's real goal. Besides the George plot, what reason does Kaysen have to lead York on in the end? Is he just testing power of the seeds and mist for the military? If he is trying to protect the secret of Greenvale why does he do half of what he does at the end. Also is the game implying that Kaysen is already immortal because the "kaysen" look a like from the 1950's.
5.How does York find the files in the lake. Does he really make a humongous leap of faith from the coffee cup to go to the falls and instinctively know where to fish to pull out the files on the first attempt. Is coffee that godlike?
Okay 100%'d this great game and have some questions that maybe you guys could fill that I'm not that clear on or if people could just share their own analysis opinions, so spoilers ahoy.
1.So York and Zach are one in the same. Like same person. But who is the original "person"? I got the feeling that in the epilogue that Francis "Zach" Morgan was the real Morgan and Francis "York" Morgan is his alternate persona. Or at some point at the end York became 100% Zach and York in turn became the alternate persona. Like when Emily died, York died to be with her leaving only Zach left to take over. This is the impression I got.
2.Just what are the zombies creatures? The card says they are lost souls seeking vengeance or something like that. I had initially thought that all of the Otherworld happenings and zombies where all in York's head but then when we play as Emily she can see them too. I never got the feeling it was being caused by the purple mist.
3.How does Kaysen know about Zach? When York transforms into Zach at the end Kaysen says "You!? How did you get out of the red room" isn't all that stuff in York's head? How does he know about that?
4.What was Kaysen's real goal. Besides the George plot, what reason does Kaysen have to lead York on in the end? Is he just testing power of the seeds and mist for the military? If he is trying to protect the secret of Greenvale why does he do half of what he does at the end. Also is the game implying that Kaysen is already immortal because the "kaysen" look a like from the 1950's.
5.How does York find the files in the lake. Does he really make a humongous leap of faith from the coffee cup to go to the falls and instinctively know where to fish to pull out the files on the first attempt. Is coffee that godlike?
So the radio locations don't save? Like WTF? I HATE DRIVING SO MUCH.
Were you replaying a chapter? They didn't save for me there but I think it was fine in the main game.
So the radio locations don't save? Like WTF? I HATE DRIVING SO MUCH.
One thing I can add about #4:
Kayson is also in SWERY's first game, Spy Fiction, where he works for the military. He's the only character in both games, though he wasn't overly explained in the first game but acted weird.
One thing I can add about #4:
Kayson is also in SWERY's first game, Spy Fiction, where he works for the military. He's the only character in both games, though he wasn't overly explained in the first game but acted weird.
was also in both games. I think he just likes reusing characters.The General
finally sourced the game locally. Gamestop and there brand new yet unwrapped last one in store copy.
Will be firing it up tonight.
any suggestions to start?
finally sourced the game locally. Gamestop and there brand new yet unwrapped last one in store copy.
Will be firing it up tonight.
any suggestions to start?
1) Get the radio by going to George's house early on (Chapter 2, iirc; doing the Nameless Flower quest).
2) Get the guitar as this is the weapon you'll be using most of the time in this game, I mean it! Do all the Lilly Ingram missions at the Milk Barn and hold onto it for a while. Don't give it back to Keith until postgame. You'll need it.
3) Do all of the side missions because they're worth it. It's not the game part of the game that's memorable for me for Deadly Premonition; it's the NPCs and main character interaction.
4) Get the flamethrower if you want, I dunno. I usually just stuck with the guitar. >.>
5) Do Emily's cooking missions at her house and get the Weather Doll, which acts as a Regen item.
List of locations (and if you click on the locations they'll show you the times) are here: Just don't scroll down further on the locations' wiki pages for fear of spoilers.
A&G Diner; 09:00 A.M. - 21:00 P.M. Closed during the rain.
Galaxy of Terror: 20:00 P.M. - 22:00 P.M.
Hotel: Open 24 hours.
Hospital: 09:00 A.M. - 21:00 P.M.
Gallery: 10:00 A.M. - 17:00 P.M. Closed during the rain.
Swery 65: 19:00 P.M. - 22:00 P.M. Closed during the rain.
Milk Barn: 08:00 A.M. - 20:00 P.M. Closed during the rain.
Gas Station: 10:00 A.M. - 20:00 P.M. Closed during the rain.
If the cops tell you to go somewhere at X time? Nah, you can just keep doing what you want to do and skip it; there's no penalty. At least there wasn't in the original version. You can carry on with the story at your leisure while you're exploring or doing sidequests. There are just a few main story missions that require you to be there at the time they specify or else it's game over, but other than that, you can carry on at your own pace and do the mission on a next day at the same time.
Everything you need to know:
You will notice which missions have a gameover timeout when your car magically gets unlimited fuel and damage.
I stopped using the guitar fairly quickly. The collision detection with it is sometimes really off! I found the magnum once more useful and just as powerful.
Yeah I really hate using the guitarI stopped using the guitar fairly quickly. The collision detection with it is sometimes really off! I found the magnum once more useful and just as powerful.
ok well i just bought this game and beat the prologue.
few thoughts:
1) i dont really mind the graphics
2)york is pretty dang cool
3) i swear to god at the start4) who the heck is zach, lol? its like hes talking to himselfwhen he crashes his car and goes down into the forest, there are two squirrels, i swear they make the noises that of a monkey/ape and not a squirrel
5) york was pretty doucheyin front of emily and george at the bridge scene, like saying this place[greenvale]isnt all that backward because of george and that he glad he took the job because emily is hot. i swear emily could hear york telling zach this, lol
im absolutely loving it so far. and the music too!!!
I stopped using the guitar fairly quickly. The collision detection with it is sometimes really off! I found the magnum once more useful and just as powerful.
Yeah that's really annoying. Aiming sucks too, though. But like mentioned no point in using it in this version since everything dies pretty easily anyway.
Quick question. I'm still pretty much at the beginning but instead of doing a couple of sidequests in 1-2 I continued the story. I'm innow and am thinking about just loading up 1-2 again to do the sidequests and continue from there. Will that work out fine or does that mess with my save?the hospital
ah, awesome. Then I'll just load up the second chapter.It will work fine. Just remember that in order to save, you must complete the mission that you restart. Then it will save your completed missions/new items to your profile.
After a rage fit last night, I have HAD IT with driving. it's just too damn hard for me to find the location I'm going and trace a path back to where I am.
SO, I am going to get the fast travel radio before I do anything else.
Unfortunatly, I can't make it rain. I had york sleep for 22 DAYS in a shack and it still won't rain WTF. I can't figure this out, is it based on where I am in the game. I don't really want to move ahead in the story until I do more side stuff but FUCK it just won't rain.
I slept for 37 in game days last night (in random increments of 3, 6 and 9 hours) and couldn't get it to rain. I really want to get the Legendary Tabatha trophy before it glitches.
I slept for 37 in game days last night (in random increments of 3, 6 and 9 hours) and couldn't get it to rain. I really want to get the Legendary Tabatha trophy before it glitches.
I stopped using the guitar fairly quickly. The collision detection with it is sometimes really off! I found the magnum once more useful and just as powerful.
Interesting, can you elaborate further why you think that?another thing aboutkaysen, apparently the dog is actually his "handler" or some other supervising position over him. i'm guessing the red tree had the dog help zach/emily because kaysen had to be put down for whatever reason
Interesting, can you elaborate further why you think that?I remember a discussion about the dog supervising kaysen in the old thread, but there was nothing about him helping york iirc
what's that about anyways? I haven't heard the whole story. My understanding is that rod you need vanishes for some reason and you can't catch what you need. I don't have the rod yet but what causes it to vanish?