Fenderputty - Community Vile Ward sales rep.
Thanks I'll look into Vile Wards I fear all that is too expensive. Bracers are a curse now that I can't see myself giving up that 11k health globe bonus the 6% crit is nice tooMaybe I can get that on some other piece? I was thinking of getting Lacunis to get my movement speed bonus off my boots so I can upgrade my boots hard, I see such high Dex/Vit boots but none with MS unless they are millions of millions gold.
I'd also appreciate a gear check, I have no idea what to upgrade or where to go, seems anything I want is just too expensive. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Juices-1991/hero/6088646
I`d start by switching your gloves and your boots. You can easily get a triple triad on your gloves with dex for maybe 5m tops (IAS, Critical chance and critical damage)
I'd also switch your boots. Drop MF on it, and you can get a really awesome 170+ dex, 170+ vit and all res for just a couple millions.
Fenderputty: Thanks for the advice. I'll look into Vile Wards.
And yeah, I honestly don't want to DW. I can probably switch my shield to a new one with 10% critical and 200+ dex and get some extra DPS from it.
It's toughI've dropped a LOT of survivability for DPS, but I don't really want to drop the shield to dual wield. I know there's benefit to it, but I know it's not gonna give me another 40k dps :I
I'm probably gonna switch my rings to triple triad rings soon.
EDIT: You know =/ I'd probably drop your MF and just go full dps instead. If you're gonna have just 65% MF and not be able to kill stuff effectively, you're better off just dropping it. IT's what I did. I have a boots to replace mine with more dex and vit and all res which I use when I'm playing.
Yeah ... the Vile Ward is a nice sholder piece. They can pop over the standard 200 dex too. My sholders have 75ALL RES 199 DEX with Armor and ran me about 17 million. Vile Ward with some VIT will cost you about 30. You'll probably have to move some of that life onto another piece if you go this route though.
1.0.4 there really is no reason to use a shield. It's just not tough enough. Though I would imagine that will change once 1.0.5 comes out and you can alter MP levels and we can no longer dodge reflect damage. You have really good DPS anyway for sword and board so far be it from me to say you're doing anything wrong. You're clearly not.
I also agree with you that juice should drop the MF on his gear.
A. MF gear sells well so he can recover after buying a replacement piece
B. He needs a ton more Dex.
I'll look into losing the MF, its not something I've actively searched for its a coincidence/bonus if its on my pieces. I just dont want to lose my Movement Speed otherwise I get mowed down too easily. I only have like 4 pieces with All Res I die in a hit or two in Act III which is super annoying...
You could look into getting Inna's Temperance as they have move speed. But getting some with vit or all resist makes the price go up quite a bit.
Something I didn't know about regarding Monster Power:
Something I didn't know about regarding Monster Power:
You could look into getting Inna's Temperance as they have move speed. But getting some with vit or all resist makes the price go up quite a bit.
I was genuinely sad when they didn't put anything like the chat gem in D3. There should be at least a couple elements in menu background right before you start your run that you could fiddle with that did absolutely nothing, so that people would go crazy about something that's actually in the game. Next time we'll see the influence of your default internet browser on legendary drops, or the influence of playing with just one sock on.
What's funny is that all the people in that thread who believe in it are freaking out over some pretty damn small variation of loot tested on a pitifully small sample of runs. lol, just lol.
I sense you are to ignorant to test it on your own. That or just lazy.
Well that's just bloody brilliant. My previous assumption was 10% damage increase at lower MP levels. Since this is the official chart, I can now confirm that as a monk my survivability is lower than 1.0.4 even at MP1. MP1!!!
And that's without factoring in the enchantress nerf and not being able to dodge reflect damage.
Blizzard hired a bunch of math genius.
I started up the game just now and none of my abilities, save my primary and Blinding Flash worked
No Serenity, Mantra, SW, nothing
Monk nerf going deeper?
I love monk but at this point it's just noth worth it to engage in Monks anymore.
Nerf everywhere to a class that is underpowered and incredibly skimmed
Don't forget that regular MP0 had a big big nerf compared to 1.04. People were saying that incoming damage is similar in MP4 - MP 5 to 1.04 incoming damage.
From what I'm hearing from the monks in this thread it would seem that they've been castrated, but honestly? Sounds a bit like overreacting... (that's not to say the class as it is would be able to compete with barbs on MP10, just that to me it doesn't seem like they're in a particularly worse spot in 1.0.5 compared to where they are in 1.0.4)
Are you sure your keybinding didnt reset? That happened to me when I booted the game today for some reason. A bunch of my keybinds were defaulted. I closed the game and reopened it, and all was back to normal. Weird.
Err how could I have forgotten that? Otherwise everybody would have much less survivability even at MP0. They said 25% less damage so everyone's using that figure to calculate survivability.
Because of the double nerf, monks gain less survivability than other classes at MP0. The thing is, the better your gears are, the more they punish you. I am losing almost 1.4K armor just because of my high dex.
Like I said, nobody on the Diablo team seems to even know how their game works. All they need to do is to make a simple spreadsheet and apply some elementary level maths and they will see how monks are getting a raw deal.
Sure if you stick to MP0 it'll still be an improvement. If you're okay with seeing people who play classes other than WD with comparable gears can do stuff that you can't, you'll be fine. My choice is simply not to play the game until they fix it.
So I'm running with five stacks on monster level 10 and the results are pretty awesome. I found two set items in the last ten minutes. Clumps of 3300+ gold everywhere.
Still not time efficient for leveling, but the drops are a lot of fun.
Here's a pic of stats with bonuses.
481% GF
465% MF
265.8 Bonus xp
So is it true that every enemy drops at least one item at MP10?
So I'm running with five stacks on monster level 10 and the results are pretty awesome. I found two set items in the last ten minutes. Clumps of 3300+ gold everywhere.
Still not time efficient for leveling, but the drops are a lot of fun.
Here's a pic of stats with bonuses.
481% GF
465% MF
265.8 Bonus xp
Any advice for my WW barb?
I know my crit chance is a bit low and I've got a completely mismatched bracer (found it myself). Tried the Alkaizer route but I was getting wrecked whenever I ran into a pack with Succubi around
Is the patch still not out. Christ.
Installed PTR and did a quick act 1 run at MP3
Found my first set item not even half way in lol
Considering the circumstances I found it under, the flavour text seems incredibly apt
Installed PTR and did a quick act 1 run at MP3
Found my first set item not even half way in lol
Considering the circumstances I found it under, the flavour text seems incredibly apt
Same thing for me this morning. The typical thing for me is if there are two legendaries of the same type, but one is crap, I'll get the crap one.So I finally broke my shitty streak of a week without a legendary , two handed axe, Skorn?!
Nope ANOTHER FUCKING MEESLYSHITTER AXE. Worse than the last one!!!! Fuck you !
Also I was trying the D3 loot server thinger. I did get it on a lower even # server.