The only one I could find: said:Alas, I cannot find retail PC releases on US or EU shops.
The only one I could find: said:Alas, I cannot find retail PC releases on US or EU shops.
Ceebs said:My one complaint about the game so far is that it needed a Lore Index/Codex that filled out as you read the boatloads of books you find. They give a ton of backstory and fill in some gaps about the characters you are introduced to once you get to Lovis' Tower in that 2nd major area, yet they take up valuable inventory space.
Minsc said:Looking at EviLore's second screen from the OP, it almost looks like they worked shadows in to the engine this time around, Oblivion didn't have any iirc (other than on the characters), I remember being shocked to have that pointed out to me... so maybe that's it?
Easy_D said:Just checked the settings, there are separate options for how many shadows and what type of shadows you want. Grass shadows and tree canopy shadows.
Effect is a lot more subtle though, and slightly lower detail even on the highest settings, it also dawned on me how much better looking DKS is compared to an unmodded Oblivion.
But yeah, it seems Divinity has more advanced shadowing than Oblivion which would explain why my CPU has a bit of a hard time with it. (But other open world games seem to do just fine, even Stalker with the Complete mod which has dynamic shadowing on pretty much everything)
What worries me is that people are experiencing that it's harder to even keep a solid 30 after the hotfix
Lot's of impressions I read say the same thing, can't keep a steady 30 without sacrificing something.koji said:Yeah not sure what happened with the hotfix... Anyway I`m not complaining (anymore), somehow SLI is working now (forcing AFR2), disabled shadows and running everything else on max @ 60fps Vsync locked. Plays and looks great.
The jump from 30 to 60fps makes for a completely different combat experience. I Love it.
But that steady 30fps I had pre hotfix with everything on maxed, including shadows is gone, might be just my rig (gtx295 always had dodgy stuff going), or me fumbling something but I tried tons of stuff and settings...
Easy_D said:Edit: Well fuck, now I'm just angry I can't get a solid 60 frames per second whereas a solid 30 was good enough for me to begin with :lol.
Anyone know which settings to lower? Tried with HDR on and Off, didn't have a big impact, same with shadows.
Aaron said:I changed it to 60, and got smooth animation with absolutely no problems. One of the lucky ones I guess.
Easy_D said:Lot's of impressions I read say the same thing, can't keep a steady 30 without sacrificing something.
Hotfix just hit Steam, gonna try it out
I can't seem to find the settings files :lol
Edit: Well fuck, now I'm just angry I can't get a solid 60 frames per second whereas a solid 30 was good enough for me to begin with :lol.
Anyone know which settings to lower? Tried with HDR on and Off, didn't have a big impact, same with shadows.
I fucking hate Gamebryo, it doesn't matter much what I am looking at but the direction that I am looking.
An example of this is me facing a solid rock wall, in one direction, gives me around 50-60, look at a rock wall in the opposite direction and I get 180. Shit's so random. Unless it renders stuff off screen since the map does continue on in that direction >_>
I'll fiddle until the game gives me proper framerates.![]()
Edit #2: Actually, I'll just lock it to 50 frames per second, still a huge improvement over 30 and I won't be annoyed by the constant ups and downs from 180 to 50-ish :lol
kittoo said:How to lock at a particular frame rate other than monitor refresh rate (or 60FPS), if we want so?
koji said:In the .xml you can edit, instead of picking 0 for unlocking it, just put any number you want in there. (Now it's on 30, but you might as well put it on 40/50 whatever)
Zefah said:Any word on a patch that works with the Steam version? The 30fps cap is the only thing holding me back from buying this.
The steam version has been patched for a while now. You need to manually edit the .xml file to change the framerate.Zefah said:Any word on a patch that works with the Steam version? The 30fps cap is the only thing holding me back from buying this.
The game really kicks into gear once you do the quest with the ghost. Mindread often by the way. Lots of hidden skillpoints and items that way.Zefah said:I picked it up and played for an hour or so. I gotta say, this game is pretty great!
I tried playing first without messing with the config.xml file, but 30fps was not to be put up with! It feels much better now that I set the cap at 60fps and turned off v-sync. I occasionally get some screen tearing, but not enough to bother me.
I'm still in the first village after becoming a Slayer, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I will definitely be playing through this.
Ceebs said:The game really kicks into gear once you do the quest with the ghost. Mindread often by the way. Lots of hidden skillpoints and items that way.
It's an EXP debt. The next EXP you earn pays it down so you never lose any EXP mindreading. It's usually about 1-2 kills worth.Zefah said:Really? Even in that first town?
33 XP per Mindread seems a bit steep.
The training area isn't the first true town. There isn't anything to find there, but when you hit Broken Valley there's a ton of stuff to discover, and quite a bit by reading minds. You'll get skill points, quests, and other rewards by it. 33xp is nothing. I regularly pay over a 1000xp and I have two skill points in reducing the cost.Zefah said:Really? Even in that first town?
33 XP per Mindread seems a bit steep.
You're computer kills mine, save for the same video card, and I get a steady 60FPS. I wouldn't play it any other way.Finguo said:Going to buy this soon. Is there any point in playing with the fps cap in the ini if my system probably is not going to get a steady 30 fps on medium to high settings anyway? My setup is AMD X4 3ghz, 8800GT (upgrade due next year), 3GB RAM, WinXP, 1440x900.
Aaron said:You're computer kills mine, save for the same video card, and I get a steady 60FPS. I wouldn't play it any other way.
That sucks, its about a 4 second pause for me, so I make use of it all the time.Zefah said:Loading times are quick, but the quick saves are anything but quick. I swear they take like 10 - 15 seconds for me. Very annoying. Otherwise the game is really good.
inverted goatse, man. you'd be pissed too_tetsuo_ said:That statue looks pissed.
pseudocaesar said:I love this game, its easily one of the best I have played this year, im just totally sucked in to it, I just cleared the battle tower. Story is actually awesome, especially if you explore everywhere and pick up all the books, letters etc that flesh out the backstory alot more.
There is some bunker SE of the map.pseudocaesar said:Well, I am at the Orobas Fjords, having just completed the Battle Tower area, only thing is I cant seem to get past the big forcefield, and have no idea how to turn it off?
koji said:Some screens, resized from 1920x1200. Pain in the ass to take good screenshots from this game, engine looks a lot better in motion. No AA, can`t force it with my SLI setup.
Armor and artwork in this game looks amazing. (imo) Think I`m closing in on the end of the first chapter but I just keep finding stuff to do. Think I`m about 15/16 hours in. Lvl 16.
Just cleared the Maxos Temple and starting on the Battle Tower islandthing.
Two Worlds 2 will just have to wait a bit longer.![]()
Near and a bit above the first nest tower there's a warp. It should take you right to the fort where you need to switch the barriers off.pseudocaesar said:Well, I am at the Orobas Fjords, having just completed the Battle Tower area, only thing is I cant seem to get past the big forcefield, and have no idea how to turn it off?
The expansion is a separate item on the main menu.Effect said:Are the new adventures within the original story playthrough or post-main story (after you've originally beaten the game)?