So tried that make custom for characters.
I can't cope with the choices ��
Heh, tell me about it! Those choices are awful! I am running Geo/pyro and hydro/aero and those spell combinations work very well. Geo is handy for slow, and then you can detonate it with poison or fire. Pyro is also awesome because of Haste!
Furthermore, a ranger with auto attack does surprisingly good damage, especially with the talent that buffs your damage up on higher terrain. Can also recommend Adrenaline and Flesh Sacrifice for extra AP, and finally a tank with Battle Stomp. But that's just what I'm toying with right now - there are certainly lots of alternatives.
In EA I ran a summoner + polymorph that invisibility thing (Chameleon) is nice for stealing items if you fancy that, but better yet are the totems which do really good damage, and you can have a total of 3 up at the same time!
I'm curious though, did you build your custom team through running 4 instances of the game and creating a MP game? If so, can you interact with your party members?
I did the above mentioned and I'm really happy having all these customized origin characters, but I can't figure out how to talk to them. When I met Ivan in the first town (not in my original party) all my party members got something like +70 attitude with me, which is nice, but I'm worried I'm missing out on my customized origin character's quests.
Should I restart or am I missing something fundamental in the game, like a toggle or a button? (I'm referring to the method in
this video if anyone wonders or knows how to get my party members to talk to me)
Thanks in advance and good luck with yer choices all - this is a magnificent game!
(Sorry if this post is meandering and long, didn't get much sleep)
I made a Lizard with one-handed and hydro. The hydro seems wasted due to unable to combo with Lizard racial :S should I have started out with Geo?
Nah, you can get Geo on him or another character (or use an earth/poison wand!). Hydro is really useful for Restoration, and you can combo the ice/water spells with another character (or give him aero too) with lightning spells. I say keep on trucking!

My lizard is rocking Geo/pyro/hyro atm, at level two.