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Destiny |OT8| Whine and Cheese

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So lets take a second to talk about this:

And by this, I mean the perk: Armor Piercing Rounds.

Naturally, when I first unlocked this ability, I assumed (as most of you probably did) that it meant that I can shoot through one enemy into another. This is true, you can do this. You'll see other weapons out there with the same perk. I've personally found a Fusion Rifle and an Auto Rifle with the same perk.

However, this perk seems to impact Sniper in a way that the other weapons do not benefit from. Namely: IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH WALLS!

I've been getting a lot of messages lately about my hacking skills in Crucible. You see, I play a lot of control, and it's become very easy to defend a point from a mile away, when you can shoot through walls. Naturally, windows are my favorite. I can shoot directly into C from the B turret on First Light. I can shoot through the Rock providing cover at B on Shores of Time, if I'm behind the heavy ammo spawn.

I was planning on uploading a video for you guys to see this, but my PS4 isn't cooperating. Now, I'm not sure if Snipers are supposed to be able to do this or not. I can tell you that it is incredibly fun standing outside the window at A on the Moon, dancing at the enemy in an effort to make them dance as well, only to then pop them right in the head through the wall.


Gorgons is easy. You can be patient and have people go one at a time once you make it to that giant rock after passing the first gorgon.
I have every trophy for this game now except the raid without dying. Feelsgodman.jpg.

I got the Vex Mythoclast, the ship, and the hard raid mode helmet for my Warlock.

I have the hard raid final boss checkpoint, and normal check point on other characters available to me to take advantage of cheesing Atheon with folks later tonight.

It's almost essential to have a Warlock sunsinger wearing a voidfang vestaments body piece so that you can keep spawning with grenades to rock n' roll.

I'll post tonight if I attempt to gather more 27+ sunsingers who want a free completion of hard/normal raid. I just need to first level my Titan from 26-27 to give it the checkpoint as well. I have 26.5 and two legenadry pieces with no levels so that should flip it to 27 pretty quick through some bounties and patrol.


I have so much gear at this point it's ridiculous. I would imagine I'm 1 or 2 weeks away from multiple level 30 characters. Sort of sad. I was hoping the game would last on its PvE content till December, but oh well. PvP until first expansion.

Sent you a PM, I'm interested in raiding.


So lets take a second to talk about this:

And by this, I mean the perk: Armor Piercing Rounds.

Naturally, when I first unlocked this ability, I assumed (as most of you probably did) that it meant that I can shoot through one enemy into another. This is true, you can do this. You'll see other weapons out there with the same perk. I've personally found a Fusion Rifle and an Auto Rifle with the same perk.

However, this perk seems to impact Sniper in a way that the other weapons do not benefit from. Namely: IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH WALLS!

I've been getting a lot of messages lately about my hacking skills in Crucible. You see, I play a lot of control, and it's become very easy to defend a point from a mile away, when you can shoot through walls. Naturally, windows are my favorite. I can shoot directly into C from the B turret on First Light. I can shoot through the Rock providing cover at B on Shores of Time, if I'm behind the heavy ammo spawn.

I was planning on uploading a video for you guys to see this, but my PS4 isn't cooperating. Now, I'm not sure if Snipers are supposed to be able to do this or not. I can tell you that it is incredibly fun standing outside the window at A on the Moon, dancing at the enemy in an effort to make them dance as well, only to then pop them right in the head through the wall.
Holy shit amazing . I don't think my Final Boss has that upgrade though. Maybe...
this is embarrassing. this is a premium subscription service now. we're not talking about agreeing or disagreeing with decisions made about gameplay or DLC or publisher restrictions here, this is basic, mid-90s era friends list, grouping and messaging functionality. Has there even been a single statement from Sony about all this?

can't even log into my PS4 via remote play which I didn't even realize was reliant on PSN itself... :/
Yeah, it's pretty sad. I have two friends who haven't been able to log into PSN for weeks. One of them just got the Destiny PS4 bundle and can't sign in. It's awful.


Wow, I've been pretty neutral with my opinion about the PSN so far but this is getting ridiculous!

I feel the same way. Sony's biggest problem right now by far is their online infrastructure. If this isn't tied to an incoming firmware update or something similar, it's just getting silly.


once my alt is leveled I'm looking to put together a no death achievement run via a normal raid.

if someone dies we restart so be prepared to go at it for a while.

Experienced only in this case

PSN cyborg1

it will be within the next week
So lets take a second to talk about this:

And by this, I mean the perk: Armor Piercing Rounds.

Naturally, when I first unlocked this ability, I assumed (as most of you probably did) that it meant that I can shoot through one enemy into another. This is true, you can do this. You'll see other weapons out there with the same perk. I've personally found a Fusion Rifle and an Auto Rifle with the same perk.

However, this perk seems to impact Sniper in a way that the other weapons do not benefit from. Namely: IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH WALLS!

I've been getting a lot of messages lately about my hacking skills in Crucible. You see, I play a lot of control, and it's become very easy to defend a point from a mile away, when you can shoot through walls. Naturally, windows are my favorite. I can shoot directly into C from the B turret on First Light. I can shoot through the Rock providing cover at B on Shores of Time, if I'm behind the heavy ammo spawn.

I was planning on uploading a video for you guys to see this, but my PS4 isn't cooperating. Now, I'm not sure if Snipers are supposed to be able to do this or not. I can tell you that it is incredibly fun standing outside the window at A on the Moon, dancing at the enemy in an effort to make them dance as well, only to then pop them right in the head through the wall.
this is embarrassing. this is a premium subscription service now. we're not talking about agreeing or disagreeing with decisions made about gameplay or DLC or publisher restrictions here, this is basic, mid-90s era friends list, grouping and messaging functionality. Has there even been a single statement from Sony about all this?

can't even log into my PS4 via remote play which I didn't even realize was reliant on PSN itself... :/

The worst part of it is Sony's silence. They rarely acknowledge any issues present. Xbox Live is seemingly more reliable (did I seriously just type that) with each passing month, while PSN goes the other way.
I agree. I'm not a big MSoft enthusiast, but the issues we have here daily with PSN is outrageous in comparison to Live.

However, I don't have a XBone so maybe it too suffers from similar issues.

The giant delay to send invites. The giant delay to receive invites. The giant delays to hear/read message/send messages. I've literally got messages that are days old.

I would gladly give up my free PSN + games each month for functioning PSN period.

Nope not really. We had some weird issue the other day where the friend roster wasn't showing up in game because of some weird overall Live issue with friends but, even then, we could still play the game.
I have every trophy for this game now except the raid without dying. Feelsgodman.jpg.

I got the Vex Mythoclast, the ship, and the hard raid mode helmet for my Warlock.

I have the hard raid final boss checkpoint, and normal check point on other characters available to me to take advantage of cheesing Atheon with folks later tonight.

It's almost essential to have a Warlock sunsinger wearing a voidfang vestaments body piece so that you can keep spawning with grenades to rock n' roll.

I'll post tonight if I attempt to gather more 27+ sunsingers who want a free completion of hard/normal raid. I just need to first level my Titan from 26-27 to give it the checkpoint as well. I have 26.5 and two legenadry pieces with no levels so that should flip it to 27 pretty quick through some bounties and patrol.


I have so much gear at this point it's ridiculous. I would imagine I'm 1 or 2 weeks away from multiple level 30 characters. Sort of sad. I was hoping the game would last on its PvE content till December, but oh well. PvP until first expansion.

If you are on PSN, I'd love to help out later tonight. My PSN is KINGofCRA5H-
PSN is a joke and so are their status monitoring tools and customer interaction.

The status page will always read Online even when it's down for maintenance unless they manually update it: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237

I'd bet money that its a static page and requires manual updates. And there is rarely ANY acknowledgement from Sony when PSN is experiencing issues, on their main website or twitter. There was barely any heads-up when they did the 7 hour maintenance without looking at a World Calendar first to avoid service interruptions during two potential holidays.

XBL has much better monitoring tools and customer awareness notifications: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status . Word on the street is that they even have better service.

As someone who has both, XBL is the superior service, hands down. This is coming from a PS fan (or at least someone that prefers his PS4 to his XB1).


The Cryptarch's Bane
I agree. I'm not a big MSoft enthusiast, but the issues we have here daily with PSN is outrageous in comparison to Live.

However, I don't have a XBone so maybe it too suffers from similar issues.
While service was imperfect on PS3 I had no issues with frustration because it was literally a free service. I considered it the superior offering to Xbox Live even though it actually wasn't in terms of featureset, just because the value of being able to group/chat/play multiplayer games without a subscription was enormous to me. When there were outage problems it was irritating in the moment but easy to remind myself it was free.

But I'm paying for this. I'm subscribed to this, meaning I actually get charged more money for it unless I take action to prevent it. I expect a lot more, not barely working at the most bedrock level for 3+ weeks now.
The giant delay to send invites. The giant delay to receive invites. The giant delays to hear/read message/send messages. I've literally got messages that are days old.
Those delays are all bad, but what has been getting me is the delay to just LOAD a friends list/newly received message/someone's profile to invite them to party/someone's name when searching for them. I have stared at many spinning swirling balls for much too long over the last few weeks.
I would gladly give up my free PSN + games each month for functioning PSN period.
in a heartbeat. PS+ was sold to me as an enormous value, and while it certainly is on paper, at its recent worst it's been something I would never recommend anyone pay for. :-/
So lets take a second to talk about this:

And by this, I mean the perk: Armor Piercing Rounds.

Naturally, when I first unlocked this ability, I assumed (as most of you probably did) that it meant that I can shoot through one enemy into another. This is true, you can do this. You'll see other weapons out there with the same perk. I've personally found a Fusion Rifle and an Auto Rifle with the same perk.

However, this perk seems to impact Sniper in a way that the other weapons do not benefit from. Namely: IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH WALLS!

I've been getting a lot of messages lately about my hacking skills in Crucible. You see, I play a lot of control, and it's become very easy to defend a point from a mile away, when you can shoot through walls. Naturally, windows are my favorite. I can shoot directly into C from the B turret on First Light. I can shoot through the Rock providing cover at B on Shores of Time, if I'm behind the heavy ammo spawn.

I was planning on uploading a video for you guys to see this, but my PS4 isn't cooperating. Now, I'm not sure if Snipers are supposed to be able to do this or not. I can tell you that it is incredibly fun standing outside the window at A on the Moon, dancing at the enemy in an effort to make them dance as well, only to then pop them right in the head through the wall.

I've got it on my scout but damn I wish I had it on my sniper :-\
Anyone else having a weird issue where your main won't log in but your alts will? If my lvl 28 titan is stuffed Bungie/Sony will... have to read tersely worded forum posts from me. Nope just really flaky right now
this is embarrassing. this is a premium subscription service now. we're not talking about agreeing or disagreeing with decisions made about gameplay or DLC or publisher restrictions here, this is basic, mid-90s era friends list, grouping and messaging functionality. Has there even been a single statement from Sony about all this?

can't even log into my PS4 via remote play which I didn't even realize was reliant on PSN itself... :/

it's the same statements for the last 35 minutes. PS customer service at it's finest

A good team can get through the raid in less than an hour.

You guys loves cheeses :D

It is like doing Limbo no die trophy... just it is 6 guys instead one.

PS. I beat the normal Raid yesterday without die... just playing normal to help friends... just be sure to be high level and don't make mistakes on jump.

I'm sure it's perfectly doable but its just the prospect of even one person making one small mistake....

Okay for the jumping puzzle and Gorgons maze, one person does it and they die, does that mean everyone else can carry on if they get someone else?


Too bad our characters are tied to psn. Id buy an extra copy just so i can reliably play on my bone. This is getting ridiculous sony. Fix psn. Your big game is embarrassing your online infrastructure.
I've got it on my scout but damn I wish I had it on my sniper :-\

I've never had it on a Scout Rifle. Please let me know if it goes through walls or not.

Also, here is a short list of fun spots to shoot through walls:

-Blind Watch. The very bottom door of the B Building, watching the door from A. People will hide behind that pillar thinking they are safe.

-Firebase Delphi. Can shoot from B room into room below B due to skinny window on south wall. Can also shoot into B from the hanging box platform in the middle of the two big doors.

-Shores of Time. Shooting from the B Heavy Ammo spawn into B. Doesn't matter if they hide behind a rock or not. Also, shooting from the Bravo spawn towards C. You can shoot through the Rock and the Tree that people take for cover.

-First Light. B turret area can shoot into C with windows. Can shoot in or out of A because of windows.

-Twilight Gap. My person favorite, people try to use the same sniper lanes the entire game, you probably know which ones I'm talking about. Well, when people take cover behind a box, or ducking behind the small guard rails, just shoot anyway, and be happy. :)

Most important note. You seem to only be able to pass through 1 single wall. Some walls have extra thick layers, so you might not be able to make it through them.
Absolutely disgusting. If I can't connect to psn soon, I may have to resort to finishing my school work and trying to get my wasted life on track.
which is the preferred site for finding groups, destinylfg.net or destinylfg.com?
At first i thought they were the same but it doesn't look that way.


Just saw my FL disappear on my screen when I hit the Home button. Sony's gonna get creamed over the holidays if they don't have this shit sorted out by then. With the gaming media towing the "not much difference between the consoles" line, people are gonna start taking their switching to or back to Xbox.


If I recall I think people recommend destinylfg.net since it wasnt created just to make money where as the .com was created just to make money. I could be wrong though. I personally use .net since it doesnt have ads on it.
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