Yup I just get all like yayyy then I get all aw then I say damn
All these posts about not finding legendaries in "the last week" or "3-4 days" just make me SMH. I have found two post 1.0.4 (and one was just made into mats). That is at p31 with average of 290MF and always act3. Feels like I must be doing something incredibly wrong if other people complain if they haven't seen one in a few runs.
Reminds me of this morning. I see an orange shoulder dropping on the floor and instantly get pumped: SCORE!!!! VILE WARD!!!!
It was some shitty ass i58 legendary =I
I literally haven't found anything worthy in about 3-4 days =O not even a rare worth more than 200k.
I did a test, fired up a random server game, killed an elite and got shit. Then I fired up a 78 server and the elite dropped 2 yellows, one ilvl 63. My test proves it works.
Same thing for me this morning. The typical thing for me is if there are two legendaries of the same type, but one is crap, I'll get the crap one.
I'm actually not even sure, do legendaries themselves have a drop rate of their own? For example for every one Skorn, 73 million messershmitt's fall?
I got bored and decided to throw some cheap gear on my WD which I haven't played since 1.0.3. Jesus, the WD buff was amazing! I tossed on a ton of pickup radius gear, putting me at 47. I coupled that with Gruesome Feast and Grave Injustice, and my WD is pretty much unstoppable. I wish I had the gold I invested in my DH for my WD so I can get some better gear.
Does this game really run better on USB? In SP I only get lag during the first few minutes of a game but it kills me and pises me off. Online I get some lag when the group is mostly spell casters...
I'm guessing these will get chargebacked/reversed. Probably shouldn't touch the money as that would be theftGuys, check your Paypal account.
Blizzard made a mistake and sent free money to a bunch of people
I woke up, checked my account and boom:
I'm guessing these will get chargebacked/reversed. Probably shouldn't touch the money as that would be theft
I'm going to install LootAlert and have Barney Stinson saying "legendary!" for legendary items and"Wait for it" for level 63s.
I hope you don'y consider a witching hour belt part of your "ton of cheap gear" and just transfered gear from your DH =I
But yeah, WDs are bad ass.
Dude, yes. Main stats are decent as well and that's almost perfect GF on an ammy too, which is still worth something.
Skorn. Fuck yeah. No idea if it's a good roll, but fuck yeah.
What's going on ? Another legendary. Frostbrand gauntlets ? No idea if good, but happy either way.
Edit 2:
Any idea what I can get for this (far from good) roll ?
+311 STR
+146% Crit Damage
99.7% Chance for 6455-12824 bleeding damage over 5 secs
4% higher crit chance for Seismic Slam
Guys, check your Paypal account.
Blizzard made a mistake and sent free money to a bunch of people
I woke up, checked my account and boom:
6 crit chance on bracers is highest it goes I believe. Unless some legendary pushes it past that. If lacunis have 6 crit chance thats why they are worth a lot! In fact that would be a huge upgrade for me.
So... are these worth a lot?
I found these not so long ago and I'm currently using them. Gave me a nice 2K DPS boost, but I could easily do without 'em. I never thought they were worth much.
It seems that the magic find is what people are after, as the ones without it are not selling for a lot, but I just saw one without main stats and only magic find with a 33M bid and a 225M buyout
I guess I should put these on sale then? What price should I start at?
Edit: Actually, the one with the 33M bid has 68 INT but no all resist , and it has a 6 crit chance. I guess that's why the bids are so high? Although 6 crit is kinda low
Edit 2: Looks like a lot of people are looking for that crit chance, but there are ones without that are also selling. Whatever, just gonna put it on and try my luck. hopefully someones people will want them.
Got a decent Thing of the Deep.
334 top damage and 5% damage to elites, only one with damage to elites with nice damage.
Popped it up for 30ish mil no buyout, let's see what happens.
Elite Damage isn't really a sought after affix on WD offhands. Usually you're looking for good Int, crit, vit, or max mana/mana regen.
Thing of the Deep comes standard with all those but Vit.
We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, October 16th. Maintenance will begin at 3:00 AM PDT and is expected to last for 8 hours. During this time, all servers and many web services will be unavailable.
Could this be it?
They sent me 200 dollars.....sooo how much shit would i be in if I just hit transfer to bank account?
Well, it is an error on their side but I believe you would be liable for theft if you took it.They sent me 200 dollars.....sooo how much shit would i be in if I just hit transfer to bank account?
Well, it is an error on their side but I believe you would be liable for theft if you took it.
Oh god. 1.05 coming? I must play as much as I can before then, then!
I found a crappy legendary bow today. 899 dps, 1hand, no sock, 500 LoH and 200 120 dex :/
Wish it could have been a danetta's instead -.-
Er... why before? I'm hardly playing at all until it comes out.
Well, it is an error on their side but I believe you would be liable for theft if you took it.