Winter's Run's intro is pretty good because it actually has some interesting story behind it. Fallen Archon jailbreak from the Prison of Elders at the Reef.
you really want the perfect balance mod anyway. make the shots count, and remember this effectsweet! can't wait to unlock full-auto on my pocket infinity, btw I know they removed the increased magazine, is 3-rounds still a fair amount?
So after exploiting virtually all DLC areas, i'm now changing the meaning of DLC to "Door Locked Content"
yup i've been in the 5 main ones. really excited for the vault and dusk warrens, both of which were a pain in the ass to get into lol
Go do Raid on 26 Titan, Hold Shield and Do Templar Boss, reward Ass Shards Energy...
The rest of the team, 1 person got energy, while 4 got weapons...
Go to Chest after bloom and before gorgon (#3 chest), someone gets Patience and Time
Seriously, I'm getting frustrated
I can upgrade like 6+ weapons and close to 5 gear pieces, ONLY IF THE WEAPON or GEAR FUCKING DROP FROM THE GODDAMN FUCKING RAID
I keep getting the carriage part but no horse
yup i've been in the 5 main ones. really excited for the vault and dusk warrens, both of which were a pain in the ass to get into lol
What a thread title.
Finished normal raid with randoms under an hour, great experience. Got raid chest and shotgun.
Only need gauntlets now and that beastly raid sniper.
People here don't like atheon's epilogue right? Why is that?
I like fast firing ARs. And it seems to be easier than doctor nope to handle.
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
Is there anything in the DLC areas or are the just empty spaces?
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
My first legendary was a Caster Arc with similar rate of fire and probably worse handling. It really grew on me, especially when you learn to feather the trigger at long distance and spray up close. Just takes some learning is all.
And isn't it a void primary? I want.
I have been asking in the previous thread but no one answered. What's so good about the raid sniper? I just got it today. Seems nothing special to me, especially since I already have Patience and Time and Ice Breaker.
sucks that pocket infinity hasn't been rebalanced lately. it will probably get nerfed soon.
I actually have a conflict of exotic weapons, would you look at that? How many of you take the rocket launcher(Gjallarhorn?) over Ice Breaker or Invective? I feel like my current rocket launcher is solid, got the same cluster bomb deal, but no tracking and impact is way down. So, what's your preference?
I actually have a conflict of exotic weapons, would you look at that? How many of you take the rocket launcher(Gjallarhorn?) over Ice Breaker or Invective? I feel like my current rocket launcher is solid, got the same cluster bomb deal, but no tracking and impact is way down. So, what's your preference?
universal remote > pocket infinity this round :'[
You know you can change weapons during a game, right? I use Gjallarhorn while I have heavy ammo, and ice breaker when I don't.
sensei dude was rocking the suros regime. i've only run into one other using pocket infinity so far and they finished 4th so I guess there is some small skill element
Any tips for getting past the captains in the level 28 weekly strike? I can't do it!
I'm level 27, have Doctor Nope, Shadow Price and Icebreaker along with various blue various Level 20 weapons. None of my mains are upgraded very much.
Wondering if should just push to level 28 - not having the penalty might help?
What'd you get?GAFFFFFFFFFFFF! I got an exotic bounty! holy shit. i was beginning to think people had made it up. But it's real. It's really real!
I don't know which to choose, though.