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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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Made some decent gold on the AH before it shut down. Since yesterday I think I made ~3 million on throw away rares and some exquisite essence. I know that isn't big baller 50 million numbers but it is the most gold I have ever had at on time in D3.

Managed to get in a quick 30 minute session this morning and was able to kill Diablo in T2 with some randoms. Seeing the "Servers will shut down in 9 minutes" warning on screen as we were fighting Diablo was great. Got a set ring as the drop, didn't even have time to check it. I need the servers to come back! The suspense is killing me. It is a ring, fingers crossed it is a Blackthrone because the other two set items I have are Blackthorne. Edit: Booo there is no ring for Blackthorne set. Lets hope the ring rolls something helpful for my DH build.

This game has been so much fun since 2.0. RoS is going to be even better. Hyyyype.
I played very little of launch Diablo 3, so my only real opinion on the game is for "loot 2.0"

AH doesn't seem like it really effects the game THAT much, it's just kinda there. Most of the really interesting items seem to all be account bound, and you get enough stuff from just questing you really don't need to ever look at the AH.

It seems mostly useful for like crafting items, gems, and plans.

But honestly, I have like 20 hours total play time with the game, so what the fuck do I know...

Yeah, nowadays there is no real need for the AH as the best items are BoA drops. At launch however it was the exact opposite with 99.99% of drops being absolute crap and you were farming for mediocre rares to sell on the AH so you could get money to buy better rares with sick rolls.


Well, after buying a bunch of plans and whatnot off of the AH, I think I ended up somewhere around 7 million leftover. Not fantastic, but should be decent enough. Now the wait begins....


I'm sitting at 400 million gold. Should that be enough to upgrade gems at the start?

Yes, unless they change it substantially. From the end of the beta:

Reaper of Souls gem upgrade prices:

Marquise Gems — Drop freely.
Imperial Gems — 3 Marquise + 200k gold. (This level of gem occasionally drops in Master and above. For every one you find subtract 3 Marquise and 200k from the costs for higher level gems.)
Flawless Imperial Gems — 3 Imperial Gems + 1 Death’s Breath + 300k gold (cumulative cost: 900k, 1 DB, 9 Marquise gems)
Royal Gems — 3 Imperial Gems + 1 Death’s Breath + 400k (cumulative cost 3.1m, 3 DB, 27 Marquise, .)
Flawless Royal Gems — 3 Royal Gems + 500k + 1 DB (Cumulative cost: 9.8m, 81 Marquise, 9 Death’s Breath.)

The highest level gem in RoS requires 9.8m and 81 Marquise gems, or a bit less if you find some Imperials. That’s not a lot, especially compared to D3v’s gem cost and quantities. Over the last couple of months of the RoS beta I accumulated several hundred of each type of Marquise gem, literally 300-500 of each, and picked up 1-2m gold per hour of playtime on Torment 1. There’s no Auction House and gems are all soul bound so you’ve got to find them yourself, but the system is designed for an average player to be able to trick out their main character with half a dozen Flawless Royal gems after a few months of play time.

One additional detail; towards the end of the Beta the devs began moving gems into the crafting and enchanting costs. Lots of the better legendary/set crafting recipes required 1 Flawless Royal Gem, which was much too expensive in the opinions of every fan I talked to, and which the devs said was subject to change.

A more common and more reasonable expense was the price to enchant legendary/set jewelry. That was initially just gold and materials, but near the end of the beta it changed to cost one Flawless Imperial gem, + some materials — but no gold. That gem cost 900k and 9 Marquise to make, which shifts the economy long term, since many players would find Marquise gems, rather than gold the bottleneck to that enchant.

Sounds about right given that I remember Modz saying that to deck out a character in all Flawless Royals in every slot would run about 100 mil. Always possible that they could have further tweaked some of that going into the actual launch.


Well my friend and I took RNG for a trip last night. And what RNG it was.

We had 10 machines between the two of us. After the 10, I had 3 of one piece, 2 of the second and 1 of the third. YAY, got my hellfire ring.

My poor friend though.. NO pieces at all. None. I felt so bad that we farmed some more keys and ended up with 3 more machines. Tried again.. AGAIN nothing for him.

0/13 on machines for him
6/10 for me on the first batch. 0/2 on the second (I had to bail before the third machine).

That RNG.

My ring came out nice though. I like the life per hit. I'll use it in the grind to 70. If I get one more spine I'll make a strength version for eventual crusader leveling.



It's strange to me that so many people seem to care about ladders. You can already just make a new character. I guess people are hoping for Path of Exile style ladders? I certainly wouldn't care where I'm placed among others unless they do it very differently from D2.

About that bug about everything being missing from your inventory - it hit some hardcore players. This probably isn't the only batch of players who found out too late. Be careful with that, hardcores.


It's strange to me that so many people seem to care about ladders. You can already just make a new character. I guess people are hoping for Path of Exile style ladders? I certainly wouldn't care where I'm placed among others unless they do it very differently from D2.

I think just the prospect of a completely clean slate for everyone (or at least everyone that participates) is appealing to people, especially since it would remove any vestiges of AH carryover.


Well my friend and I took RNG for a trip last night. And what RNG it was.

We had 10 machines between the two of us. After the 10, I had 3 of one piece, 2 of the second and 1 of the third. YAY, got my hellfire ring.

My poor friend though.. NO pieces at all. None. I felt so bad that we farmed some more keys and ended up with 3 more machines. Tried again.. AGAIN nothing for him.

0/13 on machines for him
6/10 for me on the first batch. 0/2 on the second (I had to bail before the third machine).

That RNG.

My ring came out nice though. I like the life per hit. I'll use it in the grind to 70. If I get one more spine I'll make a strength version for eventual crusader leveling.

Well done! I hope you linked him to my post so he could glare at the percentages :p


Anyone else getting constant emails about your rmah item? Before last night I'd get one or two, but for this particular one (brimstones) I've had like eight of them.

And if the sale actually does go through, I think I'll consider getting the digital ce because I have nothing else to buy on bnet. Or I could just gift another copy of Ros like, but I think I'm short money.
Curious if i should pick up the expansion. picked up D3 at launch but had to go to china for a few months and playing D3 was less than ideal, so I kinda quit by lvl 18 and never got back.

or maybe all this 2.0 stuff will keep me interested for a bit. i recall the complaint i had before was that item drops kinda sucked, and npc gear was usually better. also not being able to just hotkey all your moves didn't make too much sense in my head for balance.



Well done! I hope you linked him to my post so he could glare at the percentages :p

Haha. I actually did. I emailed him those numbers yesterday. I still can't believe he ended up with nothing. That is some amazing luck. Has to be a pretty low percentage for that to happen lol.


Gold Member
Curious if i should pick up the expansion. picked up D3 at launch but had to go to china for a few months and playing D3 was less than ideal, so I kinda quit by lvl 18 and never got back.

or maybe all this 2.0 stuff will keep me interested for a bit. i recall the complaint i had before was that item drops kinda sucked, and npc gear was usually better. also not being able to just hotkey all your moves didn't make too much sense in my head for balance.


Jump on in, man. With the new difficulty system you can be level 70 in no time since you don't need to go through story mode 4 times. Just bump up the difficulty as you get better gear so you get the bonus exp. Once you complete all 5 acts, fire up Adventure mode and never look back.

Loot drops are much improved with 2.0 so it's a very different experience now. You'll most likely dig it.


I think just the prospect of a completely clean slate for everyone (or at least everyone that participates) is appealing to people, especially since it would remove any vestiges of AH carryover.
But the expansion will essentially already be a clean slate for everyone, and it's further made irrelevant by nearly everything of value being BoA, so there's no economy to reset. About the only thing ladder characters would regulate is your ability to craft items, you couldn't hand over -level req items to your new character, and there wouldn't be any early powerleveling. Just seems like a decent amount of development effort put in for something that could be agreed upon among a group of friends, with a leaderboard plugged on top for the botters and streamers to feel good about themselves. So I'm hoping it'll be very different from D2 at least.
Curious if i should pick up the expansion. picked up D3 at launch but had to go to china for a few months and playing D3 was less than ideal, so I kinda quit by lvl 18 and never got back.

or maybe all this 2.0 stuff will keep me interested for a bit. i recall the complaint i had before was that item drops kinda sucked, and npc gear was usually better. also not being able to just hotkey all your moves didn't make too much sense in my head for balance.

Unless you think you'll have latency issues, absolutely jump back into the game. You don't need to buy the expansion to get a taste of how much better D3 is these days.


I think just the prospect of a completely clean slate for everyone (or at least everyone that participates) is appealing to people, especially since it would remove any vestiges of AH carryover.

the only thing that might carryover from the AH is having lots of gold. there won't be a single item in RoS you will use that could be bought from the AH, even when all items were tradeable.

Curious if i should pick up the expansion. picked up D3 at launch but had to go to china for a few months and playing D3 was less than ideal, so I kinda quit by lvl 18 and never got back.

or maybe all this 2.0 stuff will keep me interested for a bit. i recall the complaint i had before was that item drops kinda sucked, and npc gear was usually better. also not being able to just hotkey all your moves didn't make too much sense in my head for balance.


erm, what? did you not have elective mode on? you can bind any spell to any key.


Was getting tired of not getting any upgrades for my newly leveled wiz so I figured I'd switch to my decently geared barb to see if I could get any good 2.0 upgrades for him. Played for about 3 hours and got some legendaries! Yay!

2 adventure books
1 bul-kathos wedding band with int as the primary stat
1 crossbow
1 legendary recipe!! for a quiver :(
1 crusader shield

So 6 legendary items and not one of them I can use. THANKS RNG
Jump on in, man. With the new difficulty system you can be level 70 in no time since you don't need to go through story mode 4 times. Just bump up the difficulty as you get better gear so you get the bonus exp. Once you complete all 5 acts, fire up Adventure mode and never look back.

Loot drops are much improved with 2.0 so it's a very different experience now. You'll most likely dig it.

so difficulty is different now? Should i just bump it up to the 2nd or 3rd difficulty asap? (how do you change difficulty?).

erm, what? did you not have elective mode on? you can bind any spell to any key.

oh i mean like having more than the handful of hotkey slots you have. i want to bind them all on my mmo mouse and keyboard lol.
Was getting tired of not getting any upgrades for my newly leveled wiz so I figured I'd switch to my decently geared barb to see if I could get any good 2.0 upgrades for him. Played for about 3 hours and got some legendaries! Yay!

2 adventure books
1 bul-kathos wedding band with int as the primary stat
1 crossbow
1 legendary recipe!! for a quiver :(
1 crusader shield

So 6 legendary items and not one of them I can use. THANKS RNG

Things were weird as hell last night. I'm pretty sure the loot generation is run on their end, and they were having issues. I was getting all sorts of loot that wasn't for my barb. Wizard helms, Demon Hunter weapons, etc. I know there is a % chance that can happen anyway, but it was way higher than it had been since 2.0 came out two weeks ago.


Things were weird as hell last night. I'm pretty sure the loot generation is run on their end, and they were having issues. I was getting all sorts of loot that wasn't for my barb. Wizard helms, Demon Hunter weapons, etc. I know there is a % chance that can happen anyway, but it was way higher than it had been since 2.0 came out two weeks ago.

Something was up with the drops yesterday, that's for sure. I got 4 legendaries in 20 minutes while doing a fast run through the game on normal to get some achievements. Got 7 or 8 in total after about 2½ hours when we were done. :D

2 of them were from the Tal Rasha set, nice for my wizard.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I only have about 15 million. Not all of us have min / maxed this game to death and played the market and hoarded dozens of millions of gold. Some of us are just normal players. :)

You don't need to min max or play the market to have a decent amount of gold. I think you're confusing "normal" with lazy. The average player could have easily made around 5m a day every day since 2.01. Selling white items, gems and crafting mats doesn't take any special skill, and you can farm all those items on normal so gear isn't an issue.


Gold Member
so difficulty is different now? Should i just bump it up to the 2nd or 3rd difficulty asap? (how do you change difficulty?).

Yeah, they got rid of the Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Inferno stuff and replaced it with a new tiered system. See below:

The bonuses granted by increasing difficulty are as follows:
  • Normal: No bonuses, due to being the default difficulty.
  • Hard: +75% Experience, +75% Gold Find
  • Expert: +100% Experience, +100% Gold Find
  • Master: +200% Experience, +200% Gold Find
  • Torment I: +300% Experience, +300% Gold Find
  • Torment II: +400% Experience, +400% Gold Find
  • Torment III: +550% Experience, +550% Gold Find
  • Torment IV: +800% Experience, +800% Gold Find
  • Torment V: +1150% Experience, +1150% Gold Find
  • Torment VI: +1600% Experience, +1600% Gold Find

You can lower the difficulty at any time while in game. However, to increase the difficulty you'll have to leave the game, adjust it in the options and then resume. If you're already decked out in blues and higher I would suggest starting out with Hard or Expert. You can adjust as needed as you'll get a good feel for it after a few minutes of playing.

Enemies now scale along with your level as does gear. It's quite nice.

Mother of god...
That makes it sound short to me... initial beta only went to skeleton king...

I'm not sure how you extrapolated that talking point from the beta not having the final boss. Everything I've heard points to it being about as long as Act 1 and about half of Act 2 combined.


Gold Member
I'm not sure how you extrapolated that talking point from the beta not having the final boss. Everything I've heard points to it being about as long as Act 1 and about half of Act 2 combined.

If that's true...damn. I wasn't expecting it to be that long. It does seem to have a lot of environment variety, which will be awesome.
Those bracers that boost MS upon breaking an object are rad. Coupled with increased MS on kill as well as increased MS from TR and you got yourself one fast barracks clearing build.
An OT with lots of jokes that actually end up being funny, nice job! Not a fan of the title being so loud but holy crap great OP.

The turnaround I've made on this game. Well, I didn't hate D3 before, I spent hundreds of hours in it, but to go from a feeling of indifference to all-out hype train madness for RoS is something I didn't expect would happen.

Loot 2.0 and all the other huge changes made with this last major patch... Diablo 3 is just so fucking good now and RoS hasn't even launched. It's better than Path of Exile, it's better than Marvel Heroes (which I love to death), it's the best ARPG on the planet now and RoS will launch it into the next stratosphere.

All the haters pwned, no one can stop death~~~!
The other day I found 3 totally build-changing / build-creating legendaries on the same character. Just holy fuck... they fucking delivered. I'm so hyped it's nuts.


I'm not sure how you extrapolated that talking point from the beta not having the final boss. Everything I've heard points to it being about as long as Act 1 and about half of Act 2 combined.

That is awesome :)

That was a heck of a lot of content for beta then, compared to first beta.
the last time i played D3 was when it launched. a good 45 hours. haven't touched it since until the recent patch. so i jumped in on normal and died LOL.


So is maitenance on tuesday mornings a regular thing (seems to be for the past 3 weeks)...because that kinda sucks. My main time to play is int he mornings just before work.


the last time i played D3 was when it launched. a good 45 hours. haven't touched it since until the recent patch. so i jumped in on normal and died LOL.

Play a bit more...you'll start to get much better loot and probably repalce your current gear in like 30 minutes.
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