Lost Fragment
Obsessed with 4chan
Did 3 quick runs today on mp2. Got 2 keys. Hold dat.
Was hoping to pickup a Windforce with crit damage/socket and ended up finding one
Possibly the first time that has ever happened
Nice, what DPS?
Used my 3 machines, got 2 out of 3 organs.Goddammit.
Used my 3 machines, got 2 out of 3 organs.Goddammit.
You can have the Manticore I found yesterday.
It sucks really hard.
I'm (more or less) at work, so impossible right now. I can show you once I come back though, but it's definitely bad.
What mp lvl u on when fighting them uber bosses?
Yeah, EU. If you're lvl 45 I might have a (decent) crossbow with lvl requirement -15 lying around somewhere (unless I sold it). I'll check once I come back home, but you can definitely have the shitty Manticore.
Also another thing that would be better fixed is Waller. You shouldn't be able to get STUCK in the walls if they do it on your feet...
Also another thing that would be better fixed is Waller. You shouldn't be able to get STUCK in the walls if they do it on your feet...
I think they said they fixed that like two patches ago. I guess they didn't actually do it.
Encountered a weird bug just now. Ran into two elite packs next to each other, one with Avenger, the other without. When I killed enemies in the Avenger pack, both the others in that pack AND the enemies in the non-Avenger pack got buffed up. Eventually I ended up with three fully avenged champs with Fire Chains and Reflect Damage and two other affixes moving all over the place at crazy speeds.
Anyone else have that happen?
At this rate, I dont even know if I can do MP1. My barb sucks so much ass, jesus. Thats what I get for cashing out and leaving my guy in Salvation army gear.
Do keys stack, btw?
Almost nothing but Reflect Damage packs for me in 1.0.5. So annoying as a DH.
Also another thing that would be better fixed is Waller. You shouldn't be able to get STUCK in the walls if they do it on your feet...
Almost nothing but Reflect Damage packs for me in 1.0.5. So annoying as a DH.
That was some serious trolling by Blizzard. We ran it multiple times at MP5 and the rest were MP4 and still nothing.After getting my Act 1 key first try, my subsequent 10 tries have been a whole lot of nothing. I was hoping to get my ring before I move next week, since I won't have much time to play coming up soon. Found two (crap) legendaries at least in all those runs!
it will close if I log out?
MP0 will mean the level of the monsters is whatever it was pre 1.05. So previously Act 3 was the go to act because it gave you the most chance for iLevel 63 items. As soon as you set it to MP1 and above though, all monsters in all acts are level 63 so therefore you have the maximized chances for the high level items. For this reason, you can now play any act that you prefer with the same odds for loot.I want to understand something about monster power
The MP level doesn't directly impact your chances of finding better items, right? It only boosts your stats further with each level? Let's say for example MP10 gives me 500MF, I would have the same chances if I could somehow get 500MF from my gear (I know it's probably not possible, just an example) with no MP?
Also, does the portal to the infernal machine only stays opens as long as your in the same game? Let's say I open one and don't kill the bosses, it will close if I log out?
Guys I found Bashiok farming Act 2. I got the blade. I swap my main attacks and I hit him and nothing happens.
You took off your main attack right? As in, open your skills window then drag the icon for your primary attack off the bar and it should turn into a little sword icon, then hit him like that. It worked fine for me doing it like that, same for punching Diablo.
It's in the known bugs list: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6369438018Guys I found Bashiok farming Act 2. I got the blade. I swap my main attacks and I hit him and nothing happens.
If you're playing solo, then yes.
If you're in a party and people are still inside the game, then no, just rejoin and play. Also, you don't lose your NV in party mode anymore if you logout to check the AH or get DC'd. They need to implement this on solo play too.
MP0 will mean the level of the monsters is whatever it was pre 1.05. So previously Act 3 was the go to act because it gave you the most chance for iLevel 63 items. As soon as you set it to MP1 and above though, all monsters in all acts are level 63 so therefore you have the maximized chances for the high level items. For this reason, you can now play any act that you prefer with the same odds for loot.
The MF aspect of MP is the same so that yes if you had 500 from MP or 500 from gear it would be the same. There is one other benefit of MP though and that is there is the extra drop feature where I believe it works on everytime a monster drops an item, the higher the MP level the more chance of an extra drop happening.
If you're playing solo, then yes.
If you're in a party and people are still inside the game, then no, just rejoin and play. Also, you don't lose your NV in party mode anymore if you logout to check the AH or get DC'd. They need to implement this on solo play too.
MP0 will mean the level of the monsters is whatever it was pre 1.05. So previously Act 3 was the go to act because it gave you the most chance for iLevel 63 items. As soon as you set it to MP1 and above though, all monsters in all acts are level 63 so therefore you have the maximized chances for the high level items. For this reason, you can now play any act that you prefer with the same odds for loot.
The MF aspect of MP is the same so that yes if you had 500 from MP or 500 from gear it would be the same. There is one other benefit of MP though and that is there is the extra drop feature where I believe it works on everytime a monster drops an item, the higher the MP level the more chance of an extra drop happening.
Well I played D3 last night for the first time in a few weeks, first time since the patch, and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. Before my wizard with crap gear was having a tremendously hard time in Inferno Act 2. I simply could not progress without feeling like I was hitting my head against a wall. I died so often that the repair costs were draining my gold faster than I was making it. I was getting shit drops because I couldn't kill anything worthwhile. I had actually been forced to farm Act 4 of Hell just to make gold to buy new gear, but upgrades for me were so expensive and the gold grind was going to take so long that I just lost interest. It wasn't fun anymore.
Fast forward to last night. Suddenly my wizard is actually killing things in Inferno again. It's still deadly if I make a mistake or don't pay attention, but with skillful play I'm able to make progress. Elites are dying, I'm actually able to earn NV again, I'm hitting new checkpoints, but more importantly I'm getting loot again. I upgraded my shoulders and my bracers last night, FROM DROPS IN GAME! I even found my first blacksmith recipe ever! In fact, I was making such good progress that I almost contemplated upping the game to MP1 instead of the default MP0.
I even met one of the keywardens in a field in Act 2, and after a tough battle I actually downed him. Didn't get a key, but I did get my new shoulders from him. And have they added new events to the game in the past few months? I have hundreds of hours into this game but I came across like three new events last night that I had never seen before, and I only did like half of Act 2 Inferno. They were fun too, another pleasant surprise.
But most importantly, I was having FUN playing Diablo III again. I think I'll even play some tonight.
Yeah about the "free money" from Blizzard indicent, well I got an email yesterday saying that Blizzard was going to chargeback the money (228$ for me) in a few days and please don't use it.
Well I did, a week ago I bought WoW, but only that lol. So I asked for a refund and got it, now I can return the full amount.
So please take that into account, if you got free money from them be careful not to f things up. Some people received +1000 USD.