One Legendary and all energies from Nightfall.
But yeah, 1 for 8 is craaaaazy.
Regarding being at a disadvantage, my point was if I cannot level up, I cannot tackle higher difficulty sessions to challenge myself such as hard raid.
Still my point was, it seems abundantly clear that everyone IS lucky in a sense, it's just that they are more inclined to specific items that others are not. I just can't see how that boils to chance considering that, in theory, most of everything rewarded to us has a practical use in the game. If the rates are as terrible as you say, there is NO way I am rolling a legendary for Rahool's first 10 level ups. That's contradicting. Hence my confusion. Which is it? (/rhetorical). Are the drop rates terrible or not? Or is mutually exclusive items an issue?
I am not unlucky for getting lots of energies that someone else isn't getting, I am unlucky because I am not getting the shards they are and on a very consistent basis and vice versa.
Ah dude. Are you familiar with the "gambler's fallacy"?
This premise:
If the rates are as terrible as you say, there is NO way I am rolling a legendary for Rahool's first 10 level ups. That's contradicting.
Is where you're going completely wrong. There's no "cumulative probability." It's an individual roll, each time. If anything, I'd say your luck is neither bad nor good, but average across the board. You did waaaaaaaay better than me with Master Rahool's Fancy Packages, but I've gotten about half shards half energies from dailies and public events and the raid loot rolls.
Which is it? (/rhetorical). Are the drop rates terrible or not? Or is mutually exclusive items an issue?
They are terrible, except for:
- The Daily and Daily Public event mail; 50% chance energies, 50% shards (maybe the latter can give you Strange Coins/Motes too, can't remember)
- Nightfall (assuming no weighting);
- 20% energies
- 20% shards
- 20% Strange Coins
- 20% Legendary/Legendary engram
- 20% Exotic
From a Nightfall, you got a legendary. That means that clearly you are not experiencing any kind of "energies only" roll lock from content that provides them. Why you would conclude anything other than bad luck from your other results is confusing to me, just like you're confused about what's happening to you. It's like you're only considering your individual experience as representative, when you're only one data point. The idea that Bungie, for some reason, would set individual loot tables for rolls on the per-character level, as though this would be in some way preferable either from a server-talk perspective or a gameplay perspective is really far-fetched to me, and until I see some kind of conclusive evidence (your anecdote, for example, has already shown you can roll successfully for something other than energy) I will have to believe my current understanding.
As far as the disadvantage point: it blows that you aren't getting the shards you need. Sincerely, that sucks. I hope your luck turns around soon. Until then, since the hard more raid is a priority for you, I recommend buying a chest, gauntlet or boots from vanguard and crucible/faction each week to dismantle, and you can still get to 29 without RNG.
I think that what you're not really accepting is that chance isn't really a guarantee. If I flip a quarter 100 times, chances are that it will land on heads somewhere close to 50% of the time. However, that doesn't mean that it's not possible for it to land on head 75% of the time or more. It's much more likely to be close to 50% but any percentage is still a possibility.
You've gotten less Legendary Engrams from Rahool Post-patch than Pre-patch. I've gotten more Legendary Engrams from Rahool Post-patch than Pre-patch. All these streaks mean is that Destiny calculates each dice roll individually, rather than keeping track of each players overall percentage and choosing drops to keep the results "balanced."
this exactly.
This game is just getting to be way to overly frustrating. My gaming time is limited and once MCC hits, Destiny is done. I was dumb enough to get the season pass, so I will play that content because, hell, I paid for it.
Is it impossible to get your money back for the season pass? This sounds like a terrible position to be in