The leaks shows three new sub-classes.
That Reddit guy who is testing the game? lol
The leaks shows three new sub-classes.
Wow so hardcore!
In all seriousness. Atheon can be taken down in 2-3 portal runs. People don't really need to cheese him.
ok but should I run the Normal version? doing the heroic modifiers in the Dust Palace just results in lv 20 gear.
The gear is only rare.ok but should I run the Normal version? doing the heroic modifiers in the Dust Palace just results in lv 20 gear.
True.That's not why people are cheesing him though. It's not because they couldn't do it otherwise (he's pretty easy), it's because a person can do it by himself, in a few minutes, without doing any other part of the raid and without needing to rely on 5 other people to not totally suck.
Well, not anymore!I feel like the discussion in this game goes in circles. A level 2 guy with any gun can easily kill a Suros user. Suros doesn't give the user some magical powers. This has been the case since the game was released. That said, some guns are better than others, but no gun gives some mythical "kill everyone!!!" ability.
I checked on it is the default sub-class (I don't know you can use the second one on the alt char without reach lvl15)... Striker.Sounds like you're in Striker. Defender has the sticky grenade. Titans aren't like Hunters with awesome options all in one tree.
And yes, it was bizarre. It feels like Titan has the worst melee despite being the alleged up close and personal bruiser type.
What? I'm always using Epilogue. Haven't noticed a single difference.
The gear is only rare.
Is it? I have the Invective bounty. But I'm not really a shotgun guy... should I just trash the bounty? I'm really just after a legendary void sniper at this point anyway.
I checked on it is the default sub-class (I don't know you can use the second one on the alt char without reach lvl15)... Striker.
I just need to get used to the melee... I'm missing most of the time the first hit (the stronger)... Warlock made me lazy to close before use melee![]()
It's only good for taking the shields down. That's how it's always been. Usually use rockets on them or fusion rifles.It's dmg and accuracy nerf make it useless against minotaurs and praetaurions(sp?)
Yeah, gonna fix it up over lunch in just a few.Heya Ghal, if you have a moment, I PMed you about a small change to the links in the OP
Wow so hardcore!
In all seriousness. Atheon can be taken down in 2-3 portal runs. People don't really need to cheese him.
I can do Hard Raid without cheese with you want a help![]()
I don't know yet because my Titan didn't have shield with melee yet... on Sunsinger I can choose between flame shield (just need hit... no kill) or burn damage over time (and a third that I don't remember).Is the overshield Titan Melee gives on kill you any stronger than the Warlock one on hit?
The Striker's lightning grenade is very good if you extended its dot effect. Persists after death and can lock down an area.
Defender magnetic grenade (as described above) and suppression grenade (shut off supers) are great, too.
Never tried the flash grenade in pvp. Can anyone give an opinion on it?
Can someone run down what to do on first half of Aetheon fight? Specifically, once you nab relic and book it outside, conflux comes up. What is best way to manage mob and protect the conflux? We kept dying. All I can think of his using my helm of st 14 or whatever bubbleshield at top of stairs to slow them down. Is that sensible?
In all seriousness. Atheon can be taken down in 2-3 portal runs. People don't really need to cheese him.
Yeah, gonna fix it up over lunch in just a few.
Fixed the title.
It's dmg and accuracy nerf make it useless against minotaurs and praetaurions(sp?)
Has nothing to do with "hardcore," I don't care about that. It's just boring, and I'm surprised it's taken so long to patch it out. I certainly agree with you that it's unnecessary, there just seems to be a psychological hang up when people know there's an "easy way" to do something (e.g. loot cave.
We did this last night:
3 people go into Red gate, get Gatekeeper to 10%.
Fall Back
3 people into Green gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
2 people go into Red gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
This way prevents you from having to worry about the sacrifices for very long. It's also no where near as complicated as it sounds, or is explained. My first raid, someone suggested this, and it sounded like a complicated mess. Last night we did this and it was super easy.
RNGesus be praised! ThanksYeah, gonna fix it up over lunch in just a few.
Fixed the title.
We did this last night:
3 people go into Red gate, get Gatekeeper to 10%.
Fall Back
3 people into Green gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
2 people go into Red gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
This way prevents you from having to worry about the sacrifices for very long. It's also no where near as complicated as it sounds, or is explained. My first raid, someone suggested this, and it sounded like a complicated mess. Last night we did this and it was super easy.
Yeah, gonna fix it up over lunch in just a few.
Fixed the title.
I don't think its a hang up, majority of groups wouldn't be abLe to do the whole raid on hard without cheese.
Here's my question...once you get that gear from cheesing, what's the point in playing? Are you going for a Mytho to run Tiger strikes? Just seems pointless to me if you don't want to actually complete the hard content without cheesing it.
On normal. yes. We've done it in 2 portal runs. Time taken was 3 minutes.
Cheese time = 2 minutes approx.
The issue is lag and glitches. You do it the normal way and sometimes the wrong players get teleported, players get stuck in portals, or the relic drops on its own.
Don't even get me started on the glitchy gameplay in the gatekeepers phase. These are things bungie needs to fix instead of cheesing and loot caves.
And fuck hard Atheon for giving shards, ships and shaders over and over again. There must be a dedicated loot drop with chance for shards and cosmetic shit.
I didn't even know you could do this. Waow.We did this last night:
3 people go into Red gate, get Gatekeeper to 10%.
Fall Back
3 people into Green gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
2 people go into Red gate, kill Gatekeeper.
Bring Relic out
This way prevents you from having to worry about the sacrifices for very long. It's also no where near as complicated as it sounds, or is explained. My first raid, someone suggested this, and it sounded like a complicated mess. Last night we did this and it was super easy.
Just finished the campaign.
I never thought another AAA game could give Rage competition for most "non-story" and "non-ending". There's not even an achievement/trophy for finishing the campaign.
Seriously, there was ZERO story/ending.
No, just used it yesterday. It is a bit more annoying to use at mid-range, but it is definitely fine against these enemies.
I thought it was just precision damage modifier reduction on ARs from 1.5 to 1.25 and a little bit more recoil. Both mean nothing on minotaurs and praetorian.
could you elaborate on this? o_oWhat did you do? The double entrendre is lost.
Why are you out Daxing Dax, yo?
So, 3 go to Green and 2 into Red Simultaneously? Gates won't close
I did not know this!
So if you're in the gate after you kill the keeper, you get the debuff and have to be cleansed?
A lot of wasted effort on hard. We have 2 people go in to left portal first and go to the back right of the room and icebreak the gatekeeper until hes nearly dead then someome speedily runs along the right side while the one that stayed kills the keeper and runs out. First dude grabs the shield and exits. Same 2 go into right venusy portal and use shield super and rockets to kill everything in 10 seconds and get the second shield in less time than opening 3 different portalsI didn't even know you could do this. Waow.
No, his team opens Green. They then exit Green with Gatekeeper at low life and then go open Red. Then they go back and finish off Green once Red is done. It makes it so the central conflux doesn't have to deal with the minotaurs from Atheon's spawn point for long / if at all, depending on your speed.So, 3 go to Green and 2 into Red Simultaneously? Gates won't close
I did not know this!
So if you're in the gate after you kill the keeper, you get the debuff and have to be cleansed?
I don't know how this happened but I just got matched into a control game where it was 6 vs 2 from the start. Took another minute or so to find the other 4 people for my team.
How does that happen?
So, 3 go to Green and 2 into Red Simultaneously? Gates won't close
I did not know this!
So if you're in the gate after you kill the keeper, you get the debuff and have to be cleansed?
A lot of wasted effort on hard. We have 2 people go in to left portal first and go to the back right of the room and icebreak the gatekeeper until hes nearly dead then someome speedily runs along the right side while the one that stayed kills the keeper and runs out. First dude grabs the shield and exits. Same 2 go into right venusy portal and use shield super and rockets to kill everything in 10 seconds and get the second shield in less time than opening 3 different portals
The stability can be nearly maxed and it's like a rock, or charge time can be almost doubled. It has great overall stats, too.
fantastic gun, dominant during arc burns. don't forget to roll around with your primary out to be able to take advantage of the swap charge
That's the best fusion rifle in the game right now IMO since the other exotic one (pocket infinity) got nerfed. I got one almost fully upgraded. Fantastic.
Same here in UK, PSN also appears to be playing up as I can't see who's online.Are the servers down? Won't let me log in.
I believe we wiped once due to lag during that run. Clearing Atheon in 2 runs was exhilarating.
No obfense, but i think you guys are just bad. I started my alt level 2 titan and i wrecked every single suros guy with the first rifle in the game and k/d > 1. I honestly think that being a loot game these gubs must be much stronger, i shouldn't even get a kill. Not to talk about that ridiculous Iron Banner thing, straight up lying from Bungie about level differencies.
I don't suppose my Raid crew tonight will be willing to change their clan tags so I can get the clan trophy? Most likely not.
A lot of wasted effort on hard. We have 2 people go in to left portal first and go to the back right of the room and icebreak the gatekeeper until hes nearly dead then someome speedily runs along the right side while the one that stayed kills the keeper and runs out. First dude grabs the shield and exits. Same 2 go into right venusy portal and use shield super and rockets to kill everything in 10 seconds and get the second shield in less time than opening 3 different portals