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Destiny |OT28| Nolan Beyond

E92 M3

$20? Absolutely not. :lol

Slight tangent. I bought a dance emote for 1.50 in FFXIV last night. Hmmm

Throwing $20 to Bungie for making a great game is no problem with me. I'd even pay for an optional subscription if they had something like that.

Love Destiny


Anybody else excited for Patrolling the Dreadnaught?

As much as I am, I kind of wish our new Patrol had outside sections so that we can see the rings of Saturn and new skyboxes, which I'm sure will not come on the Dreadnaught as that wouldn't make much sense on a spaceship. Oh well.




Interesting reactions.

Personally, I only really liked one of them (the Hunter dance) and the other two just looked...odd, like they were having spasms.

Still hoping for the slow clap.
Throwing $20 to Bungie for making a great game is no problem with me. I'd even pay for an optional subscription if they had something like that.

Love Destiny

*Whispers* I would too....shhh...don't tell anyone. I'm also the guy who would pay for the 4th Horseman at this point. Although it sounds like the new drop system will fix all that. I'm just impatient right now.


I keep seeing people use the word 'average.' They're not taking an average. They're just looking at your best stuff.

Your 'best' guns and gear will be 160, but your light won't be because it'll average out all your gear.

Your ghost will be 0-3 defence.

Your artifact will be 0.

So our starting light level will average out lower than 160.


Throwing $20 to Bungie for making a great game is no problem with me. I'd even pay for an optional subscription if they had something like that.

Love Destiny

We're already paying Bungie to make a great game. That's the 40 dollars we're spending on TTK.

Three emotes and a small amount of trivial cosmetic items don't make the game any greater, nor is it worth the price that they're asking. I'm very ashamed that I bought them, tbh. As for subs, I'm not against them; I play FFXIV. But they'd have to throw out a hell of a lot more content to justify such a thing. It'll never happen.


Because they haven't told us everything yet.

Fair point. I'll hang onto stuff as long as I can I think, vault space and postmaster space are getting tight, at least I won't feel too bad if I start having to get rid of dupes.

So... what's the general consensus on the dance emotes shown yesterday?


I have the collectors edition at Gamestop anyways, but yea, the Hammer dance was awesome!


I can't see "re-tune the encounters" being that crazy hard.

They literally just scale the enemies up. "These guys were level 30 and needed a light level of 190 to fight against. These new guys are lvl 40 and need a light level of 280 to fight against" It's not like the two raids feature any completely out there attacks or enemies you don't see at all outside of them. It's all minotaurs and hydras and thralls and knights and such.

I don't see devoting what should be a tiny amount of manpower to keeping two of your biggest and most presentable (be serious, VoG and CE just look badass and unique as fuck) pieces of content relevant as such a hard thing to do.

You're making a bunch of assumptions about how their internal systems work.

Vault of Glass was tuned for a group of level 26 (30 for HM) players. The enemies are appropriate level, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Without knowing how all of their encounter stuff works on the back end, it's impossible to say that there's a correlation between mob level and mob difficulty in those encounters. Further, it's equally impossible to determine whether or not the difficulty of VoG HM (level 30) would even scale in a linear manner to level 40.

Keep this in mind: Post HoW teams are wrecking Atheon. Just literally wrecking him. And we already know how player level and mob level interact. Atheon isn't any easier for a level 34 than he is for a level 31, but our new weapons outclass what the encounter was tuned for.

Same goes for Crota's End and PoE.

Ultimately, if it was "that easy", there'd be no reason for them not do it. And they aren't doing it, so that implies to me that it isn't "that easy" to do.
Is there any word on Xur having new inventory for The Taken King? And as an Xbone player, I'm curious as to whether Xur ever sells Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo and the Fourth Horseman.

E92 M3

We're already paying Bungie to make a great game. That's the 40 dollars we're spending on TTK.

Three emotes and a small amount of trivial cosmetic items don't make the game any greater, nor is it worth the price that they're asking. I'm very ashamed that I bought them, tbh.

It's just extra support going their way. $20 bucks is cheaper than lunch sometimes and I play Destiny everyday.

I'd like Bungie to adapt R* model where they have microtransactions but all major DLC is free. Win-win for everyone.
I think I'm in the same boat. I might get rid of the exotics that I rarely if ever use, raid gear I'll keep. Especially since Trials and IB won't be around for a little bit, there will be time to gather up the new hotness in PvP weapons.

That makes no sense. Why would they tell us to hang onto stuff if it doesn't help us in year 2?

Datto has the best theory, it won't start remembering your gear until 9.15 and someday there might be a legendary kiosk or something ya never know


Well, looks like Bungie have finally given me a reason to do Trials again. Vance is selling 140 dis boots with heavy and hand cannon ammo for the Hunter, lawdy lawd.
I need this in my life. I need this.

Edit: ok still interested but I got WAY too excited thinking it was Gauntlets and not boots :p meaning quicker reload instead of more Ammo.

Still wanna get these!


It's just extra support going their way. $20 bucks is cheaper than lunch sometimes and I play Destiny everyday.

I'd like Bungie to adapt R* model where they have microtransactions but all major DLC is free. Win-win for everyone.
To each their own. Though lets be honest, the quality of the expansion isn't going to change whether you or a million other people buy the emotes. It's just a cash-grab.

I like the idea of microtransactions for silly stuff like that, but they need to be priced a little more appropriately in the future. 10 dollars? Sure. 20 is really pushing it though.


Datto has the best theory, it won't start remembering your gear until 9.15 and someday there might be a legendary kiosk or something ya never know

I like that idea a lot, too bad I got rid of a lot of my vanilla destiny gear. I'd love to be able to go into a kiosk and grab my old shadow price and wreck some low level mobs, just for old times sake.
I like that idea a lot, too bad I got rid of a lot of my vanilla destiny gear. I'd love to be able to go into a kiosk and grab my old shadow price and wreck some low level mobs, just for old times sake.

I'm guessing, if I had to, it'd mostly apply to activity specific legendaries; raids, trials, queen's, etc.

E92 M3

To each their own. Though lets be honest, the quality of the expansion isn't going to change whether you or a million other people buy the emotes. It's just a cash-grab.

I like the idea of microtransactions for silly stuff like that, but they need to be priced a little more appropriately in the future. 10 dollars? Sure. 20 is really pushing it though.

I am talking about future products and funding the Destiny franchise. I know that TTK is already set in stone. And while $20 is hefty, the exotic class items will be handy for the XP bonus.


Well, looks like Bungie have finally given me a reason to do Trials again. Vance is selling 140 dis boots with heavy and hand cannon ammo for the Hunter, lawdy lawd.

He seriously needed to sell them when I'm gone the whole weekend. Maybe I'll clutch those 5 wins when I get back on Monday.


Your 'best' guns and gear will be 160, but your light won't be because it'll average out all your gear.

Your ghost will be 0-3 defence.

Your artifact will be 0.

So our starting light level will average out lower than 160.

We aren't talking about the same thing.

Some people here have said they need to delete anything from their vault that isn't 42 light or 365 attack because they think your starting level on 9/15 is going to be determined by the average of ALL your gear (not just what you have equipped).

I was just helping clarify that this isn't the case. Your starting level on 9/15 is going to be determined by your best stuff, regardless of whether you have it equipped of not.
I'm definitely not buying be $20 shader/dance emotes.

I'll be satisfied with my charity shader/emblem instead. Hopefully I get it soon!


To each their own. Though lets be honest, the quality of the expansion isn't going to change whether you or a million other people buy the emotes. It's just a cash-grab.

I like the idea of microtransactions for silly stuff like that, but they need to be priced a little more appropriately in the future. 10 dollars? Sure. 20 is really pushing it though.

This. I'd happily buy these for a couple bucks each but 20 is too much to be reasonable. If you like supporting the developer, I think that's awesome and more power to you. I need to draw my line somewhere before $20 for 3 emotes though haha.

That said, i woke up thinking about TTK. ugh hype reaching subconsious levels
You're making a bunch of assumptions about how their internal systems work.

Vault of Glass was tuned for a group of level 26 (30 for HM) players. The enemies are appropriate level, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Without knowing how all of their encounter stuff works on the back end, it's impossible to say that there's a correlation between mob level and mob difficulty in those encounters. Further, it's equally impossible to determine whether or not the difficulty of VoG HM (level 30) would even scale in a linear manner to level 40.

Keep this in mind: Post HoW teams are wrecking Atheon. Just literally wrecking him. And we already know how player level and mob level interact. Atheon isn't any easier for a level 34 than he is for a level 31, but our new weapons outclass what the encounter was tuned for.

Same goes for Crota's End and PoE.

Ultimately, if it was "that easy", there'd be no reason for them not do it. And they aren't doing it, so that implies to me that it isn't "that easy" to do.

I agree that we have to make assumptions but the way Bungie have shown the numbers at the moment they potentially have to do literally nothing to make a level 40 Vault....why do I say that?

Original raid weapons had an attack value of 300, I think base legendaries were 280 then as well? The numbers shown against armour were higher - but they can just keep the same underlying values and re-label the actual number.

The new level 40 weapons have those exact same numbers - all they have to do is re-label the vault of glass selection box as level 40 and change the labels on the enemies heads, all the health of the enemies, number of enemies etc could be identical and they'd match the attack rating of the guns...so you'd see the exact same damage number appear on an enemy in lvl 40 VoG in Year 2 as you would have in a level 30 VoG in year 1.

As its stands it looks like more work for them to actually re-create the level 30 VoG - they're going to have to attach a light level to it based on the new values of the corresponding old weapons/armour. So the old VoG level 30 might have a light level of around 160 - because it's based on 300 ATK weapons. They therefore need to change the damage calcs so that a level 30 enemy getting shot by a 160 ATK weapon takes the same damage as a level 40 enemy getting shot by a 300ATK weapon.

Once they have that they also need to work out what damage a level 30 enemy takes from a NEW 300 ATK gun...maybe they cap it so it's the same damage as a 160 gun....I don't know.

NOTE - I'm assuming 160 is equivalent to the old 300 weapons and 170 is equivalent to 365 weapons.


Another day goes by with Eva not selling Victory Eagle. I'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist and that all who have it are a bunch of hackers or Bungie employees.


I am talking about future products and funding the Destiny franchise. I know that TTK is already set in stone. And while $20 is hefty, the exotic class items will be handy for the XP bonus.
They've already been funded 500 million for the next decade and have made that back, no? Anything they're selling now is just for profits xD

Okay I'll stop. I paid for them as well
Nope. Not shelling out $20 for emotes. I could waste that $20 on on a Telltale game and get hours of entertainment with a decent story out it. can't say the same for some emotes.

the hammer dance is cool, but for 20 bucks? no
hell, I can do that for free in my living room, in my boxer shorts


Tired of this shit... I go on salvage, carry 2 blueberries and one MOFFFFFFFFIOOO gets a 4th Horseman. Id punch that glass guy from the stream so badly right now.


To each their own. Though lets be honest, the quality of the expansion isn't going to change whether you or a million other people buy the emotes. It's just a cash-grab.

I like the idea of microtransactions for silly stuff like that, but they need to be priced a little more appropriately in the future. 10 dollars? Sure. 20 is really pushing it though.
As with everything, value is subjective. Absolutely nothing exists or will ever exist with intrinsic value - it will always boil down to aggregated individuals' preferences and willingness to trade off X for Y.

In this case, I'd wager they gave this a ton of thought. You don't just randomly price things - you have a vested interest in maximizing profit. With potentially millions on the line, you want to reach a number that satisfies

1) not leaving money on the table by selling below the point at which customers are willing to buy, and
2) not losing sales by pricing out your audience

Given the fact that, as a whole, this community is fairly polarized into ~casual and hyper dedicated players (1,000 hours in a year is ridiculous, seriously), they know there's a fairly substantial amount of people who are super committed and hardcore fans.

Pricing emotes at US$1.99, imagine they'd have sold 1,000,000 users the pack. Sweet, US$2m in the bank for a day's worth of animator salary.

Pricing emotes at US$19.99, imagine they sell this to only 200,000 - a fifth of the sales, twice the bank. The people who watch Bungie streams and read their blog and post theories on Reddit and get seriously riled up over minute tweaks to a virtual toy's performance. The kind - and I'm one of them - who would buy this regardless just because.

Voilà. There's no way to price discriminate perfectly (charging everyone as much as they're willing to pay). You need a blanket price that maxes profit. As a business, they don't have perfect information - maybe at US$10 they'd have made more money. Or maybe US$30 was that sweet spot. But they ran their numbers and this was the result.

Now the market determines if they played their cards right. Voluntary transactions take place when both parties agree they're getting something they value more than what they're giving up. In my case: I value the emotes and class items more than I'd value an extra US$20 in my account. Those who don't feel it's worth it just don't buy and are equally satisfied because they're keeping their US$20, which they value more.

Bungie is betting tons of people feel like me, but there's no losers when the stakes are determined by transparent, voluntary transactions between informed agents.


I agree that we have to make assumptions but the way Bungie have shown the numbers at the moment they potentially have to do literally nothing to make a level 40 Vault....why do I say that?

Original raid weapons had an attack value of 300, I think base legendaries were 280 then as well? The numbers shown against armour were higher - but they can just keep the same underlying values and re-label the actual number.

The new level 40 weapons have those exact same numbers - all they have to do is re-label the vault of glass selection box as level 40 and change the labels on the enemies heads, all the health of the enemies, number of enemies etc could be identical and they'd match the attack rating of the guns...so you'd see the exact same damage number appear on an enemy in lvl 40 VoG in Year 2 as you would have in a level 30 VoG in year 1.

As its stands it looks like more work for them to actually re-create the level 30 VoG - they're going to have to attach a light level to it based on the new values of the corresponding old weapons/armour. So the old VoG level 30 might have a light level of around 160 - because it's based on 300 ATK weapons. They therefore need to change the damage calcs so that a level 30 enemy getting shot by a 160 ATK weapon takes the same damage as a level 40 enemy getting shot by a 300ATK weapon.

Once they have that they also need to work out what damage a level 30 enemy takes from a NEW 300 ATK gun...maybe they cap it so it's the same damage as a 160 gun....I don't know.

NOTE - I'm assuming 160 is equivalent to the old 300 weapons and 170 is equivalent to 365 weapons.

VoG raid legendaries have a base attack of 248. TDB raid weapons start at 300.
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