...nevermind, I'm done playing this game forever.
...nevermind, I'm done playing this game forever.
Ran the daily this morning and was reminded what a poor mission it was. Scan two boxes in close proximity, then scan a column of light and fight five waves of Vex. Cue another maddening, unskipable cinematic ("I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain....") and that's the end.
It's a poor introduction to Venus, to the Vex and at a potentially key moment in the story it punts (AGAIN). The Dark Below needs to be a huge improvement over this kind of stuff.
Let me put it this way:
I ran my friend who isn't great at shooters through the raid for his first time last weekend. he was a lvl 27 hunter with all blue weapons except a legendary hand cannon that didn't even have the first unlock yet. We had a team of 4 hunters, 1 titan, 1 warlock. me and the titan had done the raid over 20 times, everyone else it was their 2nd or 3rd time doing it. i think there was 1 or 2 29's everyone else was 28 and my friend was 27. i was out for all of the confluxes, because i was goofing off and died on some rocks on way down to templar (i was drinking) and no one could get to me. 1 vet, a noob, and 3 rookies were able to do confluxes first try. no wipes on oracles, hell we even did Templar legit. i think we wiped on gorgons, but no one died on jumping. gatekeeper ran well. and Atheon worked once everyone figured out relic. Overall it took us 1h 55min to clear on normal, and 20 some minutes were us trying to open the vault with 5 people, 1 of which (me) tried setting up the twitch stream. as soon as the 6th joined and i had the stream figured out and working, we were good to go.
TL;DR - Normal is way fun and very accessible as long as you're with someone that knows what they are doing. Being lvl 27 is better than being 26, and i'd recommend being lvl 27 before you do the raid. weapons wise, i say it's best to bring a lvl 20 rare over a new legendary you just bought and have never used before, so buy a legendary and get used to it first. at least 1, primary is ideal.
TLTL;DR - get to 27, play with vets. learn. have fun.
Lol @ the loot cave bit
I'll join, 30 warlock. Have you in my FL.Starting a hard raid in about 10 min - add me (PSN: Rubenov25) if you want in.
First come first served; 30s or very experienced 29s only please.
I can do it. Just don't send out 50 invites and fill up =pStarting a hard raid in about 10 min - add me (PSN: Rubenov25) if you want in.
First come first served; 30s or very experienced 29s only please.
Oh man... if those new hunter exotic boots let you quadruple jump I'm going to shit!
No, but I could try to work on this sometime today maybe. There are a ton of details, but people also just need to be extremely knowledgeable about the raid. For example, having 3 people on each sync plate when Atheon teleports is the most important part of flawless Atheon. If people don't understand why, then they don't understand the fight well enough.
lol, I'd have higher hopes for DLC exotics to drop in the Nightfall than this. Prove me wrong Bungie!
Dunno who that guy is, but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to raid with him. Sounds like a douche.
Any Xbox one players trying to do nightfall tonight? Normally try to solo but hate making one mistake and starting over.
Also may want to do the raid tomorrow night if possible.
Lvl 30 Titan, gt is misterthirsty
Yep I'll join you. Just logging in.Anyone interested in running the Nightfall or Weekly Heroic? ps4: rarbusto level 28 hunter
Yep I'll join you. Just logging in.
Wow! Thanks so much LordofPwn, ocean and Boguester. I'd be really happy to read any additional tips that you or others have about doing a Flawless run! I'd like to try to get it done (and maybe the guardian lord too) if possible before the DLC drops.
The material requirements to level up equipment and armor is such a drag in this game. I made a new hunter and leveled him up on pure Crucible, equip all the legendary items and exotic pieces i've saved up and go to level them up, nope, need bunch of sapphire wire to even do that.![]()
Oh man... if those new hunter exotic boots let you quadruple jump I'm going to shit!
If I remember correctly k1t4j, Rodiard, El_Cuco, you and me expressed interest in a flawless run (Boguester als offered his help). What do you guys think about giving it a go on Saturday at 17:00GMT+1?
I actually liked the trailer.
Edit: here they are http://destinydb.com/items/190682004-unremarkable-bones#1.MM3BcdE8
This means the choice of 3 controllable jumps, 3 high jumps, or 4 normal jumps.
Starting a hard raid In an hour have 3 of 6 experienced raiders.
Ps4 Mattiator85
Can I get in on this? I've raided with you before. PSN: Cyberpunk-Psycho
Same here, I'm addicted....
You actually have a few more hours than that if you check the Bungie API, but I'm not sure why the bungie.net profile page shows less.
and mine:
Holy shit!!! A few more???
477 hours is almost 20 days! I am 10 days away from a full month spent in the world of Destiny. Eeeeep. Don't let my wife find out!
Rank 26 reward!
These stingy assholes from Dead Orbit have got until the new raid to give me one of their shaders (if superblack is indeed the new raid shader)
Then I can finally take off their shitty excuse for a cloak.
That is infuriating. I always get the same bullshit reward. I had all three characters representing those Emo assholes at dead orbit and i would get things like one ascendant shard or one strange coin. Fuck that