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Deadpool & Wolverine Open Spoilers Thread

Reading this thread it feels like some people went into this not expecting a Deadpool movie.
Yeah, some really WTF takes for sure.
The whole post was basically this
I'm actually okay with it, because a ton of people here and elsewhere treated Ant Man 2 like garbage and misread it as a serious movie when it was also simply trying to be a fun movie. So if this is that same crowd coming back around full circle to call this movie mediocre, then so be it.



Saw this last weekend. Movie junk food, a fun comedy and disposable. An entertaining 7 out of 10.
100% my thoughts and it was absolutely summer blockbuster stuff, poked fun at the right stuff and I loved the gay jokes lol.

Also, FWIW I loved the villain but I started thinking over and over how much of a threat she would be if the script took it seriously or put her in a different movie.

And I've never like, geeked out over any of these movies in particular but I cracked a massive smile when Wesley Snipes came on screen I'm surprised that I read a ton of spoilers and that still managed to surprise me!


The TVA are in the comics' lore. As is the multiverse stuff.

I don't know why you bothered to watch a mainstream comic book film based on a mainstream comic book. You clearly don't like the genre.
Being comic book accurate to dogshit writing isn’t necessarily a good thing :p

No need to pretend every Deadpool movie is the same. The previous 2 had some solid stories amongst the snark and popped cultures. D&W just kinda gingerly waved at its story through the foggy window of a Grayhound bus to Disneyland.
I love how they got X23 in this movie, I honestly would not mind her taking Hugh’s place in the future. The poor guy can only do this so many times. But, Daphne adds an amazing viciousness to her character that I can stand behind.

Blade was a fantastic surprise, that hyped me up pretty good. “Retarded!?”

My wife also loved this movie and she’s not big on the genre at all. I gotta say, GotG 3, Loki, and Deadpool and Wolverine were among some of the top Marvel movies for me. We need more of that output. Luckily, Brave New World looks to be a return to form for the Captain America storyline, and I’m pretty excited for that also.

I’m curious how DP and Wolverine, will continue through to the sacred timeline though.
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Being comic book accurate to dogshit writing isn’t necessarily a good thing :p

No need to pretend every Deadpool movie is the same. The previous 2 had some solid stories amongst the snark and popped cultures. D&W just kinda gingerly waved at its story through the foggy window of a Grayhound bus to Disneyland.

I can't take someone who thinks that the stories are important in films like Deadpool seriously.

The previous two had stories that were nothing to write home about, but that wasn't the point. This one was the same.
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Blade was OG though. Existed before anyone knew comic book movies were a goldmine. Came out in 1998. 4 years before Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man. I’m not gonna mention Batman because I still don’t forgive you for what you said a few years back.
As a child I watched this movie on repeat. It was so good.


I love how they got X23 in this movie, I honestly would not mind her taking Hugh’s place in the future. The poor guy can only do this so many times. But, Daphne adds an amazing viciousness to her character that I can stand behind.

My only issue with that is the FOX movies never got Cyclops right like the badass, intense leader he becomes in the comics, and obviously his relationship with Logan is a significant element of the character.

As much as I love Daphne’s performance and would love to see her in the yellow suit, I feel they need to actually nail the full team aspect we got during the iconic Chris Claremont years and beyond in the comics instead of “Wolverine guest-starring the X-men”. First Class did nail that team aspect, but as much as I love it, Xavier and Beast (and Magneto given his role) make sense, but I was a little dumbfounded to see the “first team” also consist of Mystique, Havok, and Banshee. Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix also had the team aspect, but the writing wasn’t great (honestly, as cool as seeing the Weapon X helmet was in Apocalypse, the random Stryker side quest should have been cut and there should have been more time spent on building the bond of the leads, particularly with that whole mall sequence they cut out).

I’d like to see the Claremont era X-men (Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, etc.) together and developed together as a team. And yes, eventually the Dark Phoenix story should be tackled but correctly this time, embrace the cosmic aspects of it more. Characters like Laura/X23 need to come later down the road for this new versions of the cast, and by that point Daphne would be too old (as far as I know, Laura is still a teen or at most college age in the comics). I am grateful we did get one more appearance by Daphne, and hey my ideal roadmap for X-men doesn’t exclude Daphne from appearing as Laura in any multiversal shenanigans.
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The ending and the villain were a bit half baked but the premise of the story is actually quite excellent.

The whole basis of the story is a meta of the destruction of the entirety of the 20th Century Fox movies. The TVA and its apparatus are in essence the Disney execs, picking one by one which franchises to keep or toss. Logan and Deadpool are literally fighting to stay alive in Disney's Marvel Universe, the rest to be thrown in the trash or The Void.


Man, why does no one spoilerformat their spoilers?! I was going to see the movie in one hour and I've read spoiler after spoiler for 4 pages now. Incredible. I'm going to give my ticket to the homeless guy outside the cinema.
Someone didn’t read the OP

angry john slattery GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


I saw this at the weekend, enjoyed it. There was obviously ads before the movie one of which being a car ad with Chris Evans. I tried to hold it in but considering the audience was for a Deadpool movie I just had to set the heckle free.

"Well, Captain America 5 looks shit!"

Scored some solid laughs from the audience that was within earshot. Quite proud of that one.


I saw this at the weekend, enjoyed it. There was obviously ads before the movie one of which being a car ad with Chris Evans. I tried to hold it in but considering the audience was for a Deadpool movie I just had to set the heckle free.

"Well, Captain America 5 looks shit!"

Scored some solid laughs from the audience that was within earshot. Quite proud of that one.

You've changed your avatar.

Reported to mods.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Watched the movie it was fun. Some woman in the theater kept cheering and pumping her fist at different scenes.


That's kinda the entire point, Deadpool even says as much towards the end "this Multiverse stuff isn't working, we should take the L on that and move on".

Again, that's the point.

That's literally Deadpools entire thing.

Reading this thread it feels like some people went into this not expecting a Deadpool movie.
That would be fine and all if Deadpool 1 and 2 didnt already exist as templates and had stories that both made sense and were funny and action packed,had funny dialog that was also witty and the 4th wall breaking scenes were just enough to not go overboard and become exhausting. Here they used none of that and if it wasn't for Hugh which carries the whole thing and the fact that it's now an MCU product we'd be talking about what a piece of shit FOX movie this was.

Deadpool and Wolverine feels like a parody of a movie, it's not even trying...and saying "lulz that's the point" is a cop out for bad plot points and bad writting but we're in the MCU now so I guess it must feel exactly like home for MCU fans to just turn their brains off and watch "cool" shit with no meaning.

"Quick put some cameos in to floor the viewer before they start to actually question how bad the writting is...."


That would be fine and all if Deadpool 1 and 2 didnt already exist as templates and had stories that both made sense and were funny and action packed
I'll be honest, Deadpool 1 was the best one out of the three, but Deadpool 2 is basically two movies spliced together, me and my partner rewatched them before seeing the third one and even she pointed out it changes direction when the kid becomes the main focus, plus it had the most pacing issues out of the three.


we'd be talking about what a piece of shit FOX movie this was
It'd be nearly a different movie in that case but I'm wondering how much of this they could've still done just under FOX? Would Blade still be in it? Gambit? Obvs the X-Men and Wolverine stuff stuff would be fine which is the bulk of the film.


I'll be honest, Deadpool 1 was the best one out of the three, but Deadpool 2 is basically two movies spliced together, me and my partner rewatched them before seeing the third one and even she pointed out it changes direction when the kid becomes the main focus, plus it had the most pacing issues out of the three.
I do agree about DP 1 being the best one and DP2 having pacing issues,but for me it still felt more like an actual movie than a collection of memberberries like DP3 though....


I'll be honest, Deadpool 1 was the best one out of the three, but Deadpool 2 is basically two movies spliced together, me and my partner rewatched them before seeing the third one and even she pointed out it changes direction when the kid becomes the main focus, plus it had the most pacing issues out of the three.

“changes directions”? The plot doesn’t even really get going until Wade meets Russell. Wade is clearly lost without Vanessa, he has a chance to have a new family with the X-men but fucks it up, but it’s his time with Russell that makes him realize he can’t give up on him.

Like, what was the direction before Russell? Yeah, Vanessa is killed, but Wade immediately kills the guy who did it. It’s not like it was going to be a revenge story.

Also, the pacing was more of an issue with 1. I think they needed to just have the opening bit with Wade on the highway, then keep it in the flashback until it reached back to the starting point. But I think they were too afraid of doing that as that would mean going too long without an action sequence, so the movie ends up unnecessarily hopping back and forth multiple times. 2 fixes this issue, we get one sequence ahead with Wade blowing himself up, then it goes back to the starting point and keeps moving. No hopping back and forth, just keep the momentum going.

Deadpool 1 also felt somewhat limited by the budget. Eventually I was like, “wow, we’re spending a LOT of time on this highway.” 2 and 3 felt more exciting as the characters got to be in a bunch of different locations.

Don’t get me wrong, 1 is still great, but it’s the “least” of the three in my book.
I couldn't understand a motherfucking thing that Gambit was saying. Good on Deadpool for clearing that in every scene because I really couldn't understand what the fuck Tatum was saying. No hard feelings. I loved everything about Gambit, he was cool a shit. Just don't let him talk or do exposition lol
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Good interview about the cameos. They got everyone they wanted. They thought about Affleck very early on but never even reached out to him about it. And Taylor Swift was NEVER true:

Was there ever truth to the Taylor Swift cameo rumors?

That was one of the loudest rumors that came out of nowhere. It was never true. Thank you, internet, for building such a smokescreen of rumors and half-truths so that no one ever knew what was going to happen.


Saw it Saturday with my girlfriend and damn what a good time this movie was.. been a long time since I've laughed this hard and just genuinely enjoyed myself..
Also was my first time going to an Alama draft house .. which also rocked.


Good interview about the cameos. They got everyone they wanted. They thought about Affleck very early on but never even reached out to him about it. And Taylor Swift was NEVER true:

I have to wonder why they bothered making a big deal out of Lady Deadpool in the trailer so much, with the way they teased her. Hardly a big cameo for the bloke’s wife to be in the costume.


I have to wonder why they bothered making a big deal out of Lady Deadpool in the trailer so much, with the way they teased her. Hardly a big cameo for the bloke’s wife to be in the costume.

The false rumor wasn't that she was Lady Deadpool but that she was Dazzler.


This. Wolverine said it all and it was holysh!t.

He probably did feel a bit foolish immediately after though when he realized, “hey, when someone says they’re going to hit you in a low, threatening voice, YES, they are going to hit you.”


Honestly, I really enjoyed this. Can't believe they got Snipes in this. He's still a badass motherfucker. Easily the best black comic book character in live action. Also I've waited for over two decades to see Wolverine don his cowl and fuck me, it was awesome. This movie was worth it.
Look at this suit:

Just look at it. I’ll never understand why Wolverine fans preferred the Yellow/Blue suit in live action over this one.

The yellow and blue suit is the most recognizable to normies.


Yellow and blue suit is what people really know from the Claremont/Lee era which is what the animated series was based on. Feige is a big early 90s fanboy with everything the MCU does. Endgame was heavily inspired by TNG's All Good Things and he took the cast autograph credits from The Undiscovered Country.

You can be sure the MCU reboot is going to make use of those characters from that era. Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Beast, Gambit, Kitty, etc.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Yellow and blue suit is what people really know from the Claremont/Lee era which is what the animated series was based on. Feige is a big early 90s fanboy with everything the MCU does. Endgame was heavily inspired by TNG's All Good Things and he took the cast autograph credits from The Undiscovered Country.

You can be sure the MCU reboot is going to make use of those characters from that era. Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Beast, Gambit, Kitty, etc.

As much as love some of Foxes X-Men movies I just want X-Men movies where they actually act like a team and isn't just Wolverine And Friends
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As much as love some of Foxes X-Men movies I just want X-Men movies where they actually act like a team and isn't just Wolverine And Friends

Pirates Of The Caribbean Agree GIF

Don’t get me wrong, First Class did nail that, but it was a bit jarring to see the first team chronologically consist of: Xavier, Beast (makes sense so far), Magneto (eh, makes sense given the story), Mystique (err, oookay), Havok (Alex was on the team before Scott?!), Banshee (bruh), and Darwin (the most random, wait, that didn’t mean you had to off the poor guy before he could even do anything!). Not exactly what I would think of in terms of anyone who would be on the first X-men team, not saying characters like Havok, Banshee, and Darwin couldn’t have shown up later but it was a weird choice to begin with them.

Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix got to more classic lineups, but the writing quality took a major hit in those films.

We need a X-men team film with solid writing that knows how to develop all the members of the team, the way the Avengers films, the Guardians of the Galaxy films, and the second Suicide Squad film did. Let’s see a full team that are all fleshed out.

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