Made some decent gold on the AH before it shut down. Since yesterday I think I made ~3 million on throw away rares and some exquisite essence. I know that isn't big baller 50 million numbers but it is the most gold I have ever had at on time in D3.
Managed to get in a quick 30 minute session this morning and was able to kill Diablo in T2 with some randoms. Seeing the "Servers will shut down in 9 minutes" warning on screen as we were fighting Diablo was great. Got a set ring as the drop, didn't even have time to check it. I need the servers to come back! The suspense is killing me. It is a ring, fingers crossed it is a Blackthrone because the other two set items I have are Blackthorne. Edit: Booo there is no ring for Blackthorne set. Lets hope the ring rolls something helpful for my DH build.
This game has been so much fun since 2.0. RoS is going to be even better. Hyyyype.
Managed to get in a quick 30 minute session this morning and was able to kill Diablo in T2 with some randoms. Seeing the "Servers will shut down in 9 minutes" warning on screen as we were fighting Diablo was great. Got a set ring as the drop, didn't even have time to check it. I need the servers to come back! The suspense is killing me. It is a ring, fingers crossed it is a Blackthrone because the other two set items I have are Blackthorne. Edit: Booo there is no ring for Blackthorne set. Lets hope the ring rolls something helpful for my DH build.
This game has been so much fun since 2.0. RoS is going to be even better. Hyyyype.