It wasn't black magic, it was just some sticks.
New page, new HAMMERS!
Blizzard is now deleting posts about BOA on the official forums. Guess people are finally striking a nerve. They needs to address the community about it.
Make them clan members trade-able, and only to members of the clan before the loot dropped to avoid exploits
New page, new HAMMERS!
Blizzard is now deleting posts about BOA on the official forums. Guess people are finally striking a nerve. They needs to address the community about it.
This really is the best solution but no one will answer from Blizzard.
Does anyone else think the legendaries being BOA was just a temporary system until the AH fully shut down? So that people didn't flood the market with all the new items?
Now that the AH is done, I wonder if a future patch removes the BOA system.
I don't want BoA removed. These games are just better when you have to find your own shit. Its nice when you inspect some guy's gear and go 'Man that guy has found some good shit", and not "lol @ this guys credit card", or "must be nice to have a lot of clan mates".
Blizzard can do whatever they like, obviously. I would prefer it stay exactly how it is. I think 95% of the reason people complaining now about BoA is there is no blood shard system yet.
New page, new HAMMERS!
I can see and understand why it's BoA or wide-open and I fully support that decision.
They kill their own game's longevity by allowing people to circumvent the farming to get better gear. It is LITERALLY the same thing or worse than AH... it's worse because it becomes an exclusive right to be better rather than earned. As opposed to giving anyone the same chance.
Does anyone else think the legendaries being BOA was just a temporary system until the AH fully shut down? So that people didn't flood the market with all the new items?
Now that the AH is done, I wonder if a future patch removes the BOA system.
The minute a BOA is removed is the minute a new economy will emerge, problem is, these economy prices are made up from influential farmers and their "out of their asses" made up prices.
I've seen it on TF2, some things are worth more than other things "just because" for example someone will start trading his Blackthorne's Surcoat for 2 Inna's Chest, why? because he really doesn't need the Inna's but he thinks his shit is golden and your shit is shit. Then people will start asking for 2 Inna's chests for their Blackthorne's Surcoat and that how this fake economies go ass-backwards in days.
Dammed if you do Dammed if you don't, it's not an easy problem to fix.
This, word by word.I like BoA. Fuck trading.
Again, to everyone saying "fuck trading, find your own stuff", it's not that I'm wanting to sit in a trade channel looking for gear, because I don't.
But in this day and age, it's difficult to get all my friends online at the same time, so if someone can't make it, it really sucks that I can't give them a cool item i found.
I agree with some of that, however, at the very least, I would like to be able to permanently trade with friends.
I have a core group of friends that I play with. Sometimes, we aren't online at the same time. We all have a main class we play. So if I get some awesome weapon for a monk and want to give it to my friend? I can't, and that sucks.
They already did. It wouldn't make any difference if they said anything else. People aren't posting looking for info, they're trying to sway opinions. People were making a lot of money from D3 and would love to have that back. Here's what I consider the ultimate BoA thread, with a blue post explaining their position. The whole community got together and tried to come up with something better, considering Blizzard's goals.
(edit: added more info)
There are some big problems with clan trade (or friends list trade), even if they used timestamps to limit it to people who were on the lists at the time the items dropped.
- people would sell membership to "bot clans", hiring 100 or so bots to farm for you and give the client anything good
- something good drops. 50 people want it. How do you decide who gets it? "Hey, I'll paypal you 10 bucks".
- pressure to fill up clans with randoms to maximize the trade opportunities
- ignoring the third party stuff, increasing distribution from 4 max to 150 max means people are going to be gearing up and exhausting the content a lot more quickly, and they would need to lower the drop rates to compensate.
People raise these problems with the idea all the time. It just gets ignored and people make a few dozen new threads about it every day because they want people to be exposed to the ideas in an undisputed state.
BoA topic again? People need to get over it.
Who's going to reset their quest so that all your guarenteed legendaries will be 70?
Blizzard is now deleting posts about BOA on the official forums. Guess people are finally striking a nerve. They needs to address the community about it.
This, word by word.
In essence, BoA is good for the game because it is bad for trading and trading is BAD for the game.
trading is BAD for the game.
They kill their own game's longevity by allowing people to circumvent the farming to get better gear.
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Oh yeeeah.
How about allowing trade to "RealID" friends only? I absolutely hate this system and seeing my friends and family member's full names onscreen really annoys me to no end (and knowing they see mine) but this really seems like the tightest they can allow trading without blowing it open.
Just my 2 cents (though clan trading to some extent would be great).
Oh yeeeah.
Does the expansion really only add 1 new skill per class? A little disappointed but that.
The idea is to get to 70 through Act 1-4 then get Diablo's legendary and all if Act v's legendaries as a 70.But you'd have to be level 70![]()
1 active with 5(?) runes and 3 passives i believe
The idea is to get to 70 through Act 1-4 then get Diablo's legendary and all if Act v's legendaries as a 70.
BoA topic again? People need to get over it.
Who's going to reset their quest so that all your guarenteed legendaries will be 70?
Oh yeeeah.
How would a great monk weapon drop for you if you are not playing a monk? Smartdrops and loot 2.0 make it very unlikely that you will get stuff that is legitimately good for a class you are not currently playing. Trading is nearly obsolete in this current system unless its trading between classes of the same type.
So I'm guessing reviews don't hit until after servers go live next week? Not that I need reviews anyway but will be interesting to see what they say with all the changes.
They should make a single-use 'seal' or some other in-game mechanic that can make an item non-boa.
Then make that seal an extremely rare grind with multiple requirements. Make it painful as hell.
Oh yeeeah.