If anyone needs help with the weeklies, I just started the nightfall, feel free to join.
PSN CamoKid42
Sent FR.
If anyone needs help with the weeklies, I just started the nightfall, feel free to join.
PSN CamoKid42
What class are you?
He had one last week I know. I'm usually a glass or two of bourbon deep by the end of a raid.
Amen. Mine is 16. Having that "oh what class do we need?" capability for our group is gonna be sooo good.
Uh oh, yep! Sorry :<
Oh yeah, on the weekends I've been pretty drunk by the end of my raids. Luckily, you don't really have to aim very well on gatekeepers or atheon. If I'm ever too drunk to hit an oracle then I know it's time for bed lol.
Reading this series of threads quite a bit has just made me feel bad for XB1/last gen Destiny players.
I'm on Xbox. Well, here's hoping I find a Hawkian equivalent over here.
Destiny |OT11| Become More Legend
Ya, I come from a Nintendo only console gaming background and PC. This is actually the first time I've ever used dual analog controls believe it or not(got my PS4 in March). I really do miss my wiimote when it comes to shooters. I know people love to hate on the Wii and the Wii-U, but man did I love playing CoD with a wiimote. It was so natural coming from the PC. I still sometimes press the wrong buttons in this game, heh.I know that feel
if this game was on PC it might be a different story though. I just don't have the console FPS background that a lot of people do, especially not with a PS controller. Halo Reach is the only other time I've ever played a console FPS online for more than a couple matches.
I do think IB made me a bit better. Kind of had no choice seeing as playing in there as a 27 with unleveled weapons was basically like going up against people with 50% extra health and infinite heavy ammo. I did regular crucible last night and my K/D was generally quite good despite fuck-awful teammates.
Tonight and tomorrow I'll be doing the weekly/nightfall/raid but I generally just crucible all the time. I'm usually down to group up for it - IB was lots of fun since there was always a gaf group running.
Reading this series of threads quite a bit has just made me feel bad for XB1/last gen Destiny players.
It's totally doable with a group, maybe I can convince some to do it too. Atheon's Epilogue, 77 Wizard and Truth (maybe i'll put in an upgrade or two) will tear the boss apart. I expect Phogoth will sneak a couple kills but because you'll all be close you'll res each other quickly (extra points for Light Beyond Nemeis or Crest of Alpha Lupi).
A Destiny OT has never survived for more than two Xur visits.
I have a Warlock and a Titan. I'm just not good at it. I usually get to that second or third pillar and Boost down from there, making it maybe half the time but with some hilarious deaths. Strangely, it's almost getting worse. My first time through I made it on maybe my second or third try, only to get bumped off by the annoying thing that juts out of the ledge. Last raid last week it took me many, many tries.
Gotcha. I don't know if you've tried this or not but as soon as you get out to the cliff where the puzzle starts, look to your right and there are two lower cliffs you can jump over to. From the furthest/lowest one you can actually just jump to one of the platforms that appears right in front of it and then jump to the wall from there.
I get it every time on the first try doing that.
hope you can make it sometime!I'll have to check my buddies schedules but I would definitely like to get in on one of your raids, Hawkian. We're good players and old hats at fps games and MMO's but just haven't done the raid yet due to not knowing many other folks.
I have a Warlock and a Titan. I'm just not good at it. I usually get to that second or third pillar and Boost/Glide down from there, making it maybe half the time but with some hilarious deaths. Strangely, it's almost getting worse. My first time through I made it on maybe my second or third try, only to get bumped off by the annoying thing that juts out of the ledge. Last raid last week it took me many, many tries.
Worst part of being on XB1 is that the majority (have a good group on Bnet) of people here are on PS4 and I can't join in on the festivities. Wish I could play on both consoles with one account.
What's your GT?
Destiny |OT11| Become More Legend
What's your GT?
Worst part of being on XB1 is that the majority (have a good group on Bnet) of people here are on PS4 and I can't join in on the festivities. Wish I could play on both consoles with one account.
I completely understand, if your looking for someone at odd times look me up.
What's your GT?
You want the Truth?Used the Truth to kill Phogoth in Nightfall. Received another Truth. LOL. Dammit. I want shards.
Might try to raid tonight - we usually have a good group but are always looking for a few. GT is dmh33. Feel free to add me or message if you see me online.
For those lacking people to play with on Xbox 1 add me. I do the regular raid around 5 times a week and hard usually twice. I try and help people do the nightfalls as much as I can as well.
GT: If you must
For those lacking people to play with on Xbox 1 add me. I do the regular raid around 5 times a week and hard usually twice. I try and help people do the nightfalls as much as I can as well.
GT: If you must
I play on both systemsWe've woken the Xbox players!
We've woken the Xbox players!
Hey, do grenades that correspond with the current burn bonus count for the extra damage?
Big ups to IRawrasaurus' hard raid group. Easy Peasy.
I need to remove the soundtrack to this game somehow, I feel like it would be improved tremendously by my giant library of seventies and eighties classics. I really want this game to be guardians of the galaxy instead of serious mcseriouspants.
If you need a player for it, I'm up for it. Played through the raid many times without dying myself.
If I remember correctly k1t4j, Rodiard, El_Cuco, you and me expressed interest in a flawless run (Boguester als offered his help). What do you guys think about giving it a go on Saturday at 17:00GMT+1?
I enjoy this reference.OT11 Legend of the Hidden Temple of Crota
10/10 would nominate again.Destiny |OT11| Become more Legend for $19.99!
Same here. I wish we could disable the crucible announcer and crucible music queues. I have a specific playlist I use when playing online shooters and just can't use it for Destiny because of the lack of audio options![]()
OT11 Legend of the Hidden Temple of Crota