Just bough a dex andi's visage for 1m, 13% extra fire damage taken. I saw one with 7% but it was already bought

wish I could have gotten that one.
It's crazy how undervalued this gear is. I noticed more damage taken by molten, fireballs and etc, but I got 5k DPS from it and my healing has been better since I hit more often now.
Does anybody know if the fire damage taken is net damage or does it just lower my fire resist?
Also, when buying this, I really wish I had gone with poison resist

this headgear would have been nothing but fantastic if I could have gotten another 46 resist from the poison resist...
Another question - does life steal work with sweeping wind? What's the rate? I've looked up on google and couldn't find too much on it.
And I just got 56k DPS with a nice shield which gives me a lot of survivability

screw dual wielding, i love my 8.5% critical shield, my next upgrade will get me to 60k dps! I'm pumped about that.