Just bought these for 15K
Are these worth millions or are they missing some stat?
I'm seeing similar ones going for millions but they usually have 2 sockets or more stats like armor
Edit* nvm, i thought it had str ><
Just bought these for 15K
Are these worth millions or are they missing some stat?
I'm seeing similar ones going for millions but they usually have 2 sockets or more stats like armor
Hey could anyone give me a price check on this? I don't like to make a habit of hasking for PCs but with SOJs it is difficult to locate ones similar to mine on the auction house. Thank you.
Are other people still finding legendaries tonight like they were last night? It's dried up for me.
I've killed the act 1 keywarden 5 times now on MP5 and still no key. I had great luck with keys last night, now nothing. Might turn it up to MP7 and see how that goes.
This is taking forever just to gather the keys, then my last ring part might not even drop from the uber boss.
Are other people still finding legendaries tonight like they were last night? It's dried up for me.
Accidentally picked up an extra Staff of Herding recipe from Izual, anyone know how to delete the item considering I can't drop it, re-teach it, trade it, or sell it to a vendor? Otherwise it's a permanent wasted inventory space![]()
Damn. MP 10 allowed me to finally test this to a point of absolute certainty, and sadly, Wtich Doctor's Firebomb: Ghost Bomb's secondary explosion affects only the targets unaffected by the primary explosion. What am I going to use as my primary skill?!
How much would you pay for it if it was str?Edit* nvm, i thought it had str ><
Can you guys help me price my first good drop?
Anyway, lol... I'm on Nightmare and went from 44 to 48 in 30 minutes. MP10 with 11k DPS on my monk. I love my 1k DPS mace with 108DEX and 129VIT (cost me 5k).
228.9% bonus XP with gear and gem make me want to go for the level 2 of each class achievements.
Monster power works at low levels for alts? Oh laaaaaaaaaaaawd thats fantastic news. The exp............ oooooooooooh my god.
I just bought a Sever with 935 dps and 900 LOH for 35K.
Perfect star emeralds are 2m in case anyone needs a few
or is it Radiant?
The second best one is the one I'm talking about
Perfect star emeralds are 2m in case anyone needs a few
or is it Radiant?
The second best one is the one I'm talking about
Looking for some help. Any non glass cannon DH's in the thread? Ive been trying to figure out where to go next on my DH without sacrificing all of my resists and survivability in exchange for 200k dps. But Im wondering if maybe I am wasting my time. Perhaps just going glass cannon and clearing a lower Monster power level extremely fast would be more efficient.
I feel like if I try and keep raising my resists, the costs for the pieces I need will continue to get more and more outrageous.
Link to armory: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Cipherr-1757/hero/4831
Im thinking maybe if I instead get gear with crit damage instead of Attack speed (rings etc) then maybe that would work out better for damage. Ive been trying to keep a good amount of attack speed on my gloves/rings/ammy because the slow attack of xbows kind of bugs me and makes macroing feel so sluggish. But maybe it would be for the best.
Any help would be appreciated. Has anyone tried both sides? A more durable DH versus a more glass cannon? Which do you feel worked best?
Monster power works at low levels for alts? Oh laaaaaaaaaaaawd thats fantastic news. The exp............ oooooooooooh my god.
It's at 110 million right now! I'm so happy! I've never had over 11 million! HahaWow. This is just.... wow.
Even it if wasn't set, I'd say 200m+ alone. Put it in a tal's set, I have no idea man.
Oh yeah, nothing big but you can change your tab art for your chest if you right click:
Killed the keywarden in Act 1 like 4-5 times on MP2, no drop. No surprise, but still.
Also, Act3 Inferno is WAAAAAY easier than MP1 Act1 inferno. I did not believe my eyes.
Seriously, try it. Do MP2 Act1 and then MP2 Act3. Act3 mobs die faster, do less damage. Insane.
IMO unless your regularly trying to run MP 6 or higher you don't need that much resists. Even then your DPS is kinda low so its going to take a while to kill stuff.
You don't need to go pure glass I think I'm pretty balanced and with 357 all res and like 450 phys res steamroll MP4 and lower although I have spent a lot of gold to get a nice balance. Haven't run 5 solo and only done 6 and 7 in groups. While things like mortar hurt pretty bad in MP6+ on 4 or lower its not an issue.
I haven't run an attack speed heavy build but I find stutter stepping with very little increased attack speed isn't really a problem. I think adding some crit damage would help out a lot because your crit chance is pretty good.
Anybody else have to re-enable MP in the options every time they start the game?
Anybody else have to re-enable MP in the options every time they start the game?
I've got two more keys from act 1 already from this morning. Time to get more keys from the other acts. Maybe we should try MP4 next time for the uber bosses as it seemed to go pretty well after we figured things out.I've still only found one brimstone while playing pretty much all night the past two days, 300% MF on MP3. So there are a few of us not rolling in the legendaries yet, but our time is coming!
Our gaf group last night killed all three bosses on MP3, and I got the ring piece from Maghda/SK. Really digging the infernal machine quest, since it gives you something to work towards while farming. The only thing that could make it even better is if the NHL would come back already so I can listen to games while I play.
Seems about 50/50, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
I've got two more keys from act 1 already from this morning. Time to get more keys from the other acts. Maybe we should try MP4 next time for the uber bosses as it seemed to go pretty well after we figured things out.
Perfect star emeralds are 2m in case anyone needs a few
or is it Radiant?
The second best one is the one I'm talking about
anybody want to farm organs/keys today? Going to plan on playing for like 12 hours straight or so now with like 5-10 minute breaks every other hour. I could handle MP4 easily, Mp5 is ok but some affixes with reflect dmg/elec is a pain in the ass because can't outheal the dmg