In this day and age, CGI is losing popularity over an actual in engine trailer with real game models or even gameplay. CGI can be a supplement later, but it's lame as fuck as a sole reveal and so uninteresting since all the great looking games these days have shown how much more dazzling it is to capture in engine. I don't care what your CGI outsource budget got you. I wanted to see what your actual models and worlds are gonna be like. Sorry but EA and Sony are much cooler for using their own engines to make their reveals. That is what shows that a gorgeous, well imagined game visual experience will be in the product. CGI said near nothing about what's actual going in the product and that's so tired in 2017.
But... this CGI trailer actually tells us quite a bit about the product.
- Guardians have lost their Light and their Ghosts, which could mean permadeath for characters
- The Tower is destroyed and the vaults along with it, meaning your gear won't carry over
- The Red Guard of Cabal are the main threat, Ghaul being their leader.
- There's a new Cabal enemy, the first animal-like enemy design ever in the game
- Hunters, Warlocks and Titans return
- Shaxx, Xur, Ikora, Zavala and Cayde-6 return
- No sign of the Speaker, Cryptarch, Amanda Holliday and the faction leaders
- Suros and Omolon weapon manufacturers return along with some armor from the first game
- The Cabal have varying size shields and weapons, making them much more interesting and menacing than in Destiny 1
- A player ship is attacking what appears to be a Cabal Red Guard ship which could hint at Halo Reach style ship battles
- There will be loot. Lots of it