Ah I forgot, I should also apologize... to anyone I was nonresponsive to last night after like 1:00AM, I was playing on Remote Play and just doing some farming/bounties, not really fully conscious and my headset was in the other room.
This really kind of makes me feel like a dick, but if you blind invite me to your fireteam or blind join my fireteam, it's totally possible that you will get no response from me at all :-[ It happens a lot, and my play habits solo are such that I AFK frequently, might be on Remote Play or not have my headset hooked up or just be focusing on stuff that likely wouldn't be fun for you to group up with me for... and I just have no clue what I'm being expected to group for under these circumstances, and asking every individual time it happens got impractical really quickly.
Please just send me a PSN message with what you're looking to do/want help with (or set it up in this thread!). I'm almost aaaaalways willing to help out no matter what it is if I have the time, and I will at least reply to your message 100% of the time, I promise. A PSN Party request is usually good too, as then we can just chat real quick about what we're up to, although in the above late night scenario I might not be able to join that either. But blind invites/joins I've just started having to kind of throw my hands up and ignore

Again, I'm sorry and it's nothing even remotely personal to anyone this has happened to.