The Rain King
Damn stealth Vandals get me every time
Try a shotgun. Wrecks them.
Damn stealth Vandals get me every time
How good are those weapon telemetries that Xur sells?
One last strike for the Bad Juju. Looking forward to opening the ~30 engrams I've hoarded.
How good are those weapon telemetries that Xur sells?
You can actually do it with Titans and pulse grenades too btw.Can any warlock help me and two others by cheesing Atheon? Regular mode. 3 spots.
Try a shotgun. Wrecks them.
How good are those weapon telemetries that Xur sells?
Behind the Warlock VanguardWhere is Xur today?
I was told here on GAF that this was impossible, that I had to do lousy to get phat lewts. So I figured I'd show it off since people can be so negative.
I now have gotten 4 exotics that have nothing to do with Xur. I think maybe 10 or so involving Xur?
Eh, either way, now I have to learn how to use this beast....
Where is Xur today?
I was told here on GAF that this was impossible, that I had to do lousy to get phat lewts. So I figured I'd show it off since people can be so negative.
I now have gotten 4 exotics that have nothing to do with Xur. I think maybe 10 or so involving Xur?
Eh, either way, now I have to learn how to use this beast....
I'm done for the week, I just want VoC and I don't care for VoG anymore at all.
Never got any raid gear but I don't care for armor, I just want weapons.
Its still all random lol, I haven't gotten 1 exotic or legendary from crucible and I play alot of it.
Got my hands on the Hezen Vengeance today. Looks pretty cool.
down where the class vanguards are
Pretty underwhelmed with telemetries. I thought maybe it was just exotics needing sarcastic amounts of experience, but even using them to level up Light/BEWARE feels like some random passive grimoire bonus more than something with a time limit that I spent currency on. If I didn't know any better I'd think I bought them from The Speaker lol
Behind the Warlock Vanguard
I was told here on GAF that this was impossible, that I had to do lousy to get phat lewts. So I figured I'd show it off since people can be so negative.
I now have gotten 4 exotics that have nothing to do with Xur. I think maybe 10 or so involving Xur?
Eh, either way, now I have to learn how to use this beast....
Try a shotgun. Wrecks them.
I was told here on GAF that this was impossible, that I had to do lousy to get phat lewts. So I figured I'd show it off since people can be so negative.
I now have gotten 4 exotics that have nothing to do with Xur. I think maybe 10 or so involving Xur?
Eh, either way, now I have to learn how to use this beast....
I was told here on GAF that this was impossible, that I had to do lousy to get phat lewts. So I figured I'd show it off since people can be so negative.
I now have gotten 4 exotics that have nothing to do with Xur. I think maybe 10 or so involving Xur?
Eh, either way, now I have to learn how to use this beast....
Hahaha, the way things are going everyone will have The Last Word and you still won't get itI want TLW *snivel*
Get the Perfect Balance perk ASAP! It's a must.
Pretty underwhelmed with telemetries. I thought maybe it was just exotics needing sarcastic amounts of experience, but even using them to level up Light/BEWARE feels like some random passive grimoire bonus more than something with a time limit that I spent currency on. If I didn't know any better I'd think I bought them from The Speaker lol
Behind the Warlock Vanguard
Does anyone have the oracle checkpoint on hard? Xbox one?
I do. Will pass it off in a bit. Currently on my alt trying to cheese him once