Oh crap I downloaded the patch but I can't play it yet? Whens it up in America!?
I believe they said 1 PM PDT/4 PM EDT.
Oh crap I downloaded the patch but I can't play it yet? Whens it up in America!?
I believe they said 1 PM PDT/4 PM EDT.
I think DH's also have/had the ability to block refelct damage. They will lose that in 1.0.5.
Though all a DH has to do is gear enough LOH to not be killed from the reflect damage. A monk, on the other hand, is up in the fight. Reflect damage affects our ability to heal and when you're up in the mix, that's a HUGE hit. A monk would have to gear enough LOH to not only prevent reflect damage from hurting us, but then gear even more to keep us alive while up in the mix.
For a melee class who's main defence is our ability to dodge well, this is pretty signifigant.
It's much easier for monks to deal with reflected damage than DHs because it's subject to damage reduction.I think DH's also have/had the ability to block refelct damage. They will lose that in 1.0.5.
Though all a DH has to do is gear enough LOH to not be killed from the reflect damage. A monk, on the other hand, is up in the fight. Reflect damage affects our ability to heal and when you're up in the mix, that's a HUGE hit. A monk would have to gear enough LOH to not only prevent reflect damage from hurting us, but then gear even more to keep us alive while up in the mix.
For a melee class who's main defence is our ability to dodge well, this is pretty signifigant.
I think DH's also have/had the ability to block refelct damage. They will lose that in 1.0.5.
Though all a DH has to do is gear enough LOH to not be killed from the reflect damage. A monk, on the other hand, is up in the fight. Reflect damage affects our ability to heal and when you're up in the mix, that's a HUGE hit. A monk would have to gear enough LOH to not only prevent reflect damage from hurting us, but then gear even more to keep us alive while up in the mix.
For a melee class who's main defence is our ability to dodge well, this is pretty signifigant.
DH's are supposed to make up for lack of damage mitigation and survivability because of high DPS thats like the entire basis of the class. They shouldn't really have to sacrifice DPS (a slot on a piece) for LoH cause of one affix an elite can have...
Its pretty much a BS affix.
"we cant make the enemies tough enough so well just make the damage you deal actually hurt you too"
so dumb.
...wow, and this thread suddenly turned into a DH cry chamber, when they are already the most pew-pew batshit insane class in the game... yaay, I guess![]()
Playing co-op with my roommate has reignited some of the fun for me with this game. It's unbelievable how quickly he can melt through act 3 trash even after taking into account the 75% bonus health for playing with 2 people. He can pretty much get a level every 4 hours by doing: Crossing, Fields of Slaughter, Keep 2, Keep 3, craters, towers, core - rinse and repeat. It would take me 2-3 times as long.
I think he's paragon 64 now. His DPS with his archon is like 160k.
Hoping to get a level of paragon tonight and maybe do the infernal machine. Hype
Do you have a link to his wizard? I still can't figure out how to make mine functional (I day so fast and Archon expires too often).
I'm going to play the shit out of act I tonight. I might even do an act II VoA run too.
No, we were just responding to the comments that somehow only monks were getting treated unfairly due to not being able to dodge reflected damage.
Fender, what's up?
Gonna join your game later tonight, let's farm dem keys![]()
I'm down. I"m wondering what MP level we should try at?
I said I thought we got hurt the most from the nerf to dodging refelct damage. I didn't say the nerf only affected monks. You didn't even know if you were dodging reflect damage to begin with.
I'm not trying to start a pissing match here, but as a melee class we're getting rather shafted this patch. STI nerf, Resolve nerf & dodge reflect damage nerf.
Ya Ya ... it's a net gain. Unless you happen to increase MP. Then it's just a nerf, and a pretty good one to our survivability.
Seeing reports that MP0 is actually closer to 50% damage, not 75% damage ( http://www.diablofans.com/topic/73391-105-force-armor-and-prismatic-armor-thresholds-and-breakpoints/ ). Just logged on the PTR now and was taking 50-60% damage compared to 1.0.4 (no buffs used). Didn't personally test much though.
Considering this, at MP3 we'll be taking about 75% of 1.0.4 damage, which is still below the break even point post-defensive nerfs.
I'm down. I"m wondering what MP level we should try at?
DH gear is the most expensive. The economy is fucked up by players abyssal understanding of a simple buyer/seller rules of market. Monk suffer a lot from this due to the shared main stat that is Dex.
Aim for 35k hp, 400 all res, 3000+ Armor. Basically, enough to not get one shot. Because you will. Also, you'll have to learn how to always move and dodge everything.
Attack speed come in handy in certain build. Hatered spender that requieres you to stay still for attack can be tricky because you pin yourself down. The faster your hatered will go down, the quicker you'll be on the move again. Also, the quicker your hatered will regen eventually.
You'll see once you level the class and learn the fast/slow based builds
Same story, although 430 hours of witch doctoring ;D
My DH is now 23 and with a cain's set for that swell exp bonus. Got a socketed helm, total 54% exp bonus.
For a demon hunter it's all about crit chance/crit damage, and dex. Also max discipline wherever possible.
You'll want around 35-45 crit chance. Scoundrel buff helps of course. You'll want 300+ crit damage minimum.
Then you just want your dps on your main 2 handed crossbow to be as high as possible with high crit damage AND a socket for extra crit damage. Also as much dex wherever possible of course, but not at the expense of the first 2 things.
Speaking of the AH, why the hell is blizzard taking a cut of my sales? why do they need the gold? I sold a pair of shoulders for 5M and got 4.4M... I understand why they do it with the RMAH, but it makes no sense to take a cut of my gold
Speaking of the AH, why the hell is blizzard taking a cut of my sales? why do they need the gold? I sold a pair of shoulders for 5M and got 4.4M... I understand why they do it with the RMAH, but it makes no sense to take a cut of my gold
I'm down. I"m wondering what MP level we should try at?
I said I thought we got hurt the most from the nerf to dodging refelct damage. I didn't say the nerf only affected monks. You didn't even know if you were dodging reflect damage to begin with.
What's the benefit of using a 2 handed crossbow instead of a one handed + quiver,or a bow?
reat to hear lol
What's the benefit of using a 2 handed crossbow instead of a one handed + quiver,or a bow?
We'll see, MP5-MP7 is my guess.
We should test and see what the highest level is we can do at a reasonable speed is. I tried to get the act 1 key five times at level five and never got one. That makes me a little leary of doing anything under 6/7/8.
Really? What paragon level? Most of the time I played on PTR was at MP5 and the first key warden dropped a key every single time. I'm paragon 42.
As for xbow vs bow, if you use the archery passive it gives the following bonuses:
15% Damage to Bows
50% Crit Damage to 2h Xbow
10% Crit Chance to 1H Xbow (main hand only)
For most builds the 50% crit damage is preferred over the others.
We will be performing scheduled maintenance for Diablo III starting tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. CEST in order to deploy patch 1.0.5. We anticipate that maintenance will conclude and that all services will be available by approximately 13:00 CEST
I did MP7 infernal machine (Kulle/Siege) yesterday with a group of 4 on PTR and we wiped 3 times but we eventually did it. I personally think MP5 is the sweet spot for me. I had to tank siege alone for a good 5 mins while the other 3 worked on Kulle. I had to tank up with a shield and a few other things.
I will join you guys later tonight if work doesn't get in the way.
Yeah, that's what kind of scares me, if I was actually dodging 40% of the reflected damage before and dying often from it, it's going to be really tough in 1.05. Most DH use gloom to overcome reflection but I don't have the max discipline or regen to pull that off without substantial regearing so I was relying on LoH. DH are also getting several other nerfs in 1.05 in addtion to the loss of reflection dodge, cinder trail and gloom being 2 that come to mind. I also use the enchantress and her armor boost is getting nerfed as well. I am looking forward to trying out some new builds in 1.05 though, should be interesting.
I think the biggest reason I'm upset as a monk is that, while other classes had some neat buffs to along with their nerfs, Monks aren't getting squat. We just got a blue message basically saying, "yeah we know the class needs a lot of improvement. Please wait some more".
This right here is the core issue.It's the drastic nerf for seemingly no reason with nothing in return that's so frustrating for us monks. If the aim of nerfing Seize the Initiative was to promote build diversity, they haven't solved a damn thing. Even a nerfed StI is better that 90% of available passives.
aaannnnnd we're back!
edit: some people are able to log in, some don't
edit 2: extended maintenance, 2 more hours lol
aaannnnnd we're back!
edit: some people are able to log in, some don't
edit 2: extended maintenance, 2 more hours lol
aaannnnnd we're back!
edit: some people are able to log in, some don't
edit 2: extended maintenance, 2 more hours lol
Well on the plus side I think a couple of the auctions I had bid on before the window were going were going to still be live after the window, so if the downtime goes long enough they may actually expire
Great to hear lol
How much can you increase your hatred/discipline? is it like WD where one item can give you +100 mana?
I've got someone on the friend list with 743 hours on his WD![]()
He's level 64 paragon with 98K DPS
I love my WD but he's getting a bit boring... I switched to different builds a couple of times before settling on this one, but I think I just like the DH fast playstyle a lot more
I'm level 32 with my DH, but I haven't played with him for a couple of days. I have a helmet with a ruby %25 exp, but didn't know about that cain set. I'll get it, it's pretty cheap. I'm not playing the game from start to finish... I did a couple of power leveling runs with a friend, and did Act 3 - 4 to get to where I'm at (had no idea you could just skip entire acts lol)
Are you on EU? if you are add me, Moti#2377, maybe we could level up together
What's the benefit of using a 2 handed crossbow instead of a one handed + quiver,or a bow?
I saw a Manticore yesterday with 976 and good rolls (196 DEX, vit (or was it int?), 80-90 crit, socket) and it sold for around 1M when the bidding ended. I then saw similar ones are going for at least a couple of millions.. should have bought it
Speaking of the AH, why the hell is blizzard taking a cut of my sales? why do they need the gold? I sold a pair of shoulders for 5M and got 4.4M... I understand why they do it with the RMAH, but it makes no sense to take a cut of my gold
When does the patch go live in Europe (UK?)
Am I the only one by the way who will be happy and content by starting out with Monster Level 1 or 2 and staying there for quite some time, farming Act 1 like it was Act 3? Because that is my plan. I refuse to be frustrated because I would not be able to clear MP5 or 3 fast enough, or at all.
Is the new built in loot finder thing only for legendarys? If so I'm guessing lootalert will still be worth using.
Do you have a link to his wizard? I still can't figure out how to make mine functional (I day so fast and Archon expires too often).
Has there been any blue text on lootalert? It sounds really great but I also really like my account.
So is the game fixed now?![]()