This is the first Disgaea I've ever gotten into and I adore it although I know based on skimming this thread that I'm likely missing a lot of it or doing stuff wrong or at least not optimally. There are people here who finished it in 11 and 19 hours - I hit the final boss last night at 48 and got flattened

I learned once again that I really need to check a dude's evility before I go all in.
It's fun though, and I think I know what to do although it'll take a fair bit of Item World grinding to get there. I'm just abusing the tower attack for the characters I want to level and having some others round up the enemies and throw them on top of one another for maximum XP gain, it's the quickest method I've found for now.
My big question now is I have Disgaea 3 on the Vita which I'm looking forward to after this as it looks like a great fit for the commute, what are the big system and mechanical differences I'm going to need to get used to coming from this one? I was talking to a friend on Twitter about D2 recently and he seemed surprised that I was so into it and was of the opinion Disgaea fans had received it poorly for some reason, not sure how much basis in truth that has.