Only thing that worries me is how patches will be handled, has that been stipulated yet? Will the console ver. (PS4) lag behind the PC ver. when more content and fixes are added through patches to the PC ver.?
Thanks brah you and Phat Michael gave some great advice that I'm going to have to try out when I get off of work.As far as gear goes, just stack up on Intelligence first and then look for Vitality, ignore Strength and Dexterity. Then you'd want gear that does one or more of the following: increase to crit chance, increased crit damage, increased attack speed, cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, or increased damage to skills you use. Other things to look for in gear, mainly at higher levels: Resistance to all, increased movement speed, magic find, gem slots, and life on hit. If you use skills like Frost Nova or Mirror Image, cooldown reduction will be very handy, otherwise you can skip gear that doesn't have that. If you use skills that have a high Arcane Power cost, try to find gear with reduced resource cost.
Weapon wise, I like using a fast one handed weapon (wands are preferable, but whatever gives you the highest DPS is best) and a Wizard Source for the offhand.
For skills, the first thing you want to do is TURN ELECTIVE MODE ON (you can do this from the options menu). With Elective Mode on, you can assign skills to different buttons, AND you can choose skills from the same grouping. In other words, you can have 2 Force skills or 2 Conjuration Skills. This is much much better as now you can truly customize your character.
As for the skills you're currently using, Magic Missile and Disintegrate are fine. If you want to be more mobile you can switch Disintegrate to Arcane Orb instead. Frost Nova is a nice skill; if you want to use it more, switch the Shatter Rune to Cold Snap. I would replace Energy Twister with Hydra (Arcane Hydra rune); I feel it's more reliable DPS and at Level 45 you can pair it with the Passive Skill: Temporal Flux (enemies that take Arcane damage are slowed for 2 seconds.) And when I used Hydra, I switched out Frost Nova with Blizzard. Blizzard + Hydra are a nice combo; you can slow groups down and let the Hydra pound on them.
I also see you're using Storm Armor. I'd suggest that you replace it with Energy Armor for a nice Defensive buff instead. Mirror Image is nice because the clones cast the same spells as you do (albeit at only 10% of the damage). They'd be good to use with utility skills like Slow Time or Frost Nova; this would be perfect if you want to do Crowd Control). If you want to do more DPS, switch to Familiar or Magic Weapon.
Passives should depend on the skills you are using.Glass Cannon is always nice because of the increase in DPS. If you use cold skills, Cold Blooded is nice to have. Fire skills; Conflagration. If you use skills with cooldowns, Evocation is a must. If you use one or more of the folowing: Mirror Image, Slow Time, or Teleport; then use Illusionist. Keep this things in mind when choosing a Passive.
Patches will come to PS4/XB1 but later than the PC patches (at least in the beginning, they plan to have simulatenous releases in the future).™-and-xbox-one™-8-11-2014
How long is the campaign that's added (Act V)? Not all that interested in repeating the campaign / doing harder modes. So I just want to gauge whether it's worth getting now or when it drops in price if I'll end up breezing through the new act.
Act V is quite short.How long is the campaign that's added (Act V)? Not all that interested in repeating the campaign / doing harder modes. So I just want to gauge whether it's worth getting now or when it drops in price if I'll end up breezing through the new act.
Oh, one more question. Will I have to start over or will the game use my account and characters from PC?
Everything I've read seem to indicate that Monk's are underpowered compared to the other classes (guessing this is the hardest difficulties which I may or may not ever run). Are they just that bad or are they just really gear dependent?
For those who've used Remote Play, do the grips help with the back touchpad? I have the 2000 model.
Definitely agree with ya. I wish we could swap the trigger buttons on the Vita for L2/R2. I find that pressing L2 with the current configuration won't even lock on to enemies. Overall, remote play was amazing! Diablo on the go.. are you kidding me?Finally tried out remote play and it was totally fine. It's not how I would choose to play the game, but for what it is, it works almost perfectly. I say almost because of the way L2/R2 are implemented. Still, it isn't as bad as some made it out to be.
Well this is now officialy on my top 5 best games ever list.
I was expecting a standard point and click rpg. What i got was an amazing action game with incredibly satisfying combat.
The attention to detail and death abimations of the enemies scattering accross the screen is just the best shit i have experienced in a game.
Anyone agree?
Edit. Typing on phone. Excuse the grammar abd misstypes
SO MUCH THISTorchlight...well, that franchise was kinda just mediocre and no one seems to care about it anymore. That subreddit is somewhat dead and just in general, there isn't really anything good to say about TL2. It had a lot of hype due to the anti-D3 bandwagon, but it didn't take long after release for people to recognize its mediocrity and own share of rather huge problems (like online play). Why would anyone play it over PoE or Diablo 3?
Well for my first time playing a Diablo game its been going good so far. I chose a demon hunter. I'm just trying to figure out the gem and crafting system.
my first nemesis:
He dropped a Legendary...which was a gift for someone else![]()
I started last night and played about half of the first act. I'm a Demon Hunter, I think I got to level 12 just before I shut it off. I am having a blast. I wanted to stay up all night and play. Going to be playing a ton of this on the long weekend next weekend.
Guys I can't seem to access my battle net account stuff I signed in using the link now button and then to the psn but no ring or characters/gold any idea what's wrong?
Look in your stash.
I have a letter / envelope sign right next to my player indicator. What does this mean and how do I access it?
I have a letter / envelope sign right next to my player indicator. What does this mean and how do I access it?
Nothing there and no gold from my other accounts![]()
When I go back to the battle net account it asks me to link again
Guys I can't seem to access my battle net account stuff I signed in using the link now button and then to the psn but no ring or characters/gold any idea what's wrong?
Guys I can't seem to access my battle net account stuff I signed in using the link now button and then to the psn but no ring or characters/gold any idea what's wrong?
Neat! (I'm NoDepth).
Patches will come to PS4/XB1 but later than the PC patches (at least in the beginning, they plan to have simultaneous releases in the future).™-and-xbox-one™-8-11-2014
Can i enjoy this game ?
U have maybe 1h per day max to give. Too many unfinished game. Ans mostly none If my friends are playing it. And then ... Destiny soon
Can i play online with Random ?
Wait, which platform are you trying to link from? You can't migrate characters from PC to console, only PS3 or 360 to PS4/Xbox One. When you do link your Bnet account (regardless of migrating) to the game, you should get a free ring, and that will be in your stash.
Finally tried out remote play and it was totally fine. It's not how I would choose to play the game, but for what it is, it works almost perfectly. I say almost because of the way L2/R2 are implemented. Still, it isn't as bad as some made it out to be.
So, someone mailed me a 2.2k one-handed with alright stats, thanks to him whom name escapes me.
Decided to try rolling a socket on it, that would make it really cool, right?
Rolled "level reduced by 29lvl".
Oh, okay, 41lvl one-handed sword with 2.2k dps and killer stats? Yeah that'll do, that'll do. Gave a quick run with my 50ish wd and yeah. Having a 2.2k weapon while leveling up is silly. I love it though.
Mid-40s now and really loving the feel of using the Demon Hunter with a controller. Just hit Act 5 last night, still rocking expert. Found three legendary set plans as well (Born's, Cain's, Captain Crimson's).
Really like how you can just use the legendary plans you find anywhere - you don't necessarily have to bring them to the blacksmith/jeweler/mystic.