Those "gestures" could be remapped to swiping on the touchpad, similar to the way Warframe utilised it for using supers.
Everyone in this thread really is on PS4!
Those "gestures" could be remapped to swiping on the touchpad, similar to the way Warframe utilised it for using supers.
The small magazine wouldn't even be a big deal if they just retooled how the trait works. 6 shots really isn't an issue. The slow reload sucks and should be adjusted slightly. Fortunately chain of woe helps with that, but of course not every class has that.I wouldn't say amazing, because it's below average in almost all areas that are important to handcannons. The 6 bullet magazine for instance is devastating, especially combined with a low reload speed. The stability stat is also too low which pretty much makes it mandatory to choose the Perfect Balance upgrade.
Mark of the Devourer is its special trait, but I wouldn't say that it weighs up all the downsides. There are plenty of better handcannons that are easier, faster and especially much safer to handle in both PvE and PvP.
Anyone know how long until the daily reset? (for bounties, story mission etc.)
1 Hour 40 minutes.
That is cruel but be happy to have it- I'm fucking loving this for pvp.So I buy a Sorus today as my first exotic weapon ever and later after doing the daily I get a purple engram and it gets decoded into another Sorus. This is some sick joke the game is playing on me. I want my 23 coins back.
So I buy a Sorus today as my first exotic weapon ever and later after doing the daily I get a purple engram and it gets decoded into another Sorus. This is some sick joke the game is playing on me. I want my 23 coins back.
That is cruel but be happy to have it- I'm fucking loving this for pvp.
Now your alt has a SUROS; everybody gets a SUROS. Rahool must want to be Oprah today.
Probably a dumb question...
I did the raid for the first time tonight with an experienced group. Got the trophy. Afterwards, Venus still has the ! icon. Did I miss something?
Thanks in advance.
Hard mode is still available lvl 30
Here's my situation. My Uncle needs two strange coins to get the Sorus Regime Auto Rifle. Me and him can't do it alone. He's actually a really good player and I'm more of a average player (FPS really isn't something I like, got it to play with him until he moves on to COD)
I'm looking for two people to help him beat the weekly Heroic strike once so he can get the two strange coins he needs for the auto rifle.
He's working nights tonight, he'll be on @1230 noon tomorrow Saturday (US Central Time). I don't have his permission yet to post his PSN here so add me PSN Frost-Fiend (if you're interested in helping) and I'll set everything up tomorrow at 1230 so you can help him get the strange coins he needs.
If you decide to help thanks in advance.
I don't have an alt. That's why it hurts, I don't think I can get enough coins before next week.
I don't have an alt. That's why it hurts, I don't think I can get enough coins before next week.
i should be able to help with this. what level is he?Here's my situation. My Uncle needs two strange coins to get the Sorus Regime Auto Rifle. Me and him can't do it alone. He's actually a really good player and I'm more of a average player (FPS really isn't something I like, got it to play with him until he moves on to COD)
I'm looking for two people to help him beat the weekly Heroic strike once so he can get the two strange coins he needs for the auto rifle.
He's working nights tonight, he'll be on @1230 noon tomorrow Saturday (US Central Time). I don't have his permission yet to post his PSN here so add me PSN Frost-Fiend (if you're interested in helping) and I'll set everything up tomorrow at 1230 so you can help him get the strange coins he needs.
If you decide to help thanks in advance.
I am grateful and I am loving it. I really hate how useless a second one is though, I can't trade it or even give it away and breaking it would only give me energies and I have a lot of those.
I don't have an alt. That's why it hurts, I don't think I can get enough coins before next week.
Ditto. PSN : notjadedI'll just slip this in here.![]()
so, should i spend all my strange coins on the Suros or get the armamentarium?
i already have an exotic helm fully leveled, but lack a fully leveled legendary helm so leveling both the exotic chest armor and a legendary helm would require lot of work (i have like 3 ascendant shard right now).
i also don't have an exotic primary which would be nice i guess.
i don't particularly like how the armamentarium looks but that second grenade...
I feel ya. So many talk about running all their alts every week, and I struggle to just keep my sole character on the slow and struggling path that is lvl 30.
Might change that up in the next few weeks since I'm getting sick of having little ass material for each upgrade and Warlock/Titan exotics sitting in the vault.
Just got the flawless trophy last night.
VOG No deaths all 6 of us.
Its sweaty, especially the jumping.
My advice is to just take the leap. I was hesitant as well but I'm glad I finally have one. My luck hasn't suddenly changed with drops lol (in fact, I've gotten no raid gear with my alt), but collecting shards/energy and coins is so much easier now. Plus it helps to break up some of the monotony.
<3 night night gaf
ahhhh. did a whole lot of evenly upgrading my weapons in order to finally finish my first one
<3 night night gaf
Enough coins for what?
I feel ya. So many talk about running all their alts every week, and I struggle to just keep my sole character on the slow and struggling path that is lvl 30.
Might change that up in the next few weeks since I'm getting sick of having little ass material for each upgrade and Warlock/Titan exotics sitting in the vault.
Coins are pretty easy to get through Vanguard Tiger and sometimes a week won't have anything of interest. This week for example Xur had nothing really appealing personally, and I missed last weekend while traveling.
I like the alt idea, I'm having fun with my 25 hunter since my warlock is at a brick wall at 29.
Why don't you think you'll have coins? If you're on ps4 I'll carry you through weekly if you need- that's what I've been doing for my friends to help bring them up a few levels. (Hi to my friend still rocking a rare weapon if you're reading this.)
Only problem is I'll forget what class I'm using and use an ability or a jump a certain way while thinking it's going to go much more different than what it actually does : )
Will likely do a Sunsinger Warlock next, and then Defender Titan.
You know up until today I was fighting my way through the game with a blue primary. Sorus makes a huge difference.
beat another raid with my alt, no gear at all. All ass mats except for chatterwhite. So frustrating.
Going to lead a raid for new raiders today. Normal mode if course. Level 28 ideal but a couple of 27 would be workable. Mics required.
First slots to to those who've never run it before and would like to be taught the fights and mechanics.
I'm a level 30 Titan Defender. Completed both normal and hard multiple time.
Psn: astropoff
Looking to start between 12-1pm gmt.
Quote this post and add your name if you'd like to join. If your psn is different, add it next to your gaff name.
1. Zakalwe (astropoff)
If you can find someone with a hard Atheon checkpoint (and are on ps4) I'd be willing to help cheese Atheon on hard for you if that'd help at all. (That's what I got on normal, hard it got helmet and sparrow tonight.)
Psn: astropoff
Looking to start between 12-1pm gmt.
Quote this post and add your name if you'd like to join. If your psn is different, add it next to your gaff name.
1. Zakalwe (astropoff)
2. StaffyManasse
3. Gen_hof
Could be because I'm already very high on agility, but I think the expended ammo is way more important for me. And yes, since the patch I'm very happy with this gun, too.I feel like I can't use any gun but the MIDA now.
I really need to find another gun with that same agility boost.
plus it's just a badass weapon.
The suros has a radar like the mida multitool, does it work like the mida?
The suros has a radar like the mida multitool, does it work like the mida?
Can't find xur anywhere?
He's in the back room with all of the vanguard dudes around the big table.
Hahaha, the way things are going everyone will have The Last Word and you still won't get it![]()