1) He can 2H weapon 1H with a shieldCrusader can't even dual wield and doesn't even have the 30% damage reduction for being melee..
Shit class incoming.
1) He can 2H weapon 1H with a shield
2) Cru shields are SICK
3) Armor value boosts damage
4) Hammers
5) Typed this 1H while eating a taco
Two handed weapon and crusader shield all day.
sans shield and you've got my attention
Crusader can't even dual wield and doesn't even have the 30% damage reduction for being melee..
Shit class incoming.
It's a shield class. It's not exactly the same as Paladin. Half of the crusader skills require a shield. (Exaggeration)
Shields all day. Smash. Shield. Smash.
Crusaders are not melee.
Also, my DH has seen the light.
Can the Demon's Flight shoulders roll Attack Speed?
Oh my GOD
Oh you zealadins!
I've...seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Crusaders are not going to be near as OP as you think they will be. All of them will be lost, like tears in rain.
Embodiment of the Marauder
Marauder's Carapace
Marauder's Encasement
Marauder's Gloves
Marauder's Spines
Marauder's Treads
Marauder's Visage
(2) Set:
+500 Dexterity
(4) Set:
Companion calls all companion types to your side.
(6) Set:
Sentries cast your equipped Hatred spenders.
Ultra hyped for he expansion. The clan system is also the best thing ever - private chat full of people that are all awesome plus instant game-join for clan games with open slots? So good.
I'm taking it easy before the expansion because I still have quite a few games to play through, but man, next week is gonna be awesome.
Im sticking to torment levels. Exp and paragons are the only things you can take with you to the expansion. All the gear will get replaced.
Lé Blade Runner;105106916 said:Same here, actually. I will try to finish South Park: The Stick of Truth and play MGS V: GZ a bit before jumping into the expansion.
I guess that's my main problem with Loot 2.0. With no trading/AH, you really have no reliable way of getting a certain legendary outside of just grinding.
I rather see it as an opportunity. The legendary drop you just got might change your whole playstyle, and that is great.
Far, far more fun than mind numbingly grinding 500 million trillion gold and just flat out buying the legendary you want from the AH. And it's not like the AH prices were anything you could afford as a casual player.
Yeah, I agree that's it's much better than the alternative of the AH but I still think that canceling all trade is kind of overkill.
Yeah, I agree that's it's much better than the alternative of the AH but I still think that canceling all trade is kind of overkill.
Yup, true. I don't really see how they could "fix" trading though. But maybe Blizzard are smarter than me![]()
Here is how Marvel Heroes did it:
- Majority of good items are account bound, however:
- They just introduced the Runeforged items (which are the socketed items) and added 30-40+ runes from which you can build runewords. And bam, you CAN trade runes.
Of course, it would be awesome if Blizz did something similar, but it is possible that the "we did not invent it" problem persists there still, in which case we will never see something like this implemented.
I'll probably use a 2H and transmog it into a flail. Those things look fucking gangsta
Is that even possible? They're not the same item type technically
Had quite a dry spell then had the majority of these drop within 1-2 hours. Was pretty happy, even if many of them are just providing skins for when RoS hits.
I had great doubts that I would ever get back into D3 after the launch experience. Happy to have been proven wrong.
While all items with a visual appearance are eligible for Transmogrification, the item appearance you want to use has to have the same underlying animation set as the item you want to Transmogrify. (For example: You could replace the appearance of one two-handed sword with another two-handed sword, or a one-handed sword with a one-handed axe or one-handed mace.)
Give me ALL them transmog skins!
Man 2.0 has been a blast. I'm so damn ready for RoS, but 2.0 has been amazing both as a hype builder and something to kill time till RoS.
Because it's a flawed system which has you playing the game to grind for the auction house. The game is finally good and where it should be mostly.Why didn't they just remove the real money auctions from the auction house, there is nothing wrong with trading items, in game gold for in game gold, sure some prices will be skewered but you've essentially earned the item by spending time farming it in game.
Man, the some of the bonuses on the level 70 sets are pretty awesome
Companion calls all companion types to your side.
Because it's a flawed system which has you playing the game to grind for the auction house. The game is finally good and where it should be mostly.
You're welcome.
That's awesome
Also relevant, Blizz just confirmed side quests for followers in RoS?
"... I did want to add on that each of the followers, including Kormac, have some character exploration in Reaper of Souls. Be sure to talk to each of them throughout Act V, as they might even have some tasks for you to complete...."
Will you be able to start a new character on Act 5 in RoS? I don't think I'd want to make a Crusader and start in Act 1 when there's a new act to play.
This is like completely opposite for me. Most of my Legs come from random breaks, elites (of course) and chests. Goblins? Ha! Not a single Leg drop from a Gobby![]()
1) He can 2H weapon 1H with a shield
2) Cru shields are SICK
3) Armor value boosts damage
4) Hammers
5) Typed this 1H while eating a taco
Just a quick question on Transmorgification... do we need to keep the things we've looted if we want the skins or will it just remember what we've looted/equipped?
I thought we just had to equip things once to get the skin.
Just a quick question on Transmorgification... do we need to keep the things we've looted if we want the skins or will it just remember what we've looted/equipped?
I thought we just had to equip things once to get the skin.
You're welcome.