Currently soloing the NF, if anyone wants to jump in feel free.
Ill join whats your PSN?
Currently soloing the NF, if anyone wants to jump in feel free.
Legendary engram from 1st NF that turned into 2 ass shards
11 strange coins from 2nd NF
10 Ass Energy from 3rd NF
Man fuck this game, and fuck the retard who decided to put ass mats in NF loot table. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO WITH 10 ASS ENERGY?
The Fallen Captains constantly teleporting away from line of sight is what annoys me about it.
My first Tuesday in over a month that I am not playing Destiny for 12 hours straight, usually from 4am-4pm. I need to get used to being back at work on Tuesdays! Fuck!
Was able to get the 3 Crota's End runs done in less than 2 hours at reset with a great crew, and was able to get 2 more hours of sleep!
Nightfall/Weekly runs with Deku and Death tomorrow! Will likely do dailies this evening and start grinding Iron Banner.
All 3 of my characters are 32 now! Hooray!
Yep! And shoots through Knight shields... can't wait for PhoGoArcBurn.Yes, you are correct. I meant Song of Ir Yut. That is arc... right?
Back from 7-11. Didn't even received an email warning me ahead of time about PS Plus expiring. Whatever.
So does IB have any worthwhile weapons this time?
Last time I didn't even bother with it.
Timurs Lash is for sale, and it's got the highest impact of any HC. Worth it to get that and reforge it if you like HCs.
What happened to the old OT names like "garden of suros...."? They were good
At IB level 3 or 5?
What happened to the old OT names like "garden of suros...."? They were good
I did one run, got the helm :-D
You crazy, Cosmos. You crazy.
Ha, I'm not grinding to IB rank 5 again. Can it drop after completing an IB game?
What happened to the old OT names like "garden of suros...."? They were good
Awesome! Congrats! I hope we can play again soon, whether its reset runs or anything else. I ran the sword for the first time for our first run and didn't wipe!
Haha, I got a total of 8 hours of sleep, feeling great at work!
I've got a bit over an hour to IB it up. Any takers?
Getting very sick of the rewards in Destiny. It's so afraid of giving you a complete set that it actually convinces you to play less, not more.
This will definitely be my last week awake at reset times. Two straight months of Nightfall Ascendants/Coins and Raid dupes is all I can stand.
Seems completely relevant to Destiny and absolutely not random.![]()
edit: it was also a book before a film.
Back from 7-11. Didn't even received an email warning me ahead of time about PS Plus expiring. Whatever.
Three Level 32 Characters Complete!
All characters (one of each class) are now Level 32 with great stats. Titan has every stat between 65-75%. Hunter has 80% Intellect, 87% Discipline and 28% strength. Warlock has 91% Intellect, 25% Discipline and 80% Strength.
The only things I need from the normal raid are the class item for Hunters and the helmet for my Warlock and Hunter (I only have the Titan one). I have all the weapons as of two weeks ago.
Here they are in all their glory! Come on hard mode Crota's End!
Posting for the new thread and I am bored at work =
Ill join whats your PSN?
That's awesome! I came back from work an hour and a half later than I expected and had energy to go through just one run.
So what's the verdict on this latest instance of Iron Banner?
Anything worth it, or should I spend my time destroying newbs in regular Crucible?
I'm convinced they stealth nerfed the NFall loot tables, upped the drop rate of ass mats and coins and dropped the rate of exotics. It's crazy how routinely terrible the drops are nowadays.
We'd been going since reset so our team broke up for now but I'll definitely be back on later tonight and down for more IB.
Three Level 32 Characters Complete!
All characters (one of each class) are now Level 32 with great stats. Titan has every stat between 65-75%. Hunter has 80% Intellect, 87% Discipline and 28% strength. Warlock has 91% Intellect, 25% Discipline and 80% Strength.
The only things I need from the normal raid are the class item for Hunters and the helmet for my Warlock and Hunter (I only have the Titan one). I have all the weapons as of two weeks ago.
Here they are in all their glory! Come on hard mode Crota's End!
Need 1 more for a Crota's End full run, third run of the day but someone had to go. PSN: US-Frostburn
I have a hard CP if you want it. PSN: DarknyssGod Bungie RNG is so shitty with NF. Like someone said why are ass mats a fucking drop for NF? What the absolute fuck.
Sigh, anyone giving out gorgon chest CP or doing IB?
Good gravy OT15? What's the current record holder for OTs again? How far away is the Destiny train?
I have a hard CP if you want it. PSN: Darknyss
Got No Land Beyond from Nightfall even though I don't own the DLC, if you can get the DLC weapons as drops then why can't you buy them from Xur??
Good gravy OT15? What's the current record holder for OTs again? How far away is the Destiny train?