Analysis aside, 99% of the comments in here = the Gamepass effect® where people "play" a title for 5 minutes or "get stuck" at creating a Capcom ID (the horror !) and then proceed to shit on said title also leaving a 1star review on the MS store...
It's amazing if you think about it, not liking something is one thing but to be/feel so privileged is really something else.
Also the game has no MTX, let me repeat that, NO MTX, the skin packs that are available are basically early unlock keys like those in the RE remakes since they're already available and can be unlocked via the season pass, something which , if anyone would have played the title for more.than 5-10 minutes before deciding to delete it would have already known, but nope, let's proceed to shit on something 'cause it's cool to do so.
I mean, it's nothing new but also it never ceases to amaze.
Anyway, let's proceed to fight and throw digs at each other over the miniscule differences between the PS5 and XSX versions, we're pretty good when it comes to that at least