I've been selling whites on AH for 100,000 gold this morning. Crazy
Does crafting stuff like fiery brimstone sell for real money?
I've been selling whites on AH for 100,000 gold this morning. Crazy
Does crafting stuff like fiery brimstone sell for real money?
Everything excluding the final boss encounter.
Today I learned these things stack...
I personally like to run through the first beginning of the first act to SK, 2-3 legs per run on average and quite a bit of exp (2 levels per run). Since I hit 100 though I'm quite satisfied (and I won't have much time to play until the beginning of April >_<)Try Hammer of the Ancients, first rune + as much fury gen as you can get.
Are you referring to Core of Arreat?
Crypt of the Ancients Act 1 is a great spot to farm exp.
RIP AH You'll not be missed.
I hope Blizzard replaces the AH with a "Trading Outpost" where you can post items to only people within your clan or community. Just someway to make it easier to trade without reverting their decision to down the AH or making the trading region-wide.
RIP AH You'll be missed.
Yea people will totally miss the worst addition to the series.
Yea people will totally miss the worst addition to the series.
I'm well aware that he'll be earning gold, but going into RoS with 10m gold sounds like a nightmare to me.
Wow, I have 2 sets of 3 as well but missing 3 of the eyes. Something fishy going on here...Today I learned these things stack...
Same. I made $41 since 2.0 launched which paid for RoS and finished tonight with 314m to get me going in the expansion. It's been a great couple weeks...The AH paid for my RoS copy so I can't complain..
People bought all sorts of shit items in the first weeks
The AH paid for my RoS copy so I can't complain..
People bought all sorts of shit items in the first weeks
Luckily the majority of people hated it and knew it ruined the game. The only people who liked it were the ones who cared more about making a quick buck rather than playing the game.I'd say most bi-polar addition, you either loved it or hated it.
Luckily the majority of people hated it and knew it ruined the game. The only people who liked it were the ones who cared more about making a quick buck rather than playing the game.
So i'm updating my diablo 3 files right now. I haven't played this game in over a year so I know a whole lot has changed. I hear people talking about torment levels, paragon levels, all sorts of shit that wasn't in the game when I last played. It's going to be a re-learning experience. One question: I never played a witch doctor and kind of want to play one until RoS comes out, then play a crusader. Are WD any good? Can anybody recommend an efficient build for leveling?
So i'm updating my diablo 3 files right now. I haven't played this game in over a year so I know a whole lot has changed. I hear people talking about torment levels, paragon levels, all sorts of shit that wasn't in the game when I last played. It's going to be a re-learning experience. One question: I never played a witch doctor and kind of want to play one until RoS comes out, then play a crusader. Are WD any good? Can anybody recommend an efficient build for leveling?
Anyone else thinks that ladders won't make it into the release version of RoS? I mean, I think they would have announced it by now if it was supposed to be there at the release, right? I guess we'll see it in the first big patch - question is, when?
Warms my heart to see so many other folks who managed to use the RMAH to pay for their copy of RoS. I rolled into 2.0 with around 210 million gold. Between now and then I made enough gold to sell 650 million to pay for the digital CE, buy every single crafting plan on the softcore auction house, and now I'm rolling into RoS with a little over 300 mil.
RIP Auction house ;_;7
Well, that's just not true. I played the game more than most AND I also played the auction house.
Diablo III was secretly a big budget version of Recettear.
Capitalism, ho!
Yes.I have yet to touch Diablo III in any shape or form. Is it a great game yet?
I have yet to touch Diablo III in any shape or form. Is it a great game yet?
I have yet to touch Diablo III in any shape or form. Is it a great game yet?
I think it's about to be. Just need to shed the rest of the gross skin this snake was originally born with; once we're doing things like bounties and rifts (and presumably ladders) instead of endlessly farming the same damn story missions over and over, it'll be a hell of a lot closer.
I have yet to touch Diablo III in any shape or form. Is it a great game yet?
I have yet to touch Diablo III in any shape or form. Is it a great game yet?
In general, though, don't worry too much about efficient builds or whether a class is good or not. Part of the fun and experience of any game is learning that stuff by playing.
I can't recommend an efficient build for a WD (I never tried one) but I can recommend setting the difficulty to Expert for the +100% XP boost it provides (Master might be too difficult without decent gear).
Also there is a general +50% XP boost until RoS comes out.
If you open your game to the public and some join you get a further XP boost.
You should move very quickly through the levels that way!