How are the drops for the death singer so far?
The seem to be the exact same as the old chest, because I haven't seen armor being dropped.
How are the drops for the death singer so far?
Would help you out, howeverDear DestinyGAF, don't make me do the Weekly Heroic solo again, it was so boring hiding and taking pot shots at everything until I finished </3
Still got room?Got 3 for Iron Banner right now, anyone else want to join up?
lol great post Colonel, I usually stay pretty cool... outside of Crucible where I tend to rage pretty hard. I need to start muting my mic so I can really rage out from time to time and get it out of my system.
Hmm. Guess I can hold on Iron Banner. What's your PSN id?
Sounds good - added. Think you were with me on my failure last week so thanks for seeing it through.
Still got room?
Are the 300 level weapons holding up in IB?
If you could wait 10-15 minutes, I'll hop on. Didn't realized my PS Plus expired today.Yep, still room for 2 more. Where the PvP folks at...?
Fuck! Didn't realized my PS Plus expired!
Time to take a five minute walk to 7-Eleven and buy a 3 month subscription.
Are the 300 level weapons holding up in IB?
You guys better not be all burnt out by the time I get home!
Now I'm bored, and with the Holy Trinity of Exotics complete I have little reason to put up with weekday pugs for Roc Strikes...
Yep. Bought my last few PSN cards there. There's a Walmart down the street but I don't want to cross the street and head there.7-11 sells PSN cards?
What's later? Before 3?Would anyone here have any interested in running a VoG HM later today?
I might start up a list if some want to...
Are the 300 level weapons holding up in IB?
but but but but! I need mine still! You need to help the less fortunate! After running ROC's with you I don't know any other way!
What's later? Before 3?
Gotta run 3 nightfalls...any gaffers interested?
Saw the daily has a sparrow upgrade, first time I've seen that.
Any crota raids going on?
Field Scout makes that usuable since it doesn't seem to have a reload perk. Use HC reload gloves.from the nightfall
kinda good i guess? well except for the range
Saw the daily has a sparrow upgrade, first time I've seen that.
You did fine, you had ol' Croter down to one hit a few times. I think we were all trying to rush it and we need to take our time this go around.
That's a good time for me if you've still got spots open. PSN is Lordsirsama, 31 hunterSeeing if there are any other takers - otherwise will fill it out later tonight.
I think if you got you old ones topped at 300, they hold up pretty good.
Not many people have leveled up their new Legendaries to 331
Good. Good. I can play around between Suros and Shadow Price for the bounties. Both are 300Yeah, 300 weapons are still gtg.
Too OPGreen rocket launcher does 262 damage.
2.0 indeed.
Are Xbox people not eligible for Becoming Legend?
The 12th of NEVER.
Sounds like everyone during every steam sale lol
Had fun with Destiny today so I decided to play VoG for fun. Picked up the Fatebringer. I heard about it, saw it, but thought that besides when there is Arc Burn my other Handcannon was better/good enough.
Holy shit this is like having infinite Golden Gun ammo.
Atm it does 50% LESS damage than my 331 Handcannon, but tbh I think my other one is no longer needed in any situation.
I also have the hidden ability of "Drop others Fatebringer", I cant remember a VoG run that one didnt drop for someone.
The seem to be the exact same as the old chest, because I haven't seen armor being dropped.
Field Scout makes that usuable since it doesn't seem to have a reload perk. Use HC reload gloves.
I think only if you haven't done that story mission with your character.
Haven't really played any Crucible since launch, but I played a good bit over the last 24 hours and wow some of the maps really are terrible. And going against an entire team of Titans sure is annoying, had that last night. Those arc grenades that stick to things suck so much. And it also seems like there are about 3 maps in the rotation, crazy.
I remember a lot of people throughout the raid saying "Kor, ------------" but I think you were just new to the group so it wasn't anything bad, just informational. You did great.Well, this morning around 4am my dog woke me up because she really needed to pee. After taking her out, I realized I wasn't going to get those last 3 hours of sleep, so I jumped into the game and caught a group of you running Crota's End.
I honestly barely remember playing at this point, but I did want to thank you guys, you mysterious raid folk who play at the dark hours of the morning.
I walked away from that raid with my Titan helmet and Titan Chest, both pieces I needed.
So thank you guys again, I hope I didn't screw up too much, I was basically playing entirely off of reflex as my logic center hadn't really fired up yet.
Now I'm bored, and with the Holy Trinity of Exotics complete I have little reason to put up with weekday pugs for Roc Strikes...
Gotta run 3 nightfalls...any gaffers interested?
Yesterday, someone got an exotic from Ir Yut.
What's the Holy Trinity? Horn, Icebreaker and...? Hawkmoon?
Are Xbox people not eligible for Becoming Legend?
My Venation III doesn't even have Field Scout. But the other perks are pretty nice for a HC.