Anyone on PSN wanna do the final boss on the Nightfall strike? Using my friend's PS4 atm and fuck me is this slow.
I like the shadow price, but I would just stick with the pulse rifle and save your marks for something else you might want.just got bad seed down pulse rifle for leveling up vanguard. my first legendary primary
do i stick with it or purchase shadow price AR?
Well, I wouldn't necessarily pursue Thorn if you aren't interested in PvP; if you are interested in PvP, getting a good void fusion rifle can make that step pretty easy.
This one's a cinch. There's no way to make backwards progress. It's just time. The downside is that Bad Juju is currently the worst exotic bounty available. It will be buffed though.
Ditto with Invective re: PvP primarily. If you can get a positive K/D on a regular basis, it's just a matter of time. If you can't, the weapon isn't necessarily worthwhile to you anyway.
So, based on those options and your reactions, I recommend going after Bad Juju, and keeping your eyes peeled for the buff. If I misunderstood how you feel about the Crucible just let me know.
I don't know that you want shadow price either. It seems very close to Dr. Nope unless I am mistaken. I have Dr. Nope and with the stability upgrade it is nice but the TTK seems soooooo long. I'm thinking about going Grim Citizen instead. Anyone know about this one?
We were at the boss, last guardian alive under the thingy where the boss can't reach you
...i shot a rocket in my face
Struggled really hard with Nightfall with hEist22 from on here, unfortunately we did not make it.
Last week was much easier. I kept getting caught by random Hobgoblin shots, and the boss part is just annoying, the waves are big and I just got caught.
Really want to clear the Nightfall but I'll probably end up skipping this one.
PSN kitaj84
Yea I tend to do the same, the last few weeks I've been heavily using the Defender class but the last match I went full out attack with Striker and it helps so much more. I did miss the shoulder/knee and the superman super.
Rank 2 is 1200. Don't know about Rank 3. Probably the same as Rank 2.
I picked Bad Juju, thanks for the info.
Based on my calculation I will need to kill/assist 133.33 Guardians to get 10,000 points. That will take some time especially that my average kills per game are around 8
I hope my calculation is right
Holy shit. Bad Juju is HORRIBLE. Bungie can't patch this worthless piece of shit soon enough.
I know people talk bad about Thorn as well, but at least that gun is usable (it helps that I use Chain of Woe). Bad juju makes me feel like I am putting myself at a huge disadvantage. There's just no redeeming qualities about that weapon. I just did the daily heroic at level 28 and it was a massive struggle since I was only using that gun.
Holy shit. Bad Juju is HORRIBLE. Bungie can't patch this worthless piece of shit soon enough.
I know people talk bad about Thorn as well, but at least that gun is usable (it helps that I use Chain of Woe). Bad juju makes me feel like I am putting myself at a huge disadvantage. There's just no redeeming qualities about that weapon. I just did the daily heroic at level 28 and it was a massive struggle since I was only using that gun.
Holy shit. Bad Juju is HORRIBLE. Bungie can't patch this worthless piece of shit soon enough.
I know people talk bad about Thorn as well, but at least that gun is usable (it helps that I use Chain of Woe). Bad juju makes me feel like I am putting myself at a huge disadvantage. There's just no redeeming qualities about that weapon. I just did the daily heroic at level 28 and it was a massive struggle since I was only using that gun.
Yea I thought that as well I'm sure the beta had more selection. At least head shots with my crypt dweller kill fools now though.good lord theres nothing of worth in IB worth grinding faction for
wtf bungie
Hide under the platform at the back.
Yeah I tried, just not good enough I guess. Ah well.
Yeah I tried, just not good enough I guess. Ah well.
Hide under the platform at the back.
If you want to join me I'm right there and I can clear it for you.
it glows green and that's about it.
instant reload is useless unless you're shooting dregs in old russia or something.
Bad juju is a great weaponto kill low level thralls.
I think I get what they were going for with the above average fire rate and decent reload, but the gun just doesn't pack any sort of punch for the pathetic clip size. The clip size wouldn't be an issue if the gun did any sort of respectable damage. If I knew I could kill with 9 rounds then this gun would be damn good.I have the bounty for Bad Juju, but I'm not going to drop it since I have finished all the other available exotic bounties. Looking forward to throwing it into my vault once I get it.
After either getting super fucking lucky or putting 500 hours in, sure. Filling out your Exotic collection (especially in regards to Icebreaker, Hawkmoon/Last Word, and Hardlight) is more important once you're 29. Shards start piling up until you (once again) manage to get lucky and get a full raid set. This is especially true with multiple characters.Well at some point shards become more valuable.
Productive night.
Nightfall done, Legendary Scout Rifle as reward.
Rare Engram turns into Unfriendly Giant, which I already have, but in a different elemental. Void too, which I seem to struggle to find.