Now their 1.8mil... damn I should have waited.
I'm broke and could have used the 400k
That would mean that they cost as much as the lower tier emerald lol
Now their 1.8mil... damn I should have waited.
I played pretty late last night. Got all three keys to try for some ring pieces later. No legendary drops though. I was so hoping for one too.
MP 4 is my sweet sport for efficiency. MP 5 is more than doable, and its where I key farm at.
Reflect damage is a terrible terrible mob affix. It's wild how much more it hurts me in MP5 compared to MP4.
lol wish those green nums were true.....
How are you doing on taking hits?
I can do MP4 fine until I come across ground effects (except plague) and sentries. I pretty much have to run around like a little girl at that point. Some melee attacks do inexplicably high damage too, like those bull things and cultist packs
What kind of glitches ? Keep in mind it's possible your graphical settings were reset, so if you changed anything there you might want to check them.
Okay, that doesn't sound like the usual problems that happen with fixed framerates or anything else I've witnessed. I'd ask over at the Blizzard forums. Sorry I can't help.
I'm game, it's worth trying at least. Survivability seems more important than super high dps, I didn't have too much trouble staying alive after I switched to a shield.
I think it's kind of funny that the bigger, more "tanky" bosses seemed to go down quicker. Skeleton King went down faster than Maghda, Ghom before Rakanoth, and Siege before ZK. Reverse pschology blizz?
Yeah I can do MP4 Act 3, MP5 is where things start to get dicey. Need a lot more DPS, I am actually looking into some set pieces and saving up my gold for them.
Today I actually found a Belt upgrade for myself.
Monks are in a terrible position right now where in order to get up past MP6 they have to choose between either DPS or mitigation. I have almost 1000 all res and if I start buying those Inna's pieces my res is going to start dropping for DPS.
Was about to point this out as well. The Inna set piece outside of the 2 piece bonus is ridiculously meh. It's way better to just get 2 Inna's and the rest Nat pieces for the 7.0 crit chance bonus. At least the Shenlongs are boss.It's pretty sad that the monk specific sets do very little to help out with the monk's most important aspects of survivability. Inna's headgear quite frankly is garbage in 1.05, the pants are awesome on the dps front but they have no vit or res, and the armor is ok, and the rest of the set is pure garbage. Even the bonus itself is pretty crappy except for the 130 dex. 10 life per spirit spent? 70 reduction for S.W spirit cost? .33 spirit recovery per second? Give me a break.
Was about to point this out as well. The Inna set piece outside of the 2 piece bonus is ridiculously meh. It's way better to just get 2 Inna's and the rest Nat pieces for the 7.0 crit chance bonus. At least the Shenlongs are boss.
I only hvae two of the inna's set and that's all I plan on getting. I would look into getting two of the Nats set, but I love my ice walkers too much.
I also don't understand how they don't include All RES as a standard affix on the innas set.
Sold that beastly shenlongs fist I posted yesterday for $250 USDtears of joy
I think innas bonus should have all res included, and I think all innas gear should have a standard fix of varied resists to be accompanied with OWE.
If someone else makes the portal can other people enter it too? I need the plan in act 4 but if I can fight Ubers before that then I am game.
If someone else makes the portal can other people enter it too? I need the plan in act 4 but if I can fight Ubers before that then I am game.
I only hvae two of the inna's set and that's all I plan on getting. I would look into getting two of the Nats set, but I love my ice walkers too much.
I also don't understand how they don't include All RES as a standard affix on the innas set.
Funny thing is that none of my friends who are Monks have changed their builds... like at all. Everyone is still running STI... like they should be because you still need the extra defense at MP4 and higher. Only thing I am seeing different with Monks is that they are using more stuns/CC moves but I always ran Blinding Faith because it always has been amazing (now it's even better).
OWE nerf is coming and it's not going to promote build diversity, it will just lead to weaker Monks all around. People are still going to be using OWE even if the passive is 75% of your highest res (maybe even 50%).
To be fair that was just one of the goals. The other was to shrink the survival gap between the melee/wizards and dh/wd. So they got one out of 2.
That was one of the goals, but barbs are still king. What's the point?
Your helmet is crying for an upgrade. If you got one with a socket and crit chance and the dex still of course, you could sacrifice some of the vit that is on your current one and throw in a gem for the added life % so you would get more DPS without reducing your overall HP.I'm having a hard time completing actIII, can some one take a look at my guy and let me know what I need. Farming has produced nothing for me and its getting really dull to farm actI and actII.
Edit: The life stat at the bottom left are not correct to this gear. Must have been from my magic find gear. My life is 47k.
Anyone have any insight on current effective Witchdoctor builds? Vision Quest with bears, garg, ghost bomb, soul harvest and spirit walk seems reasonably effective, but I'm not totally in love with how close-range of a spec it is considering how defensively weak WD feels.
Thanks, I have been interested in trying out an acid rain build. I am lucky to have a few friends who never stopped playing, so I have a hand-me-down 1000dps weapon and a zunimassa offhand to get me back into the swing of things.
I hadn't considered leaching dogs and zombie handler. 4 dogs life stealing should definitely help with survivability.
Anyone have any insight on current effective Witchdoctor builds? Vision Quest with bears, garg, ghost bomb, soul harvest and spirit walk seems reasonably effective, but I'm not totally in love with how close-range of a spec it is considering how defensively weak WD feels.
Funny thing is that none of my friends who are Monks have changed their builds... like at all. Everyone is still running STI... like they should be because you still need the extra defense at MP4 and higher. Only thing I am seeing different with Monks is that they are using more stuns/CC moves but I always ran Blinding Faith because it always has been amazing (now it's even better).
OWE nerf is coming and it's not going to promote build diversity, it will just lead to weaker Monks all around. People are still going to be using OWE even if the passive is 75% of your highest res (maybe even 50%).
This is my WD, what can use an Upgrade?
Any help would be appreciated, I still suck.
Nice find
I'll probably keep it, because has better stats than my stormshield, but ... what about a price check for AH ?
It's funny because before 1.0.5 I was eventually strong enough to drop resolve, keep STI & OWE and run fleet foot. The second 1.0.5 hit I went right back to RESOLVE, STI, OWE and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
IMO one of the major issues with monks is that our main defensive purpose is to dodge, and it's such a weak defensive mechanic.
I'm having a hard time completing actIII, can some one take a look at my guy and let me know what I need. Farming has produced nothing for me and its getting really dull to farm actI and actII.
Edit: The life stat at the bottom left are not correct to this gear. Must have been from my magic find gear. My life is 47k.
Your helmet is crying for an upgrade. If you got one with a socket and crit chance and the dex still of course, you could sacrifice some of the vit that is on your current one and throw in a gem for the added life % so you would get more DPS without reducing your overall HP.
Gems are dropping in price. Definitely try and get a better gem in your bow for the added critical damage. That coupled with the crit chance on the helm would really give you a boost.
I'm not certain, but it looks like you are using the Templar as your follower? I'd suggest going with the Scoundrel as one of his skills will give you 3% more crit at all times which will again boost your DPS.
With those combined improvements to your crit chance, it'll mean you can then stop using sharpshooter as a passive which becomes somewhat pointless when you have high enough native crit chance. I'd suggest replacing it with Perfectionist which got a massive boost in 1.05 which will mean 10% boosts to your armor/HP/AR while still giving the 10% reduction in Disc skills cost..
This is my WD, what can use an Upgrade?
Any help would be appreciated, I still suck.
I don't understand a lot of things. The STI should have been done to OWE and done on this one and leave STI alone. Instead they nerfed STI and left OWE in the background which makes the monk class the new DH, where players know that they're going to get shafted repeatedly for the near future.