Anyone on PS4 want to help a brotha out with the weekly Lvl 22 strike?
It's kinda like he said, you CAN compensate with skill; I did fine with a level 8 Titan. But you really have to play cautiously because it's rough out there. Damage and Defense are normalized, but there are guns that, for example, heal people when they get a kill, have a random chance to oneshot, fire multiple fusion blasts in a row, etc. alongside full-auto shotguns, ridiculously stable sniper rifles and just about anything you can imagine. Basically, if you step in the Crucible early on you're accepting a large handicap. I won't say you shouldn't bother, because if you are relatively serious about it, it will REALLY toughen you up for endgame if you stick with it, but you can expect some horrid matches.Interesting. So should I just not bother until later?
Fuck that, what level are you? I'll carry you through the highest one you can do, post your PSNAnyone on PS4 want to help a brotha out with the weekly Lvl 22 strike?
Damn! There's no way you can hit 23? Lemme take a look at your gear...Lvl 22
Damn! There's no way you can hit 23? Lemme take a look at your gear...
How you doing on vanguard rep and marks?Not yet, need the drops from the strike, lol
dude is so ready for legendary gloves and an exotic helm, lolHow you doing on vanguard rep and marks?
Don't suppose any hard raids are starting up soon that need a 30 lock or titan? I also have oracles checkpoint. PS4 = Qwell
Boy am I glad I did this hard raid. I was gonna go to bed.
How you doing on vanguard rep and marks?
We've got a newbie! Welcome to destiny! Always good to get noobies in here since most are regulars. You're off to a pretty good start, hopefully with some advice and guidance you can climb the ranks in no time. There's a lot of good guides in the OP and once you get level 25 you could potentially participate in the nightfall , the buff you get from that helps level your vanguard stuff super fast for gear.dude is so ready for legendary gloves and an exotic helm, lol
Lol, crappy... close to hitting Lvl 1 finally
Play some Crucible. Easy place to level up and get drops.
I usually just stay behind LiK and use him as bait, then steal all his kills at the last second.All those 1 hit death though, lol.. I fear for my controller...
Ahh, bummer.Lol, crappy... close to hitting Lvl 1 finally
OK cool, good info. I'm a lowly level 9 Hunter at the moment.It's kinda like he said, you CAN compensate with skill; I did fine with a level 8 Titan. But you really have to play cautiously because it's rough out there. Damage and Defense are normalized, but there are guns that, for example, heal people when they get a kill, have a random chance to oneshot, fire multiple fusion blasts in a row, etc. alongside full-auto shotguns, ridiculously stable sniper rifles and just about anything you can imagine. Basically, if you step in the Crucible early on you're accepting a large handicap. I won't say you shouldn't bother, because if you are relatively serious about it, it will REALLY toughen you up for endgame if you stick with it, but you can expect some horrid matches.
What class/subclass are you rocking?
Fuck that, what level are you? I'll carry you through the highest one you can do, post your PSN
Thanks to everyone for the Hard Raid run.
Not only did I finally get a helmet... I got two! Along with arms and boots that will be discarded.
Maybe its just me but I'm only getting 3 drops at Atheon now where as I still see ppl getting 4-5. Weird.
I think you can play it, but it's a reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy large hill to climb. You'll get the hang of the crucible, learn the flow of maps and stuff, but as already has been said, your opponents will have a pretty good advantage over you through armor and weapon upgrades and perks. Even your ability buffs you get through ranking up help a lot with your base supers, melees, grenades, etc.Interesting. So should I just not bother until later?
Any hard raids starting up right now?
Level 30 Warlock
Psn dawnoflife
All those 1 hit death though, lol.. I fear for my controller...
Ahh, bummer.
Here's the thing. The 22 weekly will get you 3 strange coins. Strange coins are used to buy stuff from Xur (specifically exotics), when he's there on Fridays and Saturdays. The cheapest thing he sells is 13 coins. In other words, the strike isn't going to give you anything you can use, and you're better off focusing on getting to 24 or beyond by Sunday and running the 26 or 28 strike with people willing to carry you (I'm usually happy to do this).
You need to focus on doing Vanguard Bounties and patrols to raise your vanguard rep and get your first legendary (I recommend gloves) and Vanguard Strikes for drops that will edge you to 24 (24 = upgraded Level 20 blues in each slot).
If you manage to hit 25 before Tuesday we can get you through the Nightfall too, which gives you 500 rep alongside a buff that increases XP and rep for the rest of the time until the reset.
edit: of course if you already have 10 strange coins right now I'm giving useless advice and the 22 strike would be very valuable to run.
You're smarter than me gdt as I forgot to orbit before the cutscene. =(
Think that's bad wait till you get to the last step of the bounty hive wizards will haunt your dreams hopefully thorn will get a buff soonI've got millions of Crucible points and a positive KDR, but I absolutely hate how the Thorn bounty sucks all the fun out of Crucible for me. I've abandoned it three times. But, now, with the extra bounty slots, I can't justify discarding it. So it taunts me.
Which one should I keep, GAF?
Think that's bad wait till you get to the last step of the bounty hive wizards will haunt your dreams hopefully thorn will get a buff soon
Looking for one experienced player for normal raid on ps4.
Warlock if possible.
Anybody want to do some Crucible? Control or clash? We've got 5 people now. PS4
I've helped a half-dozen people get their Thorns in that part of the bounty. I can do that no problem. It's the stress of the PvP that gets me. :/
Sure I'll join!Quoting for stupid bottom of page post.
Think Deej will bring us a weekly update this thanksgiving? Lol