and RuthlesBarbarian
(I don't think these are all the corresponding GAF/PS4 names, it's a mix)
Many thanks for the flawless attempts on the weekend. It was fun finding new, creative ways to die!
For anyone curious, we had three shots at Atheon, but we'd already had deaths (no wipes) earlier in the run.
1) First death inbetween Templar and the Gorgons. No deaths on jumping and Gatekeepers. Atheon teleoprted zero people the first time, then three as normal for all remaining phases (3 or 4?). I tripped on my own rocket on the second last phase.
2) First death at jumping puzzle, followed by many more (practice is good). One death at Gatekeepers, I believe. Atheon behaved normally.
3) Same as 2), except the Gatekeeper death did not get a 30s rez - it was auto due to the battle ending. Don't know if that makrs a difference or not. Anyway, Atheon was a total fucking bastard. Two phases of 0 and 1. I inadvertently backed into the left portal, got marked, then went to cry in a corner, eventually died and rezzed. After that, Atheon teleoprted the same two people (myself and Firehawk) for about four phases straight.
Strategy was: 3 people on each side, if two came through, we hauled ass. It worked pretty well. No weirdness with oracle marking.
We did not get Time's Vengeance at all. We tried but
just failed to DPS him down - he had a sliver remaining before the enrage got us. That said, I was down for a while in the fight, and I didn't use heavy ammo which would've been another 7 Ghorn shots. Wasn't going to waste it. I reckon we could've got it at least 20s earlier if not for that.
It is very do-able, this was with 3 30's and 3 29's. It was also good to see the glitches in action and how to deal with them.
Wiped and all was good. No issues on the second attempt.
Looking forward to trying again. Just wish it wasn't so glitchy at the end