It's the new one- has to be unlocked by doing the story quests though. I'll go through those with you gladly if you wantWhat's the NF/Weekly? I have a feeling I'm going to skip the gym to load this up before I have to go hang with friends...
It's the new one- has to be unlocked by doing the story quests though. I'll go through those with you gladly if you wantWhat's the NF/Weekly? I have a feeling I'm going to skip the gym to load this up before I have to go hang with friends...
Cool bro, your on my list
Anyone up for hard VOG raid?
Its not my group but we have 3 waiting at the moment all level 30 and they would like only 30's
01 MandrakeUK Level 30
02 Friend Level 30
03 Awamii Level 30
04 gunawi Level 30
05 JTran2003 Level 30
PSN: MandrakeUK
What's the NF/Weekly? I have a feeling I'm going to skip the gym to load this up before I have to go hang with friends...
Lol, we just ran a hard VoG. The exotics that drop there are the OLD exotics, so no damage upgrade. The old raid really is completely useless now. Well done Bungie!
I doubt everyone will "quit" lol
For me I'm disappointed n how the expansion was handled but I still enjoy the core gameplay. The new Raid is probably fun enough to do once a week, plus crucible and nightfall. I'll give up on stuff like alts, bounties, etc though.
A lot of us went really hardcore the first 3 months and we now don't have much to show for it. I'll take a more casual approach going forward.
Need 1 level 30 more for nightfall, you don't have to have it unlocked...just the host.
lmao got Gjallerhorn out of first Raid chest. Its my second so I held Square to shard it until I saw fucking 302.
I'm down. PSN ID: SlenderBeans
So am I right in understanding that the new lv26 strike playlist, aka the only that drops engrams is DLC-only? Nice little fuck you from Bungie there.
Is the first chest location legit?
i have to farm helium >.>
I've got you down Green. Cya at 6:30.
Got you as an alt Darryl.
What's the NF/Weekly? I have a feeling I'm going to skip the gym to load this up before I have to go hang with friends...
What are all the combinations of armor that you can equip to reach level 31??
Can you do it with:
Xur 2.0 armor piece maxed (on friday) and TWO vanguard 2.0 pieces?
Or do you HAVE to have all 4 slots of new vanguard and/or Raid/Exotic 2.0 ???
Looks like Primeguard/Datto finished the raid as well. I think this makes them the 3rd clan to beat it? Invigorate, and Primeguard for sure -- thought I'd heard a 2nd team earlier though I can't find anything on them.
Screenshot attached to the post for those avoiding spoilers.
Why does this £95 game that I own feel like a F2P with so many fucking things holding me back from progressing?
Get the fuck outta here with that shit Bungie. You can shove Destiny 2 if this is what it's gonna be like.
Edit: Also. Why not have a level 28 weekly and a 30/32 weekly? It makes sense.
28 drops old shards/energies.
30/32 drops new mats.
Yeah. Using up all your marks for armour and using all your bought mats sucks.
I am really upset that as a user who doesn't play PvP I feel so disadvantaged. Are there PvP only players who feel the same?
If I had Crucible marks and rep levels up I wouldn't be stuck at 30. IB caters to PvP only too, Queens Wrath hasn't been around and it sucked the first time anyways.
It's the new one- has to be unlocked by doing the story quests though. I'll go through those with you gladly if you want
The worst part about all this expansion bullshit is that the next Weekly Update will probably be just DeeJ saying "Look at all the cool shit we've just released! Don't you like it? By the way, congrats to the first clans who beat the new raidStay tuned for more Iron Banner and see you next week!"
The worst part about all this expansion bullshit is that the next Weekly Update will probably be just DeeJ saying "Look at all the cool shit we've just released! Don't you like it? By the way, congrats to the first clans who beat the new raidStay tuned for more Iron Banner and see you next week!"
Looks like Primeguard/Datto finished the raid as well. I think this makes them the 3rd clan to beat it? Invigorate, and Primeguard for sure -- thought I'd heard a 2nd team earlier though I can't find anything on them.
Screenshot attached to the post for those avoiding spoilers.
How are people getting their rep up fast enough to get multiple commendations so quickly? I'm sure the marks are from grinding Tiger Strike but no idea how you get THAT much rep so quick.
How are people getting their rep up fast enough to get multiple commendations so quickly? I'm sure the marks are from grinding Tiger Strike but no idea how you get THAT much rep so quick.
I was wondering about that, there's just no weekly strike this week if you don't have it? that totally blows.Cool! I'll be heading home within the next 20 minutes or so. That should give me a couple hours to do these missions and the strike before I have to head to my buddies' place. So people who don't have the DLC can't do NF or Heroic this week?
How are people getting their rep up fast enough to get multiple commendations so quickly? I'm sure the marks are from grinding Tiger Strike but no idea how you get THAT much rep so quick.
How are people getting their rep up fast enough to get multiple commendations so quickly? I'm sure the marks are from grinding Tiger Strike but no idea how you get THAT much rep so quick.
Did they have a level 31 in the party? Is it as necesarry as the previous group made out?
Friends of me, clan Absolute Infinity has finished it earlier today as well I think.
Plus commendations can be moved from character to character.
So do commendations only come from ranking up a faction?Alot of people grinded their rep up for vanguard/crucible just enough so that they only needed a little bit more for a rank up package. Plus commendations can be moved from character to character.
How does telemetry for weapons work? If i use it, will i get extra xp for turning in the bounties, or is it just for kills?
lmao got Gjallerhorn out of first Raid chest. Its my second so I held Square to shard it until I saw fucking 302.
Edit: Also. Why not have a level 28 weekly and a 30/32 weekly? It makes sense.
28 drops old shards/energies.
30/32 drops new mats.