ah gotcha, already ran it twice on normal this week.
What drops Fatebringer? Is it in the loot pool on normal and hard or is it just an Atheon drop? I've hardly touched hand cannons but it seems like a sweet weapon.
I know I'm probably LTTP with this one but I only just saw it and I am in awe.
Templar hard I believe?
Created a new warlock a few days ago, finally go it up to 20, then up to 29 switching gear from my main warlock. Ran the raid with some newbies and the raid chest drops after beating the gatekeeper...finally. Didn't get a chance to beat Atheon yet cause some folks had to leave, but now I have the raid boots and chest, would like to get both helmet and gaunlets but either will do and I'll exotic the other piece to get to 30. And to think I almost didn't make that alt., rng is with me lol.
Fatebringer, Predyth's Revenge and Gjalla. All the guns you need for dat raid.
Still need another? Ill join LkPr
This is why I am not a fan of the cheese. Most who played the raid on hard only know what it is like to face Athean on that difficulty and just him alone. Most probably don't even know how to use the relic. It really sucks playing with people who don't listen. There was one day two weeks ago where I played with several people not part of my usual raid group. They wanted help so I offer to help them. I left to orbit after dying for the tenth time during the confluxes phase. People just wouldnt listen to advise. Since then, I became a bit picky over who I play with if they're not part of my usual raid group.*sigh* this is all I really want to do but can't seem to get a group for it. Instead I'm wasting my time carrying people through hard raid who have no business being there, don't even try while playing, and then act ungrateful about it anyway. I love helping people raid, but when dudes show up with 2 rare weapons, or are Lv 28 with no upgraded weapons, or don't even listen to advice... I end up wasting 20k glimmer on heavy synth and 3+ hours on one boss when I'm not getting loot drops anyway. All that raid cheese really skewed people's perception of just how challenging the "real" hard raid is. It's just a game, but it still bothers me how selfish people can be about it.
I'm sick of going up against stacked teams in the crucible and losing. I'm not even doing poorly, I do rather well individually, but it seems like regardless of how well I do my team gets blown out most of the time. I have no way, to tell but I have to suspect it's because I'm mostly going up against parties. I mean, even without skill based matchmaking it feels like the level of competition should level out over time since most players are average, but it doesn't seem like that's happening for me, so I have to suspect I'm mostly going up against parties. Regardless, I'm getting frustrated and I'm losing my will to play now. Sorry for venting here.
Just need me that Gjalla!Fatebringer, Predyth's Revenge and Gjalla. All the guns you need for dat raid.
Need one for aethon xb1 now
Should I buy a Suros Regime for one of my alts or another Armamentarium? Or just save my Strange coins?
Looking for 3 people for VoG normal.
Me and some friends just dominated in control...hope that wasn't you, I was embarrassed for them and started dancing. I mean, when its triple or quadruple the score of the other team it gets awkward.
Should I buy a Suros Regime for one of my alts or another Armamentarium? Or just save my Strange coins?
Looking for 1 more.
Ok filled.
Anyone want to help me do the Weekly Heroic on 28. I'm 27 and just can't get through these wizards shields.
Xbox One. natethegreat409
I need coins for that Suros.
Daw.No death trophy running starts at $600 dollars a run bub. Lets see dat cold hard cash first. lol i'm just joking. Anyways I don't really want to run it many times. It is a hassle lol.
++++++all of thisThis is why I am not a fan of the cheese. Most who played the raid on hard only know what it is like to face Athean on that difficulty and just him alone. Most probably don't even know how to use the relic. It really sucks playing with people who don't listen. There was one day two weeks ago where I played with several people not part of my usual raid group. They wanted help so I offer to help them. I left to orbit after dying for the tenth time during the confluxes phase. People just wouldnt listen to advise. Since then, I became a bit picky over who I play with if they're not part of my usual raid group.
And no same person should ever bring blue weapons to the raid. Seriously, if you (not you, Boguester) are bringing blues with you, you have no business being in the raid regardless of what level you are.
Looking for people to raid for Xbox. I have three people. Message my gamer tag bachikarn
Yeah, the Suros held its own against the Vex pre-nerf. Now, it reigns king; only top hand cannons can compare.A Suros Regime zoomed in the best scout rifle in the game, it's also the best auto rifle in the game and lastly pulse rifle(but do we even need to mention these?). Good lord.
Looking for 3 people for VoG normal.
PSN: Crakatak187
I would do it but then I read 'Xbox One' :/
Anyone wants to do the Level 28 Weekly Heroic Strike with me on PS4, then?
Vision Of Confluence is close in quality to Suros, especially since Scout Rifles do considerably more critical damage than ARs and it can fire in full auto with literally almost zero recoil.Yeah, the Suros held its own against the Vex pre-nerf. Now, it reigns king; only top hand cannons can compare.
so I've been using suros for awhile now (picked it up when xur first had it) and have loved it. it's fully upgraded and I used it all the time.
recently tho.. I've started leveling alts and decided to give hand cannons a try since everyone and their mom swear by them.
and OMG have i grew to enjoy using them all the time. I picked up the vanguard one for my main and got it almost leveled (just two more energy slots to go) ....
so the point.. I was doing a public event. it was the one where you have to kill the target. now I've done these a million times before with suros. so I went in confident enough with my shiny new hand cannon (I mean he WAS only like level 9!!!) ....
but...... I couldn't kill him in time. got him to maybe half life. so my question...... how does hand cannons work vs ARs in bosses (or mini-bosses as this case was)?
I can't say I'm an amazing shot (I went AR from the get go cause I'm not) ... but I generally get the head shots I want. yet I couldn't down this stupid target.
so is hand cannons only good situationally then? am I missing something? a strategy used by all HC users?
heeeeeelp me be a better guardian!
This is why I am not a fan of the cheese. Most who played the raid on hard only know what it is like to face Athean on that difficulty and just him alone. Most probably don't even know how to use the relic. It really sucks playing with people who don't listen. There was one day two weeks ago where I played with several people not part of my usual raid group. They wanted help so I offer to help them. I left to orbit after dying for the tenth time during the confluxes phase. People just wouldnt listen to advise. Since then, I became a bit picky over who I play with if they're not part of my usual raid group.
And no same person should ever bring blue weapons to the raid. Seriously, if you (not you, Boguester) are bringing blues with you, you have no business being in the raid regardless of what level you are.
so I've been using suros for awhile now (picked it up when xur first had it) and have loved it. it's fully upgraded and I used it all the time.
recently tho.. I've started leveling alts and decided to give hand cannons a try since everyone and their mom swear by them.
and OMG have i grew to enjoy using them all the time. I picked up the vanguard one for my main and got it almost leveled (just two more energy slots to go) ....
so the point.. I was doing a public event. it was the one where you have to kill the target. now I've done these a million times before with suros. so I went in confident enough with my shiny new hand cannon (I mean he WAS only like level 9!!!) ....
but...... I couldn't kill him in time. got him to maybe half life. so my question...... how does hand cannons work vs ARs in bosses (or mini-bosses as this case was)?
I can't say I'm an amazing shot (I went AR from the get go cause I'm not) ... but I generally get the head shots I want. yet I couldn't down this stupid target.
so is hand cannons only good situationally then? am I missing something? a strategy used by all HC users?
heeeeeelp me be a better guardian!
Quoting for new page. Did anyone post this yet? Two Man HARD MODE Raid
Try one of the LFG sites? They often have a couple on there.
Turn between Suros Regime and Voidfang Vestments. I want the weapon, but I have no exotic armor yet.
Me and some friends just dominated in control...hope that wasn't you, I was embarrassed for them and started dancing. I mean, when its triple or quadruple the score of the other team it gets awkward.
4 wins 1 loss, note the server leader in kills in each match including the loss. that last one was one of my top 3 best matches ever, and my record for kills in the crucible so far, and our 6th man was missing the majority of the match.
Hello all.
Is it true the suros should not be upgraded at all?
And I have the hard atheon checkpoint I will be on for the next 15 to 20 minutes if anybody wants it I would like to do it in a wave or two so if you would like it add me and be patient till I get 6. It is for ps4.
Psn Mattiator85.
I had to leave my previous group at the gatekeepers during the last run.
I don't mind doing atheon now