I put 250 hours into my WD and rolled a DH before 1.0.4. I got tired of only using bears or bats, and had a blast with my DH. DH takes a significantly larger amount of APM, I've found, because you don't get that natural AR from your primary stat.
250 Hours? Damn...
I'm currently using bears as my second primary attack and going into a huge pack of spiders in the Crater and watching everything fly all over the place never gets old =P
You at least have a better understanding of how the game works, what you need to look for, and what a decent price is if you've been playing for that long. Outfitting an alt in gear that can handle act 3 is really not that expensive, and then you can work on tinkering with it once you have a decent enough starting set. It's worked for me, anyway. My monk does pretty okay in act 3 and I only spent around a million on him.
You're right, got nothing else to say lol
Similar situation here. I've put in roughly as much time in my WD (Edit: About 170 hours) and while I occasionally find something that's an upgrade to my shitty gear, I'm not finding anything I could sell. I've never seen a set item (outside some shitty plans back when Inferno was still deadly) and I haven't seen any legendaries in the past few days, not that I've ever found a good one there either.
All the gold I have comes from the vendor and picking it up. Whenever I buy something new I find out that I can't get nearly as much as what I originally paid for it. I feel as if the lucky and/or rich get richer, whereas I'm stuck at the bottom.
Same here. It's almost like a F2P game: Grind for all eternity, hoping that you find something good, or spend real money to upgrade your gear. Then again I'm not really sick of my WD, it's just that the entire (financial/loot) situation is extremely demotivating. I still like playing my WD though, it's pretty satisfying, although I'll probably test a few more niche builds in the future.
Are you playing on EU? Put a link to your profile, maybe I'll have some gear that could help you (If it's as awful as you make it sound

I finally managed to grab a Last Breath with life steal for 3.2M (Lost a better one at a bidding for 2.1M for a stupid reason) and what do I see? A new one on the AH, about the same as mine, for 2M buyout.... FML
Anyway, I'm having fun! Act 3 is now easier than ever! I only die if it's some super crazy elite pack
I mange to get 45K damage (I took a 5K+ DPS hit with this weapon, but it doesn't really matter now does it?)
gruesome feast + soul harvest bring my DPS as high as 70 or 80K with 190MF
I can even manage Act 3 with 23K base DPS using my MF gear that gets me 320+ MF
Edit: found a plan exalted grand massacre axe
Probably worth more than that crappy cindercoat I found earlier lol