Doing nightfall currently, have 2, need 1 more person
'davidbloop' PSN Ps4
People are just insanely lazy to sub, I really don't get it.
Need 1 more Nightfall PSN Stfndt
Yup. Community is a graveyard
Do it!
Psn is being rubbish still though. FRs are a bit slow but they're getting through.
Add me and put your Gaf name if it's different to here!
Yup. Community is a graveyard
Is anyone about to Raid? Normal or Hard mode, I'm OK with both.
Two more spots for Iron Banner left. There's a third spot but that's reserved. Will need a replacement though.
Good afternoon guys,
Anyone for nightfall?
28 Hunter here.
Two more spots for Iron Banner left. There's a third spot but that's reserved. Will need a replacement though.
everything, I'm seriously
Is anyone about to Raid? Normal or Hard mode, I'm OK with both.
For anyone who's beaten the raid on hard, what level were you? It seems like with the crazy damage reduction, you'd want to be 30.
is possible with 2-3 people who are skilled and know the mechanics. at least one needs to be a sunsinger.
Trying to add you but PSN isn't letting me.
StayasleepZz 29 hunter
You can look up each option and see what it takes to get them. If you don't like the weapon, it's obviously still valuable to turn them into ascended energy but if it's a pain to get the weapon, not worth it. If you're considering creating an alt, could get it for them too.
You can get secondary/heavy weapon exotics, it depends on which bounties are made available. Some of them are pretty easy to finish, some are a pain. Just be sure to google the requirements before picking one.
I say go for it just because normal bounties aren't terribly important past a certain level and you still have 4 open spots. It can be fun to collect exotics, and some of them have valuable situational uses.
Use Void Damage to defeat Guardians in the Crucible. Death will slow your progress.
Must get 500 points. 5 points gained per kill with Void damage. 2 points lost per death.
Obtain 10,000 points in the Crucible to obtain Sated Pulse Rifle. A Titan or Hunter kill or assist is worth 25 points, a Warlock Kill or assist is worth 75 Points.
Earn a Kills/Death spread of 25 in the Crucible to obtain A request from Ikora Rey II - Completed.
Note: A kill or assist is +1 point and a death is -1 points. Earn a total of 25 points. This can be done across multiple Crucible games.
Weekly and nightfall on PS4. Hit me up. Gamer_at_Heart
yeah, i'm psyched. just watch out for that incoming damage.All elements?! Damn that's awesome! Time to bring out ye old Ice Breaker. I hope they have the ability to add in different modifiers as time goes on, would make things fun and interesting.
Is it possible to do a vault of glass raid by yourself or with fewer than 6 players? Is it feasible?
Trying to add you but PSN isn't letting me.
StayasleepZz 29 hunter
Thanks guys
They are
1) A light in The Dark
2) Toland's Legacy
3) A dubious Task
No it isnt
If you have less than 4, you insta fail on the final boss
Has nothing to do with skill
I'm attempting to solo the Nightfall. When you get in view of the ketch and have to wait for the door to open, where is a good spot to stand? Can I just run back up the hill where I came from and snipe from up there and take my time? (<3 Ice Breaker, no need for ammo)
Damn. All this time I didn't know you could switch from heavy weapon to special by double-tapping Triangle.
Well, I wouldn't necessarily pursue Thorn if you aren't interested in PvP; if you are interested in PvP, getting a good void fusion rifle can make that step pretty easy.Thanks guys
They are
1) A light in The Dark
There's no way in hell I can finish this task so this is out without knowing the reward
This one's a cinch. There's no way to make backwards progress. It's just time. The downside is that Bad Juju is currently the worst exotic bounty available. It will be buffed though.2) Toland's Legacy
mmm.. might be doable.. actually not
Ditto with Invective re: PvP primarily. If you can get a positive K/D on a regular basis, it's just a matter of time. If you can't, the weapon isn't necessarily worthwhile to you anyway.3) A dubious Task