So is D3 a fun game now? I bought it at launch, played for a month or two and then sold my account. I hit the difficulty wall at Inferno and otherwise the game was just a (sometimes interesting) economic/ebay simulator.
So is D3 a fun game now? I bought it at launch, played for a month or two and then sold my account. I hit the difficulty wall at Inferno and otherwise the game was just a (sometimes interesting) economic/ebay simulator.
YES! Got my STR Hellfire Ring for the Crusader tonight. 7 Machines to get all the parts.
So I have a Hellfire Ring, Leorics Signet, and a full set of Cane's Fate ready to go.
It's hard to give a fair opinion until RoS hits and balances out.So is D3 a fun game now? I bought it at launch, played for a month or two and then sold my account. I hit the difficulty wall at Inferno and otherwise the game was just a (sometimes interesting) economic/ebay simulator.
7 machines split with people so ~21 runs of all 3 bosses or just 7 portals?
Loot 2.0 has definitely made it a fun experience but there are still lots of itemization issues abound. You get frequent legendary drops now, which are always exciting to ID until you realize the item is worse than your yellow. A lot of gear generally tends to be side grades for different build types (+dmg to x skill) without being true upgrades.
So is D3 a fun game now? I bought it at launch, played for a month or two and then sold my account. I hit the difficulty wall at Inferno and otherwise the game was just a (sometimes interesting) economic/ebay simulator.
no wings here :sadface:
I wouldn't equip a Kridershot if I found one. The actual game-changing item in the context of DH right now is Cindercoat, and really, every build that doesn't start on a foundation around that item is in a hole too big to dig out of in terms of opportunity cost.
Ehhhh, sounds like you've just been unlucky. RNG gonna RNG. Getting Legendaries worse than Rares was a much, much bigger problem before the patch than it is now. In my case, on pretty much all of my characters; pretty much all Legendaries I got were an upgrade, if not in sheet stats than in adding +% damage to a skill that would outdo the sheet DPS downgrade and/or add a cool new bonus to make a build around. Eventually, when you've been farming/grinding on a max level character for a good long time, you'll start running out of possible upgrades; but that's the nature of end game loot, and Blizzard can't really be blamed for that.
It's really, really simple maths, but someone might find it useful so I made it all jpegy and uploaded it to Imgur. And it's the same for +skill damage. If you want more precision, multiply the 0.X on the left by how much % of your total damage you believe comes from that particular skill/element.
Getting Legendaries worse than Rares was a much, much bigger problem before the patch than it is now.
I've had extremely bad luck in 2.0. I've probably gotten 30-40 legendaries on my barb and I've been able to use I think 2 or 3, and they weren't even upgrades. They were sidegrades at best. Most weren't even for my class (int and non-class items). Of the 30, probably 15 or 20 were rings, of which were split between two unique equipped models, which I already had. It's been very disappointing. Leveling up it's great, you get lots of neat legendaries. But at cap I go dick all through probably 50 paragon levels on one char.
So it's much better, but it's far from perfect. I guess it's just the nature of the rng, but I'm really sick of getting completely wrong stat legendaries.
This is solved in RoS. Mystic rerolling an item.
This is solved in RoS. Mystic rerolling an item.
How many times can they reroll? Or whats the catch? many times can they reroll? Or whats the catch?
Wings are out!
Oh my GOD :lol :lol :lolguys i just made this and it took me a long time
dont think you have to make a new character I was on my monkWant wings?
1.Sign out of app completely.
2.Sign back in
3.load D3 up
4.make a new character
5.log into new character, wait a moment, mail icon will show up in bottom left hand corner of screen mail icon
7.accept "Wings of Valor"
dont think you have to make a new character I was on my monk
Holy shit dude, a nuke went off on your screen! Shit is more saturated than a carebears movie.
I went from paragon 0 to 65 in 4/5 days doing the Wretched Mothers quests over and over again....So, my Monk is working his way up through the mid 20s paragon in Torment I and it's going okay. Does anyone have any advice for any gear runs? I'm around 55k DPS atm. Not having too much luck in terms of drops yet post 60.. =x
Holy shit dude, a nuke went off on your screen! Shit is more saturated than a carebears movie.