Don’t get me wrong, First Class did nail that, but it was a bit jarring to see the first team chronologically consist of: Xavier, Beast (makes sense so far), Magneto (eh, makes sense given the story), Mystique (err, oookay), Havok (Alex was on the team before Scott?!), Banshee (bruh), and Darwin (the most random, wait, that didn’t mean you had to off the poor guy before he could even do anything!). Not exactly what I would think of in terms of anyone who would be on the first X-men team, not saying characters like Havok, Banshee, and Darwin couldn’t have shown up later but it was a weird choice to begin with them.
Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix got to more classic lineups, but the writing quality took a major hit in those films.
We need a X-men team film with solid writing that knows how to develop all the members of the team, the way the Avengers films, the Guardians of the Galaxy films, and the second Suicide Squad film did. Let’s see a full team that are all fleshed out.