Something that annoys me to no end is the "skill wall" on some quests. You don't have enough wits, thievery and so on? Well SoL you can't progress on this quest.
Something that annoys me to no end is the "skill wall" on some quests. You don't have enough wits, thievery and so on? Well SoL you can't progress on this quest.
You're gonna love Age of Decadence.Something that annoys me to no end is the "skill wall" on some quests. You don't have enough wits, thievery and so on? Well SoL you can't progress on this quest.
Something that annoys me to no end is the "skill wall" on some quests. You don't have enough wits, thievery and so on? Well SoL you can't progress on this quest.
Well, the game is not designed to be compeleted in a single playthrough. Some side quests are bound to be out of reach.
Well i am the sort of "completionist" when it comes to quests in RPG's.. i wanna try and do all of them for exp, loot and story.
Gotta give em props tho, some side quests are really meaty, like the one you go through after black pits and into an ancient temple.
So in act2
Anyone saved Shaeila, the elven Scion?in the fight against Roost i didn't even realized she was being killed in that cramped room...
When i told the elves at the burial site they attacked me even if i slayed all the Lone Wolves
Try to teleport the friendly NPC out of that area, so he doesn't commit suicide by walking in the flames. Try to stay on high ground and also try to have the two sides fight each other as much as possible. Lots of air and water spells if I remember correctly. Try to buy some armor immunity potions and make sure you have some skills that recover your armor. Summoning can also be useful. I didn't find the fight to be difficult, but it was infuriatingly long.Holy shit this Blackpits fight with the slimes. Anyone have any tips.
In my game, she was under the influence of some status effect and invincible (out of combat). Probably related to Sebille being in my party. After that fight, I had to escort her to the elven camp adn the quest is done.
That friendly NPC got killed for me and, which really sucks.Hannag won't teach me about Source anymore
That friendly NPC got killed for me and, which really sucks.Hannag won't teach me about Source anymore
In order for her to teach you,Not worth it in my opinion.she removes Pet Pal from your character and slaughters the animals in the area.
Did the latest patch finally fix how taunt works with armor?
Is it me or do the buy-able source spells hit like AOE wet noodles?
I don't like the Nameless Isle. I have no problem with the encounters. It's the general design of the place that I don't find fun to explore. I liked Fort Joy and Reaper's Coast.
After taking a scenic tour of Germany courtesy of DHL, not the least of which involved going around in circles and sitting in international shipment processing for over a week, my collector's edition finally arrived in the US.
I have to say, it's a beautiful collector's edition.
Enrage + reactive shot is so broken. Insta-killing enemies just on cast.
I don't think reactive shot is supposed to do damage on cast? Because it's not listed as doing damage.
It's supposed to be more of a localized 'overwatch' concept from Xcom, yeah.
That seems....odd.
So in act2
Anyone saved Shaeila, the elven Scion?in the fight against Roost i didn't even realized she was being killed in that cramped room...
When i told the elves at the burial site they attacked me even if i slayed all the Lone Wolves
Holy shit this Blackpits fight with the slimes. Anyone have any tips.
How do I buy things from Butter?? She just keeps talking!!!!
Enrage + reactive shot is so broken. Insta-killing enemies just on cast.
I don't think reactive shot is supposed to do damage on cast? Because it's not listed as doing damage.
use the trade button on the left of her portrait.
Before I get divinity 2 I have one question, can I just be a normal human dude?
Every pic I see of the game is of people as the skleton dude, lizard, or elves.
It's not it's bugged. (also it killed my companions totems that was fun).
I need a little help here, for act 4; so far it's been a breeze, and I left act 3 overleveled it feels like, at levle 19. But now I have no idea where to go:
Doctor is way, way to hard of a challenge, seems I'll need a level or 2 before considering that.
The dream is level 20 enemie, and seemingly too difficult as well.
Maybe I'm missing something on what to do in this act, but enemies seems to have jumped 2 levels suddenly.
I need a little help here, for act 4; so far it's been a breeze, and I left act 3 overleveled it feels like, at levle 19. But now I have no idea where to go:
Doctor is way, way to hard of a challenge, seems I'll need a level or 2 before considering that.
The dream is level 20 enemie, and seemingly too difficult as well.
Maybe I'm missing something on what to do in this act, but enemies seems to have jumped 2 levels suddenly.
Do I just try to continue the main story a bit before trying those?
I stated the conversion on accident and tried to use teleport to break the Convo with doctor and it in turn started the fight. I don't think it was supposed to work this way but I stunlocked him until I killed him. If he was supposed to do something scary or fancy it never happened he stayed a human ice cube the whole fight.
Yea, seems broken ATM. My level 13 ranger does 1000+ crit damage on cast. Then the actual damage from the stated abilities function itself.
Wow, luck you. In his first turn, he turns into a demon with 20k hp, and about 15k physical and magic armor each.
I've found the sewers now, fightingsome child in a cage.
Reduced survivability and base damage of Bone Widow
Reduced Chicken form running distance to 6 meters
How is it not bugged, when it's not techncially supposed to even do anything until enemies move? Before it was mostly useless and not working as intended. It still seems to not being working as intended, but in an advantageous way now. It was supposed to work like the Overwatch skill from XCOM or Shadowrun. Now it's Overwatch + Alpha Strike.
One of the best games I played.I just borrowed the original for PS4, here's hoping it's good enough to convince to love this series.
I need a little help here, for act 4; so far it's been a breeze, and I left act 3 overleveled it feels like, at levle 19. But now I have no idea where to go:
Doctor is way, way to hard of a challenge, seems I'll need a level or 2 before considering that.
The dream is level 20 enemie, and seemingly too difficult as well.
Maybe I'm missing something on what to do in this act, but enemies seems to have jumped 2 levels suddenly.
Do I just try to continue the main story a bit before trying those?
You want to one shot the doctor so he doesn't transform at all
For the dream its pretty easy if you have ranged characters. if you don't abuse of everything you can to maximise your moves. Was a bit painful for me because I had to play around with both incarnate / bone widow and my warrior, definitely wasn't done on the first try. You can take out multiple mirrors at the same location with blitz attack / whirlwind if you're a melee
Otherwise just go for the sewers / wedding quest first. Go to the school too
If you continue the story up to a certain point where you have to go back to talk to someone in the hall of heroes, do it and then the whole act is a breeze since you ll pretty much have the best weapon in the game
Wow, luck you. In his first turn, he turns into a demon with 20k hp, and about 15k physical and magic armor each.
I've found the sewers now, fightingsome child in a cage.