Anyone know what the radar next to the Mida Multi-Tool does? You can see it when you're walking/running. It seems to track something...
yes it tracks collectibles and chests.
Anyone know what the radar next to the Mida Multi-Tool does? You can see it when you're walking/running. It seems to track something...
Level 24 as of now, but when I get on tonight I'm going to buy the exotic chest piece from Xur + hopefully get my vanguard rank up to 2 so I can buy some legendary gear with my marks. Once the marks reset on Tuesday I should be at 26 easy.
It does indeed suck though that some of us are having to jump through all these loops for vanguard/crucible/faction ranks just to get legendary gear while others are on the fast-track to 30 just by RNG.
yes it tracks collectibles and chests.
I did. Got this for my Hunter.
Level 24 as of now, but when I get on tonight I'm going to buy the exotic chest piece from Xur + hopefully get my vanguard rank up to 2 so I can buy some legendary gear with my marks. Once the marks reset on Tuesday I should be at 26 easy.
It does indeed suck though that some of us are having to jump through all these loops for vanguard/crucible/faction ranks just to get legendary gear while others are on the fast-track to 30 just by RNG.
Build these four beasts since release, RNGesus has been good to me?
My farming yielded me with a purple weapon at least...but it's some shitty handcannon. :|
Reading some of the posts in this thread makes me feel like the luckiest destiny player in history
I'll jump in if you still need someoneNeed a third for the weekly heroic on ps4. Anyone up for it?
Holy christ you must have some gaming time on your hands!! lol i'm jealous
I can play until about an hour from when I'm posting this, thank you!I'm in. When will you be playing?
I have to go out for in 10 minutes for about 30 but can play when I get back. I could jump on now but wouldn't want to leave half way through.
That one misses some:
man wtf us up with all these goddamned disconnects.
Bought the exotic engram and got a warlock piece when I am titan.
Think that I have better gear in the vault for a warlock class then my titan right now.
Inb4 new thread.
I'm disappointed in Xur's current catalogue
It's been terrible for me the last 2 days (PS4), keep getting booted back to orbit and PVP isn't doing too well with people warping all over the place too.
Are people using Ascendant Shards/Energy on legendary stuff or just the exotic stuff first? They're not exactly easy to come by and it takes 16/18 of them to level up each item fully, I'm somewhat reluctant to use them in case I decide to swap an item for something else.