Looking for weekly and nightfall on my alt now.
Added ya Mattiator85 we have two
Looking for weekly and nightfall on my alt now.
ps4 elemental_sin (29 warlock)
Yep, sorry, was busy with Iron Banner, I'm available now.
Added ya Mattiator85 we have two
Do you have suros? Cause I'm betting having thatI can't figure out why iron banner is so much more fun than crucible.
I saw the FR. Just waiting for psn not to suck so I can accept it
Do you have suros? Cause I'm betting having that
Not that it mattered, our team still wrecked all our opponentsshhhhlet people keep thinking thorn is awful... it really is the worst
My last 2 nightfalls and 2 normal raid:
1 piece of raid armor
1 exotic chest piece (I already have a fully upgraded exotic chest piece)
1 exotic weapon ('Time and patience)
some coins...
some ass shards...
I'd say the results were rather disappointing...
Hope I get shards from nightfall.
Quick question GAF! Which auto rifle is better the Grim Citizen or the Shadow Price?
What's the point of Iron Banner? There's nothing of worth to get.
Just realized you can pick up dropped items/engrams by shooting them.
Clearly my sarcasm meter is broken.
Is there an option in the menus to turn on "receive better loot" that I've been missing out on?
I've had to buy every legendary I have, not had anything drop at all.
I always seem to get warlock bonds though :I
Man Iron banner is really lackluster and a let down, the power difference in gear is so small that you could easily pass this as the main multiplayer mode and no one would care, you can still hose someone down with a 220 dmg shingen-e and it takes maybe 1-2 bullets more then a 300 dmg purple AR equivalent.
Lag from this morning is still present and i'm seeing people take damage with delay between hits landing and death, really doesn't help things.
I was expecting the iron banner to show the difference in someone level 27 and someone level 30 in full raid gear, I honestly don't think that's even a factor right now.
The Devil You Know is a workhouse, it won't do you wrong.woaahhhh what the hell, i rocked those Iron Banner bounties like it was nothing, got the 10 kill streak in my second match and of course the one that required having the most points along with that.
and i'm NOT that great in the game, never played anywhere close that good in the 20 or so hours i've played in the Crucible (i remember having a 0.14 kd/r once lol). goddamn that felt good to be on fire for once!
i think i now love my hand cannon (The Devil You Know). also i think i was the luckiest sniper ever, people kept walking into my sights haha.
can anyone actually get on ?
I think that's a specific mod. Can't remember for what, but I know I've seen it somewhere before.
I just hit level 20, been doing the Vanguard strike playlists which are fun. Though I keep seeing Hunters running around knifing the fuck out of dudes... which I had chosen that instead of a Titan. Maybe I'll roll a new character and actually play the story (I'm still on the first couple moon missions)
Anyone up for the nightfall? Level 27 Sunsinger warlock with mic, psn ID is Voidhawk.
Just realized you can pick up dropped items/engrams by shooting them.
Does anyone have trouble with full auto on pulse rifles? I have been trying to upgrade Bad Juju and a lot of times when I'm holding the trigger it will stop shooting. I thought it was maybe my controller but I switched and it did the same thing. Is there something im missing?
I've seen that as a weapon mod.Weapon or armour upgrade? I'll have a look at mine.
I think that's a specific mod. Can't remember for what, but I know I've seen it somewhere before.
Why am I getting killed by fusion rifles from longer ranges? Why am I (with over shied in my bubble) getting killed by fusion rifles with only 1 hit?
Super Good Advice or Pocket Infinity?
Time for hard modeJust did the raid again. Zero raid armour pieces dropped for me. Thanks Bungie! #forever29