PSN being laggy for anyone else? Searching, messaging etc. is taking a while.
PSN being laggy for anyone else? Searching, messaging etc. is taking a while.
Bungie.net. In the Tower map section.
PSN being laggy for anyone else? Searching, messaging etc. is taking a while.
Nothing works for me :/
I thought there were full sets of gear from Iron Banner for each class?
Hunter I saw this morning only had a chest piece it seems.
Titan I saw had two pieces?
Did not work for me. Bastard teleported onto the platform. I cheesed it on lvl 28 by going to the place were you jump down/ starting area. He wil always move to the right of the exit of the alcove. Basically pop round the corner to pump him full of lead and get back there if things get too hairy. I have Atheon's epilogue so he was a joke. Dropped faster the Riksis on restoration.Awesome. Cheers dude!
I didn't even know there were special weapons that only did Kinetic damage.
your avatar is perfect for that post ha
I feel ya. Cant friend anyone. Going solo I guess
raid down with fellow gaffers.
Atheon was kind enough to gift me the last word and Atheons epilogue lol
Iron Banner is not as bad as I would have thought, but all the games I've played so far are pretty lopsided. I wonder when people will realize that if you stick together your team usually does better.
So I just literally dinged 20 and decrypting my first blue engram (that was a heavy weapon) I got a mote of life? Is that how this is going to work?
Need two more for normal raid on PS4. Add/Msg me, may take a while to reply because PSN. ID x__xo__o
Thanks for the help!I'm trying to accept it now. It's acting terrible for me as well.
Yeah that part is giving me problems. I'm sure I can take down the actual boss without much issue though.How can you solo past the dinklebot scene anyway? I went back and picked them off over the edge but Hobgoblins will eventually one shot me. I guess Invis and picking them off one by one would work, but it would take ages.
Atheon's is completely sick in the Nightfall though, crazy DPS thanks to the modifiers.
So I just literally dinged 20 and decrypting my first blue engram (that was a heavy weapon) I got a mote of life? Is that how this is going to work?
?You might want to reword that.
Cool, with you we got a full group I think.I'll go ign is forgrim. Slowly adding u...
Cool, with you we got a full group I think.
aww yiss, motha fuckin terminus
So I just literally dinged 20 and decrypting my first blue engram (that was a heavy weapon) I got a mote of life? Is that how this is going to work?
My favorite moment in this game so far.
Every single time I come out of the making party chat screen the game freezes.
Was that hard mode double loot drops or did you get both of those just for normal mode?
I got 3 shards and a Suros Regime from the left side Gorgon chest on normal mode earlier today, it was rather surprising.
Yea just checked sorry but is there a preference sunsinger or void ?
My favorite moment in this game so far.