Any way to compare stats from items more faster and more specific? how much improvement can win and lost, like crit chance or res?
Any way to compare stats from items more faster and more specific? how much improvement can win and lost, like crit chance or res?
Am I the only one by the way who will be happy and content by starting out with Monster Level 1 or 2 and staying there for quite some time, farming Act 1 like it was Act 3? Because that is my plan. I refuse to be frustrated because I would not be able to clear MP5 or 3 fast enough, or at all.
Yes. I play both Monk and Barbarian (really should have just stuck with one) so I'm gonna double whine.
1. The impunity nerf.
2. Run like the wind nerf.
Barbs generally focused on survival thus all the 50k-60k barbs while every other class (including monks) were breaking 100k.
1. Because all nerfs to defense aren't going to make me use burning palm or wrath of light. I'll drop blinding flash-dmg boost if they give life steal to burning palm.
2. Can't even regear comfortably because that OWE nerf is going to happen but hasn't happened yet.
Now that is out of the way seems like Blizzard just gave the "Inferno is too easy" crowd what they wanted. Maybe monks need to go back to the early dodge - target or MoH - time of need instead of MoC until they reach whatever the ultimate monk gear is.
Dude... you're a barb. Just start at mp10. Mp10 was cake for most barbs on the ptr.
Turn it on in Option> do you use the MP level lol
It's weird, I have more dps than before. Did they fix +% ele damage?
Turn it on in Option>Gameplay.
Awesome, which act are you guys playing now?
So whats the monster power to get nice stuff in Act 1?
Haven't played this game in months but decided to try it out, this dropped off the first elite pack
Is it good for today's standards? seriously have no idea.
Perfect for your enchanteress.
I sold one for 4million on Eu weeks ago
Legendary, Key, Design Plan. :Q...........
Got keys from Act 1 and 2 in single runs at Monster Power 5. Good shit.
Died twice on the Butcher on MP4 and barely was able to dent his health, just gave up on that shit. I did find my 3rd legendary of the run, nothing good but if I can find 3 legendaries in a little over an hour even while dying quite a bit it bodes well for this patch.
So what's the new DH build for 1.05? My ToC build just isn't doing it anymore.
I was running this build in the group I was with on MP7.!ZYe!aabbcY
After a few key runs we had a sacrifice dogs WD join who would constantly spawn health globes so I switched BL to Cluster Bombs and TA to Vengeance. Solo I'm probably going to go back to Spray of Teeth and maybe switch out Marked for Death for Multishot: Suppression Fire or Loaded for Bear depending on the ML i settle on. Would switch Steady Aim for Vengeance if I dropped Marked for Death.
Thanks for the info. What kind of DPS do you have? Have you tried any of the new boosted pets?