It's a crime against humanity to play a CRPG on a console
Original Sin plays really well on ps4.
It's a crime against humanity to play a CRPG on a console
A point I would make based on how my encounters went in OS - given my desire to use lots of elemental damage and combos I found whenever I had melee characters they weren't as effective because of the sheer volume of shock, fire, ice, etc that was on the 'board'.
I rolled 2 wizard types, a bow/magic cross, and a stealth/crossbow group so they could all fight ranged.
This may have been rebalanced for OS2, but I can see the concern with regards to the use of an up close fighter amongst so many AoE spells and the volatile nature of the combos
How are the production values versus something like Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity...?
I've really struggled to get far with PoE because it seems less than half the dialogue is spoken, the isometric camera feels like its placed from two rooms away (even when zoomed), and the graphics are too intentionally old-school (cough low budget cough) for my liking.
Any chance Larian Studios' D:OS2 is more polished than PoE?
It's a crime against humanity to play a CRPG on a console
How are the production values versus something like Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity...?
I've really struggled to get far with PoE because it seems less than half the dialogue is spoken, the isometric camera feels like its placed from two rooms away (even when zoomed), and the graphics are too intentionally old-school (cough low budget cough) for my liking.
Any chance Larian Studios' D:OS2 is more polished than PoE?
Should I bother completing the original game before playing this or no?
Will the story make less sense if I skip the first?
I actually kickstarted this a while back.
? yes he does. I have him as a ranger and he still has pet pal. He always has pet pal in my games (which makes sense considering his wolf summon). You can even find people whining on the steam forums about it because it's not "fair".
Ah I see, thanks for the advice. Much more open to a varied party in that case.D:OS 2 has a physical/magical armor mechanic in place to avoid insta-stun scenarios (no "insta stun with Hail Strike on first turn" scenario) For the release build, not present in EA, they balanced it further adding an intermediate step (no longer insta Stunned or Frozen when magic armor depletes, but you are Shocked / Chilled first).
Stunned = Shocked two times
Frozen = Chilled two times
AoE spam/"surface pollution" is something you have to coordinate in coop: in my experience, when you play a very aggressive and egoistical offensive caster, you give a good amount of headaches to your melee teammates (you fuck up the sneak/invisibility of the rogue, warrior is perhaps in the middle of a glorious detonation, tank gets cut out from the mobs and requires an alternative path, etc.). In singleplayer it is far more efficient and easier since you dictate the positioning of all your characters without complaints.
4PM BST/10AM CDT release time tomorrow, can't wait!
At what time the game unlock?
At what time the game unlock?
Editato: missed the previous post
It's a crime against humanity to play a CRPG on a console
Which classes/Parties are you planing to Roll with?
I am thinking about some Inquisitor for my Main with melee and necro, mage with summoning and healing, Tank, maybe a bow/xbow mage hybrid as the 4.
Should I be concerned that my Kickstarter CE still hasn't shipped?
There is currently a large power outage in Ghent and Larian seems to be affected.
It's a fucking crime against humanity that this isn't on the console considering how fucking good OS1 port was.
How does this compare to Diablo?
How does this compare to Diablo?
How does this compare to Diablo?
Seems like all went well?
I played it on PC, but most of the time with a gamepad. Is that like a mini crime against humanity? Or even worse?It's a crime against humanity to play a CRPG on a console
Thanks for the quick replies!
Is it slow-paced then?
There is also a great deal of conversation and problem solving using conversation and items, skills, somewhat abstract thinking.Thanks for the quick replies!
Is it slow-paced then?
The combat is turn based so yeah it's basically as slow as the player is.
Yeah...yeahAKA: Watch that mistake you made ten minutes earlier play out in front of you.
AKA: Watch that mistake you made ten minutes earlier play out in front of you.
AKA: Watch that mistake you made ten minutes earlier play out in front of you.
I played it on PC, but most of the time with a gamepad. Is that like a mini crime against humanity? Or even worse?
"Ok, let's move closer in so I can hit that guy with Flurry..."
Save hard and save often (if you're a bit of a save scummer like me)
Why wait ten minutes to hit the end turn button?
You should believe in yourself more.
"Ok, let's move closer in so I can hit that guy with Flurry..."
Respect. I never save scum mid-fight, but always save after every confrontationI'm a 'do it and be legends' type of player. If I save scummed I'd do nothing else!
Roughly 5-7 hrs I think til full releaseIs the game fully released or still in early access?
Is the game fully released or still in early access?
Roughly 5-7 hrs I think til full release
There are two AP left!!! There are 3 enemy cards before my healer. My tank is boned in about 3 turns. So much armour! Oh now the whole fucking room is on fire, it's ok I'll move... Oh great knocked down. Healer!!! When did my fucking healer die?!
Which classes/Parties are you planing to Roll with?
I am thinking about some Inquisitor for my Main with melee and necro, mage with summoning and healing, Tank, maybe a bow/xbow mage hybrid as the 4.
This is how I usually end up considering a battle, although also along with "who's the complete idiot that set the room on fire?" "you did... you idiot!"
"Ok, let's move closer in so I can hit that guy with Flurry..."