I'm totally new to Diablo games. I've got a couple of questions. I'm still in Act 1, and just.beat the Skeleton King and found the guy in the crater
What should I be doing with all the loot I don't want/need? Is it best to sell it or break it into components at the blacksmith or what?
Is it possible to see my D3 profile on battle.net? I've linked my PSN account already, but when I log into battle.net I can only see the profile for the free starter edition of D3 I downloaded last year.
So glad I bought this. Also got a controller for my wife for some fun couch co--op.
Note: Wife does not have PS+. I do. I created a PSN account for her. Started a game with my PS+ Character then joined her to it. Then joined a friend over the internet.
Just mentioning this because a few pages back somebody said both couch players have to have PS+ to be able to join with an online friend. This is incorrect, it worked fine for us.
So all these gifts and stuff that you can send people and such, where is this stuff hidden away?
Also, I need to populate my friends list if I'm ever going to enjoy any of that stuff. Any other gaffers doing the same on PS4? Add me! PSN ID: PetriesLastWord
So all these gifts and stuff that you can send people and such, where is this stuff hidden away?
Also, I need to populate my friends list if I'm ever going to enjoy any of that stuff. Any other gaffers doing the same on PS4? Add me! PSN ID: PetriesLastWord
It shows up in their mailbox in town
So just defeated one of the earlier Act 2 bosses and was rewarded with a legendary ring with great stats and it also spawns a treasure goblin that says he can pick up items and drop rares or even legendaries after he acquires a certain amount. Anyone have experience with this ring? Is it any good?
Another quick question from a beginner. I'm a level 12 Crusader and I'm wondering if people would recommend selling loot or crafting with it?
So now that you guys have had some time with it, worth it if I already got the PC ver.? I'm interested mainly because it looks like it would control much better with a controller and thus more fun, on top of all the extras.
How does it play on the Vita? I heard things. Terrible things.Playing this in bed on the vita is just amazing.
I wish there was a native port with cross save :/
How does it play on the Vita? I heard things. Terrible things.
So glad I bought this. Also got a controller for my wife for some fun couch co--op.
Note: Wife does not have PS+. I do. I created a PSN account for her. Started a game with my PS+ Character then joined her to it. Then joined a friend over the internet.
Just mentioning this because a few pages back somebody said both couch players have to have PS+ to be able to join with an online friend. This is incorrect, it worked fine for us.
The Demon Hunter's Sentry ability helps clear out areas so fast...Me, the Follower (Enchantress right now), Companion (Spider), and 2 Spitfire Sentries makes for a good solo time
as long as you have a grip and not hit the back accidentally- there are no horrible things to mention. about to play at work during my lunch break![]()
So just defeated one of the earlier Act 2 bosses and was rewarded with a legendary ring with great stats and it also spawns a treasure goblin that says he can pick up items and drop rares or even legendaries after he acquires a certain amount. Anyone have experience with this ring? Is it any good?
Just got to Act 2 last night. Level 33 Crusader. Tearing shit up on Expert like none one's business. I need a challenge.
Fought a Nemesis. He fucked me.Had him at like 1/100 health and he killed me when I was at half health. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.
Do some people just... not send gift legs? I haven't gotten one yet. I've sent out like 10 gifts, some people getting 2 or 3.
How does that work? I've been trying to figure out how to play my PS4 via Vita online. Is there a setting I have to change?
Do some people just... not send gift legs? I haven't gotten one yet. I've sent out like 10 gifts, some people getting 2 or 3.
I'm totally new to Diablo games. I've got a couple of questions. I'm still in Act 1, and just.beat the Skeleton King and found the guy in the crater
What should I be doing with all the loot I don't want/need? Is it best to sell it or break it into components at the blacksmith or what?
Is it possible to see my D3 profile on battle.net? I've linked my PSN account already, but when I log into battle.net I can only see the profile for the free starter edition of D3 I downloaded last year.
RNG is a cruel mistress. I've sent somewhere between 10-15, and have gotten... 2 (and both from the same guy)
Am I crazy for thinking loot drops are TOO good and frequent?
i received a bunch more gifts than i was able to send
You'll appreciate it when you're at level 70 and looking for specific pieces that never happen to drop
STONE OF JORDAN!!! *shakes fist*
I don't think I've gotten any gift drops to send so far (although I haven't played a super large amount and am still low level). Where would they show up in my inventory?
I just killed the butcher but the achievement didn't unlock. It shows 100 percent but it still is locked. Any ideas why?
make sure your PS4 is linked to your vita- have your PS4 hooked to the internet-have your vita in a wifi area/connected to the internet- connect to your ps4 and select 'remote play'
done- if you have a decent wifi signal it should be relatively smooth.
EDIT: and NO- nobody apparently sends gifts. I have sent out almost 30 in the last 2 days and received 2.people STILL dont get the fact that you manually send them via your inventory...
I'm playing by myself... So I guess it would be me.Did you strike the final blow or did someone else?
First time ever playing through with the enchantress .
she's turning everyone into chickens now? Lol
Yeah i got a sweet legendary polearm from you last night, thanks![]()
First time ever playing through with the enchantress .
she's turning everyone into chickens now? Lol