77 wizard is available in void at the crucible vendor.
oh god i have to farm crucible rep?
77 wizard is available in void at the crucible vendor.
so for the raid, should i use the truth or gjallarhorn saying that both would be fully upgraded. I know truth is void damage but i've been seeing a lot of gjallarhorn being used in raid videos.
Ha I run all of this on my sunbro. I second the 77 wizard.man, why is it so hard to get a legendary void fusion rifle?
and a gjallarhorn?
...and a heart of the praxic fire?
I'm down, psn name?Anyone on PS4 want to do the weekly Strike on either level 26 or 28? I Need 8 more coins for Xur before he disappears this week.
Should I buy the Suros? Already have maxed out shadow price.
Just hit someone in the back with a sticky grenade just as they activated golden gun. I felt kinda bad for him lol.
If you do it right they don't spawn at all.
For anyone who has done the Templar HM and Atheon HM cheeses on all their characters, you can spend an extra 3 minutes per character and open the first chest for some extra shards/energy.
You can solo the gate opening by using this little zone trick, basically you start the spire build and run into the next zone, that despawns all enemies. Wait the 1:40 it takes for the spire to build, and zone back. At that point the beam hits the door and it opens (if you are close enough), and places the first chest.
I guess you can do it as well to skip the open stuff in a regular raid group, but if your group can't open the door you probably won't get far anyways.
When you drive to that cave, make sure you walk far enough that it loads the next section (Camp 9, I think it's called). Then walk back and wait a minute or two and drive over. I think what happens is that it fucks up the server so that it spawns the tower, but not the minotaurs.Please explain
what other exotics do you haveShould I buy the Suros? Already have maxed out shadow price.
Should I buy the Suros? Already have maxed out shadow price.
Should I grab the bounty for Pocket Infinity or Super Good Advice?
I really don't think so, but I guess we'll see tomorrow.
So after extensive use in Crucible with both Thorn and Bad Juju I really hope they don't overbuff Thorn too much.
That gun is a beast as it stands now, I'd hate to see them make it a "cheap" weapon in PvP by making it overpowered. Maybe just bump the mag up to 7 and make the reload a tiny bit faster but that's the max they should go.
As for Bad Juju...I don't have it completely leveled up yet but yeesh, it sucks. It's reload is nice and the gun feels good but otherwise it's junk. Its mag size kills it and I think that's everyone's biggest complaint. The range is ass too. I don't know, I'm a big pulse rife fan but I'll probably wait til Red Death makes it's round again from Xur.
If you would like to try the best AR in the game, sure.
lol just got it, this bounty is to kill banok, ur prince, it's before you even get into the shrine let alone the sword part, not even a respawn restricted area. it isn't worth more than 2500xp... but who knows. if none are ever 5000xp again, strike me down
Pocket Infinity. SGA is an easy exotic to nab, but it's not that great of a Machine Gun/Exotic due to the shit stability. Better off using the ZAWF47 or The Swarm legendaries.
Gjallahorn, no question.
So after extensive use in Crucible with both Thorn and Bad Juju I really hope they don't overbuff Thorn too much.
That gun is a beast as it stands now, I'd hate to see them make it a "cheap" weapon in PvP by making it overpowered. Maybe just bump the mag up to 7 and make the reload a tiny bit faster but that's the max they should go.
Dont touch thorn at all in pvp. Its pretty damn op to two shot people. Its one of if not the strongest pvp weapon in the right hands.
Exact same thing for me and no chest.I just tried this on hard mode, kind of worked. But after I went back the enemies spawned, spire disappeared and door closed. Went back to orbit to try again and it triggered the Templar checkpoint doh. Can't do that solo!
Anyone needing one more for raid on ps4?
Anyone need a spare pair of hands for normal raid?
I don't understand..are you saying Thorn is OP in crucible and therefore you don't use it?
I'm confused.
oh I gotcha. I don't remember if those were all the same or not but that would blow.Well, I thought the Stike missions used to be 100/5000 too and the Archon Priest (which is the last boss) is only 50/2500 this week.
No, he means that Bungie shouldn't buff it at all for PVP.
I'm down, psn name?
Edit: sorry double post. How do I remove this on mobile?
I had no idea Thorn was viable for PvP. What makes it so good?
I just started leveling one up a little while ago. One of the 3 scopes (edit: aggressive ballistics) buffs impact and stability a tiny bit. That makes it a lot more functional. There's a big stability upgrade coming too that'll make it a lot more competitive.Is hard light any good? I have a knack for obtaining exotics that everyone says is trash.
I'm starting a normal raid in an hour if you guys are interested. It's my first time.
Your almost there fig! You can do it! Become legend!
For starters, it's a hand cannon. Aim for the head and watch the bodies drop.
The "poison" is unique and absolutely awesome for racking up assists/post mortems. It's also hilarious to pop a couple shots off and run into cover as they die or even make them watch you dance as their remaining health ticks away if you get the drop on them.
I'm starting a normal raid in an hour if you guys are interested. It's my first time.
Man, this online is so fucked. Who the fuck thought that Suros Regime would be good thing to put on Xurs marketplace?
Those nerfs they put out dont do shit. The same problems persist with specific gun classes being absolutely useless. Its still dominate guardian classes and still dominate gun classes. I just got a rare pulse rifle I like and its pointless to even try and use it because I'll end up doing poorly every match. Ugh.
About to push HM Templar off a cliff if anyone wants to help, space for 3
PS4 = Qwell