Just because it might be better to do with a mate than by myself that's all.
I traded 5 shards for a belt and it was dogshit.
Don't expect an upgrade immediately lol
It's possible to get legendaries from her too.
Just because it might be better to do with a mate than by myself that's all.
I traded 5 shards for a belt and it was dogshit.
Crusader doesn't pay off till you hit lvl 30 or 40 imo. Early game he is one of the worst cause he really needs items and cdr.
That just seems like bad design to me. Making your way through almost a whole playthrough before a character is fun to play is not my idea of fun. Demon Hunter was fun right out of the gate and the Barbarian got fun within the first 15 levels.
Maybe I should go from expert down to hard to make it more enjoyable. I just hate hacking away at enemies for so long.
That just seems like bad design to me. Making your way through almost a whole playthrough before a character is fun to play is not my idea of fun. Demon Hunter was fun right out of the gate and the Barbarian got fun within the first 15 levels.
Maybe I should go from expert down to hard to make it more enjoyable. I just hate hacking away at enemies for so long.
I really don't think that is the case at all for Crusader. I haven't played the class yet, but a few friends of mine started with him and have been loving Crusader out of the gate. Besides the game is pretty easy in general during the level progression so really I can't imagine what the issue is.
Stuff like cooldown reduction, skill damage bonuses, elemental damage, elite damage, resource cost reduction does not show up on sheet damage. Neither does stuff like Legendary procs and Legendary skill bonuses.Can you explain this?
Im not that knowledgeable so what would make you have a lot more damage than what is on the sheeT? is that because of say critical hits? or like if you are stacking cold damage like my character so the end damage is way more than it says i can?
After beating the game, is there a way to make playthroughs with fresh characters more difficult? Expert is so damn easy.
After beating the game, is there a way to make playthroughs with fresh characters more difficult? Expert is so damn easy.
I just swapped out a "less damaging" weapon for exactly this reason. My new weapon has all kinds of "cold" and frozen damage which is just critical to my build so I kinda get it now.Stuff like cooldown reduction, skill damage bonuses, elemental damage, elite damage, resource cost reduction does not show up on sheet damage. Neither does stuff like Legendary procs and Legendary skill bonuses.
Let's say we have two characters with 1 million sheet DPS each.
Character 1:
Skill hits for 100% weapon damage with no additional elite damage, skill damage or elemental damage bonus, costs 20 resource. He can use this ability 5 times before he runs out and then has to hit with really mediocre skills to build his resources back up.
Character 2:
This character has a Legendary that makes that skill hit 3 times.
Further more this character has 100% Elemental skill bonus, 30% Skill bonus and 50% Elite damage bonus. He also has resource cost/cooldown stats stacked to the point where he is able to spam this ability non stop without running out of resources.
This character is hitting for over 800% weapon damage per hit on Elites without ever running out of resources. His combat DPS is over 10 times more than the other character despite having the same sheet DPS.
Broke down and bought it last night. Powered through to level 20 before going to bed.
Man this game holds up REALLY well on console... I'd almost say its... betterthan the PC version??
And all you guys complaining about challenge... LMAO!
At least wait until getting to LVL60 to LVL70 before talking about difficulties. When you play Torment 6 as a fresh LVL70 character... then you will know.
This is sold out everywhere in the UK for PS4
I tried buying a gift card from the US, but they don't accept my Amazon giftcards, and I'm not paying £60 for the game on UK PSN.
Check out Barry Big Balls over here.
I am just saying wait until getting to higher levels before commenting on difficulty levels.Check out Barry Big Balls over here.
I am just saying wait until getting to higher levels before commenting on difficulty levels.
Lower levels aren't even supposed to be that tough. When monsters start getting 4 affixes and have millions of health then you will experience what the game is about.
I am just saying wait until getting to higher levels before commenting on difficulty levels.
Lower levels aren't even supposed to be that tough. When monsters start getting 4 affixes and have millions of health then you will experience what the game is about.
Most players will be able to get to lvl70, it's not that difficult. Certainly not 1% of the player base.So the game is "really about" the part 99% of the players will never experience?
OK there chief.
So the game is "really about" the part 99% of the players will never experience?
To be honest unless the patch is soon this is going to make you hate the game. Loot drop rates are double inside rifts and the end result is you rarely see jack shit when you are out doing bounties. A big part of this (besides the fact that the leg drop rate is double in rifts) is that the most reliable way to get upgrades is through gambling. On max difficulty you get about 15 blood shards for a set of bounties (and items cost 5 each except weapons which are 15). On the same difficulty a single rift clear gives ~100 blood shards, and can very easily take less time than a set of bounties.
Basically it's just really shitty and nearly impossible to upgrade your character in a reasonable amount of time doing nothing but bounties.
Then again if you just randomly wanted to level a bunch of other classes it would be the perfect opportunity. Faster to do straight bounties than rifts and there is no level requirement for fragments, you start getting them at level 1.
i wanna go home and play... my DH needs to get from 27 to 34 and i should have most of the skills i want
I e never played any Diablo and have no friends who own this. Is it worth a purchase if I'll play the story single player?
Tried to play online coop, horrible lag and disconnects. I feel bad for people who only have the game on consoles.
Tried to play online coop, horrible lag and disconnects. I feel bad for people who only have the game on consoles.
So the game is "really about" the part 99% of the players will never experience?
OK there chief.
Tried to play online coop, horrible lag and disconnects. I feel bad for people who only have the game on consoles.
Actually, yes. The game doesn't start until you reach the endgame. It is *so* much different that what you're experiencing now
Doesn't make his point any less true.
Thread is littered with how easy the game it is despite people not even being at difficulty levels that are near the highest. If you're playing the 4 lowest difficulties it's not that hard.
Thanks for the advice. I'll check this out.For solo open up adventure mode and search for solo powerlelvel guide on the interwebs, it involves doing three quests on torment 6 were you don't have to kill anything and it takes a few hour per level 70, I used it on PC version and it's very easy to do.
Same! Im dieing here at work, tons of preople out of the office so Im sitting here browsing GAF which is making time go by slower :/
I'm playing a Crusader on Expert and holy shit the drops and how quickly you level is crazy. i just beat the skeleton king and I'm level 21. I think I beat the PC version on normal at level 35...
Also 90% of my gear is legendary or Rare. Craziness.
That just seems like bad design to me. Making your way through almost a whole playthrough before a character is fun to play is not my idea of fun. Demon Hunter was fun right out of the gate and the Barbarian got fun within the first 15 levels.
Maybe I should go from expert down to hard to make it more enjoyable. I just hate hacking away at enemies for so long.
Then that's an issue with the game itself. It literally describes where you should be before playing those difficulties to have a challenge, and those descriptions are not correct.